Displaying 1301-1310 of 2243 results.
Reminder - 1st year parent/guardian webinar for new 1st years 2021 - tonight 7.30pm
Created : 14 Jun 2021, 12:29 PM
Archived : 14 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I hope this message finds you well. A quick reminder to join us this evening, Monday 14th June, at 7.30pm to hear some information about the start of the year in CPC. Please make every effort to register for the webinar and attend. While the webinar is primarily for parents/ guardians, of course your son/daughter is welcome to listen in. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jun 14, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: Cross and Passion College - Incoming 1st year meeting 2021 Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k_VJws0RTY2YYgk39NMBYg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Our main method of communicating is through the school app - please download and register using the links you should already have received. 96% of parents/guardians have already downloaded and registered for the app - thank you for that. If you experience any problems using the app please contact support@uniqueschools.ie   Many thanks to all who have registered for this evening's webinar already and we look forward to speaking with you all later. Joe Leonard Principal
Webinar for parents/guardians of incoming 1st years 2021
Created : 11 Jun 2021, 12:43 PM
Archived : 11 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I hope this message finds you well and that your son or daughter is enjoying the last few weeks of primary school and looking forward to joining us in Cross and Passion College next year.  Normally, at this time of year we would have met you all in person on an evening in late May / early June to tell you a little more about the start of the year and to introduce you to some key people who will be working closely with the year group. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 that was not possible. Over the past two years we have had to adapt to a new way of communicating and have run a number of very successful webinars for parents/guardians and I would like to invite you to join us this Monday, 14th June, at 7.30pm to hear some information about the start of the year. We will be in touch again in August with further details but in the meantime please do make every effort to register for the webinar and attend. While the webinar is primarily for parents/ guardians, of course your son/daughter is welcome to listen in.You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jun 14, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: Cross and Passion College - Incoming 1st year meeting 2021 Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k_VJws0RTY2YYgk39NMBYg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We make contact by email using the email address you supplied to us so do please keep an eye on this and let us know on admin@cpckilcullen.com if you ever change email address or phone number. Our main method of communicating is through the school app - please download and register using the links you should already have received. 96% of parents/guardians have already downloaded and registered for the app - thank you for that. If you experience any problems using the app please contact support@uniqueschools.ie   In the meantime, I hope your son/daughter is able to enjoy their summer holidays when they graduate from primary school shortly. We are very much looking forward to the new group of 1st years joining us here in CPC. Best wishes and good health Joe Leonard Principal
Irish Austrian Society essay competition
Created : 03 Jun 2021, 3:49 PM
Archived : 03 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Elaine Birchall, 5th Year student at Cross & Passion College, Kilcullen who achieved a very High Standard in the German essay competition run by the Irish Austrian Society and the Austrian Embassy Ireland. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Elaine!
General Examination information and Candidate Absences from Examinations - IMPORTANT
Created : 03 Jun 2021, 11:44 AM
Archived : 03 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, I hope this message finds you well and that those of you preparing to sit Leaving Certificate examinations starting next week are staying relaxed and focussed ahead of them. I want to bring to your attention some important aspects of the running of the exams this year from the SEC. I would ask you to read this carefully - particularly the pieces around attendance at exams. If a student is not presenting for an exam they have registered for it is vital that they have opted to receive an accredited grade for this subject. The SEC draw a distinction between being unable to sit an exam and choosing not to sit an exam. Please study the details here carefully. Should a candidate's plans regarding sitting an exam change it is essential that I am notified as soon as possible on joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com Kind regards J Leonard • Candidates will be assigned to the same desk in the same examination centre for the duration of their examinations other than for specific logistical reasons (e.g. aural examinations). • Candidates, Superintendents, school personnel and attendants must wear appropriate face coverings (i.e. masks covering nose and mouth) at all times. A candidate who refuses/fails to wear a mask (other than on authorised medical grounds) will be refused access to the examinations. • Candidates must observe social distancing in accessing the centre, in the centre, and on their departure from the centre. • There will be attention by all parties to respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene to reduce the risk of transmission. • Candidates will be required to have their own pens, calculator, etc. The key messages for candidates, their families and the wider community, which are relevant from now until the end of the examinations on the 29 June, are as follows: • Continue to follow the basic Public Health advice in relation to social distancing, handwashing/sanitising, respiratory etiquette, and the wearing of face coverings. • Leaving Certificate candidates should stay within their normal pod, such as their class or family pod. • When the examinations commence, candidates should stay within their examination centre pod. This includes before, between and after examinations. • Limit interactions with others even in outdoor settings and avoid gatherings that present risks of COVID-19. • This includes not getting together with other candidates in study groups in advance of, or over the course of, the examinations. • Follow the advice about the signs or symptoms of COVID-19; if they or anyone in their household shows signs or symptoms they should isolate and contact their GP for testing, and household members should restrict their movements until the results are known. • If candidates act without due care, it could mean that they and/or their friends do not get to sit their examinations due to COVID-19. • Candidates who have not opted to sit any examinations (and who may be finishing school earlier as a result) should be mindful of their friends who intend to sit the examinations. Notwithstanding the very best efforts of all concerned, there may be circumstances in which individual candidates or groups of candidates will be unable to take their examinations and will instead have to rely on Accredited Grades. There is no alternative sitting of the Leaving Certificate in 2021. The safety net of Accredited Grades has been put in place. Candidates will also miss their examinations for other reasons such as other medical emergencies including hospitalisation. Given the unique circumstances of this year, and restrictions on accessing hospitals, there will be no sitting of examinations in hospitals or other out of school settings as might have been possible in previous years. Some candidates may experience a bereavement or other trauma over the course of the examinations and will not proceed with their examinations. In the event of a bereavement of a close relative, there continues to be flexibility in scheduling an examination to allow a late or early start to an examination scheduled on the day of the funeral but there will be no opportunity to sit an examination on an alternative date as there was in 2019. While less likely, circumstances also need to be considered where it is not possible to run the examinations due to a more significant disruption such as a school closure or a local, county, regional or national lockdown. The vast majority of candidates will have Accredited Grades available to them as a safety net in the event that they are unable to take their examinations, even if they have not opted for Accredited Grades. Great efforts have been made to ensure that all candidates have the opportunity to be provided with Accredited Grades. In this respect, candidates attending school will have information provided on their behalf by their school for all subjects they are studying in school. The process of providing Accredited Grades to candidates who are out of school learners and to candidates taking subjects outside of school requires these candidates to proactively engage in the relevant Accredited Grades process as set out in the relevant guidance. Accredited Grades cannot be provided, even as contingency, to candidates who are out of school learners or studying subjects outside of school if they have not engaged in the relevant process, or, having engaged in the process, have been unable to provide evidence of their learning in the relevant subject(s) to allow the provision of an estimated mark. Even if candidates have not opted for an Accredited Grade in a subject or in any of their subjects, the Accredited Grade, provided the candidate is eligible, will be available as contingency in the event that the candidate cannot sit the examination in June. It is important to note that where it has not been possible to provide a candidate with Accredited Grades and where that candidate has not, for whatever reason, attended for their examination(s), their next opportunity to sit the Leaving Certificate will be at the 2022 examinations. Some candidates may not be able to sit exams due to Covid-19. Candidates must not present for their examinations if they: • are diagnosed with COVID-19. • are unwell and have any of the symptoms of COVID-19. • develop COVID-19 symptoms at any stage over the course of the examinations. • are self-isolating or have been instructed to self-isolate. • are quarantining or otherwise restricting their movements. • are a close contact of a confirmed case. In any of these circumstances, candidates must not attend the examinations. Candidates will be expected to follow all public health directions and to only undertake their examinations when it is safe for them to do so. Candidates, their parents/guardians should familiarise themselves with the latest HSE information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, close contacts, the length of time they will need to self-isolate or restrict movements if they come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID19, etc. Information, which is updated as required, is available from the Parents and Carers Section on the following HSE webpage www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/. NOTE: This is provided for information only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Of course, candidates who want to sit the examinations would no doubt be extremely disappointed in the event that they are not able to attend for their examinations due to COVID-19 but public health is the absolute priority. Accredited Grades (for those eligible to receive them) is the contingency measure that will apply in all circumstances this year. VERY IMPORTANT With the options that have been provided to candidates this year, of sitting examinations, receiving Accredited Grades or both, it seems likely that not all candidates will attend for all of their examinations despite the intentions expressed through the Candidate Portal. Some will be unable to attend, for health or other medical reasons, or due to bereavement, while others will have changed their minds between now and the sitting of the examinations. If a candidate has opted for both examinations and Accredited Grades and does not attend for their examination(s) for any reason (whether they cannot attend or have chosen not to attend) they will be provided with their Accredited Grade(s) (provided they are eligible 1 ). • Schools should put in place arrangements for parents/guardians or candidates, including external candidates sitting their examinations in that school, to contact the school if the candidate will be absent from an examination or a number of examinations. • All such reports should come through the school and candidates should not be instructed to notify the SEC directly of their absences. • Candidate absences notified to the school by candidates/parents/guardians should be reported to the SEC Superintendent at the earliest opportunity for recording on the relevant SEC attendance forms. • If the candidate is assigned to a special examination centre the absence should be reported to the Superintendent of the main examination centre to which that candidate is assigned. • The Superintendent will record the absence on the Advice Notes, the Centre Roll and other reports which are returned to the SEC for the purposes of reconciliation. • If the candidate does not attend the examination and has not contacted the school to report the absence, the Superintendent will record the absence as unreported. • The reporting of absences for COVID-19 reasons should also continue to be managed by the school authority in accordance with existing Public Health guidance. Some candidates have not opted for Accredited Grades and have only opted to sit the examinations. For these candidates, the reason for their absence is relevant as Accredited Grades are available (to those eligible) as contingency to those who cannot sit the examination(s) for unforeseen reasons (COVID-19 related reasons; due to other medical emergencies including hospitalisation; or in the event of a bereavement). A candidate who has opted for the examination only in a subject (and has not opted for an Accredited Grade) and who chooses not to sit the examination will not be provided with an Accredited Grade. 1 The process of providing Accredited Grades to candidates who are out of school learners and to candidates taking subjects outside of school requires these candidates to proactively engage in the relevant Accredited Grades Process as set out in the guidance. Accredited grades cannot be provided, even as contingency, to candidates who are out of school learners or studying subjects outside of school if they have not engaged in the relevant process, or, having engaged in the process, have been unable to provide evidence of their learning in the relevant subject(s) to allow the provision of an estimated mark. If a candidate, who has opted out of sitting an examination, notifies the school they are attending that they have changed their mind and now want to sit an examination in a subject (for which they had been entered), this can be facilitated as follows. o Do not notify the SEC unless the candidate is taking a subject that no other candidate in the school is taking or if the candidate is taking a higher level in that subject to any other candidate in the school. (if this happens notify the SEC to ensure that an examination paper is available) o Otherwise, on their arrival in the school on the day of the examination, simply notify the SEC Superintendent of the centre to which the candidate is assigned for their other subjects that the candidate now intends to present for an additional subject. o If the candidate had not intended to present for any examinations, the school should identify a main centre which has space to safely accommodate the candidate and notify the Superintendent of that centre. o The Superintendent will add the additional subject details to the records of attendance.
Collection of books and recent message from President Higgins
Created : 02 Jun 2021, 11:39 AM
Archived : 02 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
As we have ended classes for this school year it is important to remind all parents/guardians and students that all books and materials should have been brought home last week. A number of announcements were made to this effect in the final week. Any remaining books must be collected immediately as they will be cleared to allow cleaning and the running of the Leaving Certificate Exams. I also include a message from President Higgins to mark the end of the school year: youtu.be/HR7VezrHhRE Kind regards J Leonard
A Grimm Tale of Cinderella Recording
Created : 01 Jun 2021, 10:15 AM
Archived : 01 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
The TY Drama students are delighted to share the recording of their production of A Grimm Tale of Cinderella. We hope you enjoy it. To view please go to the following links. Act 1 youtu.be/62kV8BUMIwo Act 2 youtu.be/Hv1NshddiPk
TY Celebration of Learning and Presentation of Awards
Created : 28 May 2021, 6:06 PM
Archived : 01 Aug 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students celebrated their learning over the past year by reflecting on many of the highlights of their programme. To view a recording please go to this link youtu.be/-jX7xj3Xz0o Students were also presented with a variety of awards including those for our inaugural Oscar Awards. Best Movie: Mafia Movie Best Villain: Lee O'Brien Best Hero: Nathan Stevenson Best Actor: Kellie Mangan Personal Achievement Award: Lee O' Brien Environmental Award: Isobel Walsh Community Award: Brooke Toman Murphy Dedication & Enthusiasm Award: Amy Tyrrell Brosnan Creativity & Innovation Award: Clodagh Cavanagh 4A Student of the Year: Emma Farrington 4B Student of the Year : Cathal Stein 4C Student of the Year: Mia Brierton 4D: Student of the Year: Mark Webster 4E Student of the Year: Kashmala Aamir Overall TY Student of the Year: Ben Cahill
Musical Highlights 2021 “Little Shop of Horrors”
Created : 31 May 2021, 11:44 AM
Archived : 31 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Our TY students had been very disappointed when we couldn’t stage our full show this year. However, they were a determined group that couldn’t be stopped! We recorded highlights outdoors behind the sports complex in Kilcullen in May. You can enjoy the end result in the attached link. Huge thanks goes out to Martin Cavanagh for his enormous support. Martin recorded the video and edited the final piece. Thanks to all involved especially. Martin Cavanagh, Conor Wilkinson, Audio recording. Aine Foley, Choreography. Phionagh Gibson, Director. CPC Parents Association and all who supported this adventure. livestream.com/accounts/285324/events/9689932/videos/221637354/player?width=960&height=540&enableInfo=true&defaultDrawer=feed&autoPlay=true&mute=false
Student Council Fundraising Totals
Created : 28 May 2021, 1:53 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
The Student Council organized 5 total fundraising days throughout the year. The total amount raised came to €6,605 and we were delighted to be able to contribute to the 5 different deserving charities. On behalf of the student council, we would like to thank all students and staff for their generous support throughout the year. The photo attached gives the breakdown of monies raised.
TY students enjoy Barista Course
Created : 28 May 2021, 6:59 AM
Archived : 28 Jul 2021, 12:00 AM
Our TY Students developed new skills during a very enjoyable Barista course with Mike and Nelly from Dublin Barista School.