Team hope will collect our shoeboxes 9am Friday. Any outstanding shoeboxes please bring them in to school tomorrow Thursday 16th November.
Our newly appointed TY Prefects had their training session today. Facilitator Pat Murphy spoke about leadership qualities and brought the students through a range of activities to enhance their understanding of this skill. Symbols shared included the Peace Candle which represents creating peace at home, at school, in the workplace and in the world. The symbol of the Lighthouse represented how the student will guide others in their role as prefects and as a beacon of safety. We are looking forward to the official conferring ceremony for our prefects which will be held next week. Well done Prefects! Ms Mills
Ember Team 2023/24:
The five TY students, along with the Ember liaison teachers, Ms. H. Bucke and Ms. L.Whyte , have just returned from a three day, two night residential training programme in the Ovoca Manor in Wicklow where they spent time working as a team, planning events/activities and improved their interpersonal skills such as active listening and cooperating together.
The roles below have been decided on by consensus;
Chairperson: Mikey Arthur
Secretary: James Meehan
Public Relation Officers: Katie O’Donnell & Amy Schmelter
Administrator: Lilly McQuarrie
They are now in a position of leadership, where they will be influencing, encouraging, and guiding other students in CPC in faith.
The aim of the Ember Programme is to;
- Create opportunities for students to experience faith in a way that makes sense to them.
- For the students to act as leaders, while also engaging in opportunities that have the potential to deepen their own faith.
Our students thoroughly enjoyed their training and look forward to bringing back their new skills, knowledge and ideas and sharing them with their peers in CPC. They also will liaise with last years Ember team for guidance. They are already busy planning their first event as CPC’s Ember Team.
They ended their training with a commissioning ceremony, led by Fr John McNamara, representative of the archbishop.
Dear Second Year Parents and Guardians,
Please see the attached letter regarding your son/ daughter/ student's upcoming retreat.
Thank you,
Religious Education Department