Displaying 411-420 of 973 results.
TYs run the country
Created : 27 Nov 2019, 6:10 PM
Archived : 27 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Today TYs visited the local municipal parliament and we were welcomed by the Council of Europe officials . We had a question and answer session with the head of finance in the parliament and witnessed one councillor arguing for the upgrade of local roads !!! Students then spent the afternoon " en famille " . And by the way has anyone seen " Charlie "
Study Skills Seminar @ The Education Centre Tralee
Created : 27 Nov 2019, 12:20 PM
Archived : 27 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Student/Parent, Please find attached flyer for a Study Skills session with Brenda Morgan in the Education Centre Tralee. As the previous seminar had a large waiting list it may be adviseable to book early. Any students interested should register on the Tralee Education Centre website www.edcentretralee.ie and choose study skills under Post Primary courses as per the attached flyer.

WOW! What a second day! TYs on Tour in Northern Ireland
Created : 27 Nov 2019, 10:53 AM
Archived : 27 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
A wet and wild start took us to see Carrigarede Rope bridge, then onto the magnificent Giant's Causeway for some geology & mythology! How could our day get any better? With a trip to state of the art leisure centre for some basketball and swimming! But our day didn't end there. A banquet of homemade, mouthwatering, pasta bolognese and chicken curry warmed us up before we left again for Bowling and more fun at Brunswick entertainment centre. Who did we bump into while waiting for our bus? None other than Buzz MacDonald of Hardy Buck's fame who gladly agreed to be photographed with his fans! Home again after Bowling for a birthday celebration for Denise Carmody, and a group sing song where we all did our party piece! Our day was finished off with a guided walking tour of the Bogside Murals with resident historian, Mr. Trench.
TY Limerick County Footballers on tour in France
Created : 26 Nov 2019, 7:01 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Ella Tobin Glin and Hugh O Donnell Ballyhahill who have both made County . Well done .
Ty Exchange student makes County
Created : 26 Nov 2019, 6:35 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
TY student Ella Tobin , Glin makes the U16 Limerick Football team . Here she is with her 4 favourite Comp teachers
TY French Exchange . Où est Charlie??
Created : 26 Nov 2019, 5:54 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
TY students spent the day in medieval Dinan searching for Charlie ( Wally )
Northern Ireland TY Trip Day 1 Contd.
Created : 26 Nov 2019, 7:09 AM
Archived : 26 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
A busy evening for TYs in Northern Ireland! No time to rest after the long journey from Kerry to Derry. Bunks needed to be dressed! A group effort was required to stock up on rations! All hands on deck for the delicate task of assembling of a mountain of sandwiches! Just enough time for a movie, before taking a walking tour of the impressive Peace Bridge and the Derry City Walls. Tonight we learned so much about the terrible realities of the Troubles, and their impact on the people of Derry, from our very own historian and walking guide Mr Trench. An early morning start ahead of us on Tuesday, beginning with a visit to Carrigarede Rope Bridge.
Past pupil receives JP McManus All Ireland Scholarships
Created : 26 Nov 2019, 12:58 AM
Archived : 26 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Antóin O'Connor from Ballylongford who was one of 125 students from the 32 counties recognised for their outstanding LC and A level results in 2019 winning a JP McManus All Ireland Scholarship. The ceremony was held in the University of Limerick on Saturday morning with Joe Schmidt as guest of honour. Another guest speaker on the day was Kieran Dalton from Athea who won the Scholarship in 2009 and is now lecturing in UCC. Congratulations to Antóin and best wishes with your future studies in UCG.
Tys in France . Couldn't "Resist " tik tok in the Abbey
Created : 25 Nov 2019, 5:35 PM
Archived : 25 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Great second day in France with a fantastic bunch of students. Today we visited the Abbey of Bon Repos reliving the lives of the Cistercian monks and experiencing what most of us only get to learn about in history class . Then we said 'allo allo' to the French Resistance. Here we learned about the local resistance movement who fought from the forests against the Nazi occupation. Tonight is all about family time and " a good rest " Bonne nuit a tous et a toutes.
Parents' Information Evening
Created : 25 Nov 2019, 4:28 PM
Archived : 25 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
LC2 Parents/Guardians are reminded that the information talk on CAO and other training options takes place tomorrow evening - Tuesday 26th November in the school library @ 7.30pm. Other topics to be covered include; "Hear"/ "Dare" Schemes and the "SUSI" Maintenance Grant.