Yesterday, the TY Community Care class had a tea planning meeting whereby they shared the responsibilty to bring in the goods neccessary such as milk, sugar, and baked goods. The aim of the meeting was to plan the next few weeks of community care. Some exciting plans are made to help those in our school and local community.
Training for 2nd Year boys GAA starts this Thursday straight after school for 1 hour - 4:15 to 5:15.
It is important all students in second year wanting to play GAA this year should attend.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 1st Year Parent Information meeting which takes place in the school hall tomorow at 7pm.
All 1st year students will be receiving their vaccinations over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday this week. All relevant information and consent forms have already been sent home.
There will be training for both Junior and Senior Girls Football tomorrow (Tuesday) after school on the training pitch at 16:00. Anyone from 2nd to 6th year is welcome to attend.
Apologies, I think there might have been an error in the link I sent you about the parent webinar on sleep taking place next Tuesday, the correct link is
A good number of parents have located it on Eventbrite, as 439 are registered, but I have updated the link in the information below if you happen to think it worth resending.
Sorry for the confusion, the usual rushing at my end.
Dear parents,
There is a free webinar taking place next Tuesday the 14th of November at 7pm called The importance of sleep for our teenagers. The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic. Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for this webinar and the parents of teenagers.
You can register for this free webinar using this link:
Parents can also submit questions on the night through chat or in advance by email to
Dear parents,
There is a free webinar taking place next Tuesday the 14th of November at 7pm called The importance of sleep for our teenagers. The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic. Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for this webinar and the parents of teenagers.
You can register for this free webinar using this link:
Parents can also submit questions on the night through chat or in advance by email to
It was great to welcome so many parents of our 5th year and 6th year Leaving Cert Applied classes today. Parents were given the opportunity to view project work, listen to a presentation on important LCA information for the year ahead and also enjoy a cup of tea and a scone. Two of our 6th year LCA students Hannah Moloney and Ryan Boyle spoke very well about why they choose the programme and how it has been going for them so far. Ms Elaine McDonnell Guidance Counsellor spoke about pathways and careers after LCA. Overall it was a very successful morning and a pleasure to meet with our LCA parents. Wishing both 5th year and 6th year students all the best in the year ahead!
Dear parents/guardians,
please see attached very important information regarding the Board of Management of Cross and Passion College Kilcullen.
Nominations are sought for two parent nominees on the incoming Board.
Full details contained in the attached letter.
Please also find attached the nomination form.
Nominations by 4pm on Monday 18th September 2023 to
Kind regards
J Leonard, Secretary, Board of Management
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is a reminder that your son/daughter will be completing the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) on either Wednesday 13th or Friday 15th of September (depending on their base class). This test determines your son’s/daughter’s reading age, by measuring their reading skills against the national average. The results will inform planning for all subject areas.
Students in 1A, 1B, 1C and 1E will complete the test on Wednesday. Students in 1D and 1F will complete the test on Friday.
Your son/daughter requires a standard set of earphones/headphones with an AUX connection (cannot be bluetooth). If you have a set at home, please send them in with your son/daughter on the relevant day for the test. There is no need to purchase a set, there will be some spare sets available in school on the day.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this.