Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are keeping well. I am writing to you with regard to the Mock Exams which will take place in the coming weeks (Junior Cycle 1st - 9th Feb, Leaving Certificate 29th Jan - 9th Feb, Leaving Certificate Applied 6th - 9th Feb).
The mock exams provide an important objective and independent assessment in each subject as the exam papers for the mocks are set and marked by teachers outside the school. A small number of teachers set and correct their own exams as it suits the subject better. This is factored into the cost.
This gives each student a very accurate idea of how well their study and revision is progressing. In this regard students establish clearly the areas in each subject where they need to focus. It helps teachers also to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of their subject.
Arising from the cost of buying the papers and paying for their correction, the cost is:
This needs to be paid by Monday 12th February 2024 at the latest please.
Please pay Mock Exam Fees through the shop link you receive through the school app. If for any reason you are unable to do this please contact the school office to arrange an alternative method. There is an option to pay in full or in two installments.
Unfortunately, while medical cards have covered the cost of State Examinations in the past, the same facility is not available for the mocks. The school can not cover the cost of mock exams so it is essential that payment is received in order to facilitate correction for your son/daughter.
Yours Sincerely
Joe Leonard
Many thanks to all who are continuing to support the CPC Fundraiser Lotto.
The next draw takes place tomorrow evening - will we have our first Jackpot winner?
Don't forget that all players in the January 25th draw could win the prizes in the bonus Thank You Giveaway - including Taylor Swift VIP Tickets, €1000 Holiday Voucher and Bruce Springsteen Tickets.
Congratulations to our weekly prize winners over Christmas and since we returned: Phil O'Leary, Eleana Keatley and Michelle Keogh. Pictured is Quin collecting Eleana's prize. Well done to all!
Thank you for your support - if you haven't yet had a chance to join please see the photo for details of how to play and click HERE to join.
There are still 3 places available in the after-school study for 3rd, 5th and 6th years. The cost is €240 and the term runs until the end of May. Please contact me by email if you would like a place for your child.
A reminder that the parents association have organised a clothes collection to take place this coming Saturday, January 20th. You can drop your bags of unwanted clothes to the bike shelter at the top of the avenue between 10 - 4pm. Thank you
A reminder that preferences for Wednesdays online PTM must be entered before tomorrow morning. There are currently 60 students with nothing booked for Wednesday.
All students were given a copy of their VSWare ID number which along with our roll number (61690W) is needed to log onto the system:
Any difficulties please email
Your schedule of appointments along with the zoom links needed will be made available to you prior to the meeting on Wednesday.
Thank you
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
For a number of years Saturday study has been offered to 6th year students, free of charge.
Thanks to our Parents' Association, who generously volunteer to supervise, Study runs from 10am until 1pm on Saturdays (apart from holidays and other notified days via the school app), providing students with a quiet place to study here in the school.
If your son/daughter wishes to avail of this free service please send an email to with their details (name, class). If there is sufficient interest, I will be back in touch regarding a start date. Please only sign up if your son/daughter is committed to attending regularly.
J Leonard, Principal.
Privacy notice: This is a required notice from the Department of Education and Skills to all parents/guardians of students who will receive a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) award in 2023 - 2024. This notice describes how the data from the Department of Education and Skills and the school is managed and retained by the school for record purposes.
The Parents Association are continuing their busy start to the new year with a clothes collection on Saturday, January 20th. We will send you a reminder next week with the times and details of when and where you can drop off your bags of unwanted and used clothes.