Today our TY Prefects attended the first Buddy Club lunchtime get together. The aim of the Buddy Club is to encourage integration between our students in mainstream classes and our students in our AS classes. Great fun was had as students played games together and got to know each other better. Looking forward to next Tuesdays get together. Well done all! Ms Mills
Driving instructor Jenny Woods guided our 4A students through a range of Road Safety activities including the theory test, tyre safety, using ‘beer goggles’ to understand the effect of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, researching car insurance and most exciting of all, driving! A fantastic and very enjoyable experience was had by all. Thanks to Rebecca English for taking photographs during the driving sessions.
4C students participated in a First Aid training course. Niall, the facilitator, gave the theoretical background along with practical demonstrations including how to apply bandages, make a sling and remove PPE safely. Each student will receive a certificate which is valid for two years.
1E enjoyed an early morning, phone free, walk to At Tearmann for Well Being week with Ms. Carty.
Our TY Prefects are continuing their very good work within our school community. Ms Mills chaired a valuable meeting where plans were made and teams organised to assist in a variety of areas such as School Community Initiatives with Ms Flanagan, the Cross and Passion College Buddy System with Ms Reade and Sports with Mr Blanchfield. We are delighted to see such commitment and enthusiasm.
All the fundraising is done online, which means no collecting money when the campaign is over.
Students can log and review their favourite books, build their avatars and collect virtual badges and awards. There are also some amazing prizes to be won along the way too. There are also downloadable resources.
This is a great opportunity for students to engage in reading whether it is to re-ignite their love of reading or indeed discover it. If you join your local library you can download "Borrowbox" and download many new and old titles from your library.
Ms Heffernan's 3rd year home economics students were busy today making a variety of treats for their Afternoon Tea assignment. They made a range of sandwiches, scones and sweet treats such as brownies, cupcakes and more! They put on a lovely display as you can see from the pictures attached.
As you know we have had a considerable amount of rain in recent days and with more on the way this evening we are erring on the side of caution and cancelling our planned sports day event. This was a difficult decision to make, the sports day is a great whole school event enjoyed by all but safety must always come first. Unfortunately we feel the courts and pitches will be in a sub optimal condition for hosting such a large scale event. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.