Displaying 1361-1370 of 2243 results.
Hospitality Training for Server Roles with Food School
Created : 19 Apr 2021, 5:42 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
4A enjoyed the first session of their server training today. It was wonderful to develop the skills required for this job which may be used throughout the world.
Important - 6th years - Accredited Grades in Leaving Certificate 2021 for out-of-school subjects, out of school learners, and students of non-curricular languages
Created : 14 Apr 2021, 11:04 AM
Archived : 14 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
RE: Accredited Grades in Leaving Certificate 2021 for out-of-school subjects, out of school learners, and students of non-curricular languages (A) Information for students As you are aware the closing date for applying for Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021 has passed and students have selected the subjects they wish to be examined in. While students will have an opportunity to change levels and their options with respect to Accredited Grades and written examinations in late April/early May, it is no longer possible to add subjects not already selected. We ask that you would bring the following information contained in the three points below to the attention of all students in your school who are entered for Leaving Certificate 2021. This is necessary in order to inform students who are studying subjects out-of-school and those who are studying noncurricular languages of the processes that they should follow in order to receive an Accredited Grade in those subjects this year. You may already know some of the students who are in these categories but there may be others that you are not aware of yet. 1. All students who are studying subjects out-of-school and students of non-curricular languages should be advised to familiarise themselves with the Guide to Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021 for (a) Out-of-School Subjects and (b) Out-of-School Learners available at gov.ie/leavingcertificate. 2. Students who are studying subject/s entirely outside of school are required to complete and return an Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to their Principal/Manager/Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than Thursday 22 April 2021 (note: this date has been extended to allow more time for students to engage with the process). This form is available at gov.ie/leavingcertificate. These students are those students attending your school but taking subjects outside of the school. The school/centre should acknowledge receipt of Initial Information Forms in writing and may use the suggested text found in Appendix 1 of the Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to do so. These forms should be retained in the school. It is very important that these students read the Guide to Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021 for (a) Out-of-School Subjects and (b) Out-of-School Learners and prepare to engage with the processes set out in section three of the guide. 3. Students who have registered for a non-curricular language in Leaving Certificate 2021 These students are not required to compete the Initial Information Form (OOS 1). As a consequence of the particular context of non-curricular languages in the Leaving Certificate, special arrangements are being put in place for all students in this category to access an Accredited Grade. All students who are registered for a non-curricular language in Leaving Certificate 2021 will be provided with an opportunity to complete a written Proficiency Assessment on the afternoon of the 8 May in their school. Students of non-curricular languages should note this date carefully. If they choose not to complete the Proficiency Assessment, the only route to a grade in their non-curricular language is by taking the relevant examination in June.
Final reminder - Webinar for students and parents/guardians currently in 3rd year re TY 2021-2022
Created : 13 Apr 2021, 12:13 PM
Archived : 13 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, you are invited to attend an information webinar tonight, April 13th at 7.30pm where you will hear about plans for Transition Year 2021-2022. As well as hear about TY in CPC you will have an opportunity to ask questions during the event. I encourage all students and parents/guardians to attend. Please register below. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Apr 13, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: Transition Year 2021-2022 Information Webinar for students/parents/guardians in 3rd year Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g8BSYFCiTq6FL4sxtNqoBw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Free webinars hosted as part of the Healthy Ireland at Your Library
Created : 12 Apr 2021, 11:20 AM
Archived : 12 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
The talks will raise awareness among parents and guardians of the main factors to consider around social media, gaming and the online world. PLEASE NOTE - You must pre register to attend Empowering and Protecting Your Children Online – Monday 12 April at 6.30pm www.eventbrite.ie/e/empowering-and-protecting-children-online-tickets-145795025847 Digital Wellbeing and Online Safety for Young Adults – Monday 19 April at 6.30pm www.eventbrite.ie/e/digital-wellbeing-and-online-safety-for-young-adults-tickets-145887855503 Monday 12th April: This session is aimed at parents of children age 8-13 years which offers a general overview to raise awareness of the main factors to consider around social media, gaming and the online world. The aim of the talk is to make parents aware of what children are doing online and offer practical advice and resources to help participants deepen their knowledge. Areas of focus are popular apps & protecting privacy, areas of risk, digital wellbeing & critical thinking and useful resources. Webinar facilitated by Cyber SafeKids who work to empower children, parents and teachers to navigate the online world in a safe and responsible manner. Empowering and Protecting Your Children Online – Monday 12 April at 6.30pm For more information click here or click the button to pre register www.dublincity.ie/events/empowering-protecting-children-online Monday 19th April: Being online plays an ever more important role in all our lives and none more so perhaps as for teenagers. This session for parents and guardians of teenage children, aims to raise awareness of what children and young people are doing online, and the associated risks and safeguards. With information and guidance on the various platforms teenagers are using, digital literacy and wellbeing, and the inherent risks of being online: oversharing and privacy, cyberbullying, sexting, grooming and digital footprint. Webinar facilitated by Cyber SafeKids who work to empower children, parents and teachers to navigate the online world in a safe and responsible manner. Digital Wellbeing and Online Safety for Young Adults – Monday 19 April at 6.30pm For more information click here or click the button to pre register www.dublincity.ie/events/digital-wellbeing-and-online-safety-young-adults
"Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert '21 - A Webinar for Parents" - recording available
Created : 30 Mar 2021, 10:52 AM
Archived : 30 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Further to my previous notification of 12th March re an ESCI Webinar entitled:- "Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert '21 - A Webinar for Parents" please find a video link below for a recording of this webinar which you might like view if you were unable to attend on the night. vimeo.com/528740487/67509bcb59 Kind regards J Leonard
Out-of-School Subjects, and Out-of-School Learners - Leaving Certificate 2021
Created : 29 Mar 2021, 10:43 AM
Archived : 29 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, Please see below the latest communication form the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Unit of the Department of Education: "Further to the publication of the Guide to Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021 for Out-of-School Subjects, and Out-of-School Learners, a short animated guide for out-of-school learners and for those taking subjects entirely out-of-school is now available www.gov.ie/en/publication/d3ea2-leaving-certificate-2021/#out-of-school-subjects-and-out-of-school-learners In addition, an Initial Information Form for out-of-school learners and for those studying subjects entirely out-of-school has been published. In order to access Accredited Grades in Leaving Certificate 2021 students studying subjects out-of-school and out-of-school learners are required to complete this form in hard copy, or electronically, and return it to the relevant principal/coordinator no later than Thursday 15 April. The form needs to be retained by the school. The form is available to download www.gov.ie/en/form/83b63-out-of-school-subjects-and-out-of-school-learners-initial-information-form/ A short video guide has also been developed for students taking the oral examinations and is available www.gov.ie/en/publication/d3ea2-leaving-certificate-2021/#oral-examinations The most current information on all matters relating to Leaving Certificate examinations and the Accredited Grades process will be available on an ongoing basis on www.gov.ie/LeavingCertificate " Please note the deadline for completing the Initial Information Form for out-of-school learners and for those studying subjects entirely out-of-school in order to access Accredited Grades in Leaving Certificate 2021 is April 15th. For ease of access I have attached the form to this notification also. Best wishes J Leonard

2021 Leaving Cert Late Practical Music Application - important
Created : 29 Mar 2021, 9:41 AM
Archived : 29 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, Please see below an important message from the State Examinations Commission: "As you are aware, the Leaving Certificate Music practical performance tests are due to take place in schools from Tuesday 6 April until Friday 9 April. In the event that a candidate is unable to present for the test due to illness or as a result of a COVID related absence such as being a close contact, it will be possible for an application for a late test to be submitted to the SEC as in any year. Applications for a late test must be submitted on or before Tuesday 13 April. Applications for a late test must be accompanied by relevant medical documentation in case of illness or written confirmation from the school in the case of COVID related absences. The late practical performance tests will take place on evenings or at the weekend from Friday 7 May to Friday 14 May. There will be no further opportunity for candidates to present for the practical performance test outside of this assessment window. However, it should be noted that they will nonetheless have the opportunity to sit the written examination (forfeiting the mark for the practical component) and will also have the opportunity to receive an Accredited Grade in this subject. If a student had withdrawn their entry for the Leaving Certificate Music examination and now wants to reenter for the practical performance test and the written examinations, the school should send an email to practicals@examinations.ie on or before Tuesday 30 March so we can put in place the necessary arrangements for the examinations." If any student is affected by any of this information please contact me immediately on joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com Best wishes J Leonard
Congratulations to the winners of our TY St Patrick's Day Showstopper Cake and Cupcakes Challenge
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 7:10 PM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Clodagh Cavanagh winner of the Cake Showstopper and Ben Cahill winner of the Cupcakes Showstopper. They will each receive a €20 All for One Voucher. As you can see they created the most beautiful and tasty treats! Well done also to those receiving Highly Commended in their categories. Cakes: Cathal Stein and Emma Farrington Cupcakes: Fionn Sloane Kelly and Arthur Crawford Clarke A special mention to Kellie Mangan for her very cute sugar paste Leprechaun! Special thanks to our judges Ms Harney and Ms Grier Gray. They were both very impressed by the high standard of creativity and baking. Well done to everyone who participated.
Student Council Call for Art or Photography Submissions for the CPC 2021/22 Calendar
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 6:31 PM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Would you like to have your art or photographs featured in the CPC 2021/ 22 Calendar? Email submissions to studentcouncil@cpckilcullen.com by 30th April 2021
Innovative Eco-Friendly Award Winners
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 5:30 PM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Cathal Stein and Tadhg Conroy on winning the Innovative Eco-Friendly Award at the Student Enterprise Awards for their business Conroy Cleaning Products.