Displaying 351-360 of 651 results.
School Payments
Created : 13 Aug 2019, 7:33 PM
Archived : 06 Sep 2019, 1:00 AM
For your convenience, all SCR school payments can now be made online via your parent VSware account.
Important information for our Leaving Certificate class of 2019
Created : 24 Jun 2019, 4:00 PM
Archived : 24 Aug 2019, 12:00 AM
You must register in advance to use the Candidate Self Service Portal. The application to view scripts; the viewing of scripts marked online, the appeal application and the appeal results services are being provided exclusively online this year. www.examinations.ie/examresults/registration/
Script Viewing/Appeals
Created : 19 Aug 2019, 12:14 PM
Archived : 23 Aug 2019, 1:00 AM
Could any student who applied to view their Leaving Certificate Scripts please check the email supplied to Ms. Bailey for appointment date and times.
Best of Luck
Created : 04 Jun 2019, 5:31 PM
Archived : 04 Aug 2019, 12:00 AM
Wishing our Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate students the best of luck tomorrow as they begin their exams. Remember to take a deep breath, stay focused and leave it all behind on the exams booklets!
Created : 28 May 2019, 7:21 AM
Archived : 28 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Our Transition Year students marked their last day with Graduation last night! A trip to Barcelona, Gaisce, Cannes Film Festival, High School Musical, mini-company and a million dreams - you’ve had a busy year! We hope the skills and experiences of the past year will stay with you for years to come! Congratulations to all!
Created : 24 May 2019, 5:02 PM
Archived : 24 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Transition Year students sliding into their Summer holidays yesterday at Bay Sports Athlone!
‘Don’t tell us the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon’
Created : 24 May 2019, 4:51 PM
Archived : 24 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Best wishes to all our Leaving Certificate students who graduated following last night’s beautiful ceremony! Many thanks to Fr Paddy for sharing this special event with us!
Files to be deleted
Created : 24 May 2019, 11:00 AM
Archived : 24 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
All files that are stored on school computers will be PERMANENTLY DELETED next Friday 31st May. If you have files that you need, please ensure you remove them from the computers this coming week.
Created : 22 May 2019, 9:31 PM
Archived : 22 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Afternoon tea for our Debating Society as we said goodbye to these amazing leaders. These young women have devoted so much time to guiding and shaping our junior students in the art of public speaking. Their motto has been that 'a candle loses nothing by lighting other candles' and we are exceptionally grateful for what our outgoing 6th years have contributed to our school community.
Bronnadh na mBratacha!
Created : 21 May 2019, 2:19 PM
Archived : 21 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Bronnadh an DARA gaelbhratach ar Scoil Chríost Rí inniu, comhghairdeas le gach duine a bhí páirteach i rith na bliana! ☘️