Displaying 51-60 of 651 results.
Internet Safety Ambassador
Created : 21 Oct 2020, 1:43 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 4th Year student Billie Constantinou, a member of the Webwise Youth Panel, who today participated in a digital round table meeting on online safety which was hosted by Google and Barnardos. Billie shared her views with the Minister of Education, Norma Foley as well as with other educators, practitioners and online safety experts. The purpose of the event was to explore the challenges and opportunities that have arisen for families using technology during lockdown and to discuss what steps we should all be taking to minimise risks and maximise opportunities for children and families in the future. Well done Billie.
Well-being positivity as we enter more Covid-restrictions
Created : 21 Oct 2020, 1:39 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Ms. Byrne's 2nd Year Well-being class have been busy this week sending cards and letters to the residents and staff of Ballard nursing home ahead of the lockdown to show their support. They have also created a beautiful sign to help us stay positive over the next 6 weeks.
Leinster School Debating Competition
Created : 20 Oct 2020, 2:32 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Good luck to our students, Louise Corrigan, Kate O'Toole, Grace Tyrrell, Abigail Too, Caoimhe Moore and Sophie McNamara, who are in the first round of the Leinster Schools Debating competition. It is our 10th year in the competition. Our girls have not only taken part with energy and enthusiasm, but they have also been focused, clinical and ambitious debaters. 6 more students take part next week. Good luck to all!
Concern Debating
Created : 20 Oct 2020, 2:08 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to the members of the Concern debating team, competing in the first round of Concern Debates this week. We are lucky to be able to participate in the online debates this year, and we are proposing the motion 'Criticism of the WHO over its handling of Covid 19 is irresponsible and unfair'. The team members Áine Dempsey, Emma McCann, Alison O'Kelly and Kayla Darcy put in a huge amount of work preparing their speeches, and we wish them the best of luck.
5th Year Study Skills
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 9:14 AM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
A reminder that all 5th year students will be participating in a Study Skills Session tomorrow. Please ensure that payment of €7 is made via the Parents VSware under 5th Years Amazing Brains Study Skills Seminar. If this is not possible for any reason please ensure that your daughter brings in the payment of €7 in an envelope with her name clearly marked on it. This can be submitted to Ms Egan at the start of the study skills session.
Jigsaw webinar for parents of young people struggling with mental health at school
Created : 18 Oct 2020, 8:30 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health are running a new series of webinars for parents in the run up to Christmas The first webinar for parents this autumn is at 8 pm on Monday, 19 October on supporting young people struggling with mental health at school. Registration is via the link on this page jigsaw.ie/webinars-for-parents-supporting-young-people/
Great Pink Run - wear a pink accessory to school
Created : 18 Oct 2020, 12:19 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
TYs will be participating in their own Great Pink 10km Walk around Portlaoise tomorrow Monday 19th October to highlight Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We would love to have as many students as possible in all year groups support this event by wearing a pink accessory to school tomorrow and donating €1 for this very worthy cause. While students have to wear full uniform, they are also invited to wear some element of pink - shoes, socks, wear a pink ribbon, etc - the pinker the better!
Parent's Council AGM
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 4:14 PM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
The Annual Parent’s Council AGM will take place Thursday next October 22nd at 7pm on Microsoft Teams. If you wish to participate please ring the school office and give the secretary your email address. You will receive an invitation to participate before Thursday.
Opening Year Mass
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 9:07 AM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
This morning we celebrate our Opening School Mass at 12:20pm. You can join us for our virtual mass by watching on the webcam via the Portlaoise Parish website: www.portlaoiseparish.ie/webcam/
Parent Courses being offered by Laois Education Centre
Created : 13 Oct 2020, 4:49 PM
Archived : 13 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see below information on FREE parent workshops being offered by Laois Education Centre FEAR LESS: REDUCE ANXIETY IN CHILDREN FREE ZOOM WEBINAR FOR PARENTS Laois Education Centre in partnership with the Triple P Parenting Programme are delivering a Fear-Less webinar which will offer Parents of children 4 - 14 years of age tips and strategies to help their children manage their anxiety and provide practical evidence-based tips for parents and carers in these uncertain times. Parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic is a unique challenge for all parents, caregivers and families. Children and parents are anxious, and families are under pressure like never before. Being a parent to a child/teenager who is experiencing anxiety can be tough. Anxious children / teenagers can seek constant reassurance have outbursts of anger / frustration and can feel sick when worried. Parenting has a crucial role to play in mitigating the potential long-term negative impacts of COVID-19 on children, particularly in relation to mental health. Date: Wednesday 21st October 2020 Time: 7.30 – 9.00pm Booking: www.laoisedcentre.ie (Please see full link below) www.laoisedcentre.ie/cpd-courses/primary-courses/1910-reducing-anxiety-in-children-aged-4-14-years-fearless-webinar-21-10-2020.html This will bring you to zoom where you register your place. All information is confidential and your image or any identifying details will NOT be on screen. Facilitators: Sinead Higgins and Deirdre Dowling, Triple P Facilitators AN INTERACTIVE FREE SEMINAR FOR PARENTS OF PRIMARY AND POST-PRIMARY STUDENTS WITH AN EDUCATIONAL NEED THAT ARE IN MAINSTREAM SCHOOL Angela Martin will present an interactive seminar for parents of students with an educational need that are in the mainstream school. This seminar will include an overview of varying needs, how they may manifest themselves in the classroom and practical strategies to support these needs. It will also include an overview on reading and understanding Educational Psychological Reports. Please note, there is no charge for this webinar. Date: Tuesday 10th November 2020 Time: 7-8.30pm Facilitator: Angela Martin is a practicing Post-Primary Special Education Teacher, with twenty years’ experience in the area of Special and Inclusive Education She lectures to the PDSEN students in N.U.I Maynooth and the their PME students on SEN and Inclusivity. She is also an executive committee member of ILSA. Booking: www.laoisedcentre.ie/cpd-courses (please see full link below) This will bring you to zoom where you register your place. All information is confidential and your image or any identifying details will NOT be on screen. www.laoisedcentre.ie/cpd-courses/post-primary-courses/1933-an-interactive-seminar-for-parents-of-post-primary-students-with-an-educational-need-that-are-in-the-mainstream-school-10-11-2020.html