Dear Principal,
I would like to remind you that the closing date for the Ad Astra Academic Scholarship is drawing near (Monday, 28th August 2023) and that there may be exceptional pupils in your school would like to apply (eligible candidates must receive 6 H1s in the first sitting of their leaving certificate and complete an online application made via our website). Each year, we offer up to 15 scholarships for incoming academic students to the Academy.
Our Academy provides a nurturing infrastructure for students who show exceptional potential in academic pursuits, sports or the performing arts. Benefits of the academic scholarship include:
Congratulations to the class of 2023 who received their Leaving Certificate results today.
We are very proud of their achievements and hope everyone is pleased with their results. As always there were excellent results across both the Leaving Certificate Established and the Leaving Certificate Applied programmes in CPC.
By now all candidates should also have received a copy of the Candidate Information Guide 2 - Results and Appeals which issued by email from the SEC. It sets out details of the SEC’s policies and procedures in relation to all aspects of the Leaving Certificate results and appeals. This Guide has also been published on the SEC’s website
From 12pm on Tuesday 29 August candidates will be able to see their component marks and adjusted marks through the CSSP.
Applications to view Leaving Certificate examination scripts must be made by candidates through the Candidate Self Service Portal between 5 PM on Tuesday 29 August and 8 PM on Wednesday 30 August.
Leaving Certificate Applied applications must be made by email. Candidates will be provided with an LCA Viewing Application Form on the Candidate Self Service Portal which should be emailed to The same application timeline applies and all applications must be made before 8 PM on Wednesday 30 August.
There are two different processes this year for viewing of scripts depending on how the script was marked.
a) Viewing online through the Candidate Self Service Portal b) Viewing in-person in schools
It is important to note that candidates may have to attend school to view some of their scripts and use the portal to access others.
a) Viewing online through the Candidate Self Service Portal
With the expansion of online marking to the majority of subjects for the 2023 Leaving Certificate, most script viewing will be online through the Candidate Self Service Portal. The online viewing process is delivered through the Candidate Self Service Portal and involves candidates having timebound access to PDFs of the scripts. Online viewing in these subjects will be available from 9 AM on Saturday 2 September to 9 AM on Sunday 3 September.
b) Viewing in schools
There is still a need to provide candidates with in-person script viewing in schools for those subjects, or components of subjects, which were manually marked. Even in subjects which were marked online there are some exceptions which require scripts to be returned to schools for viewing. The following material will be returned to schools for in person viewing;
• All LCA scripts.
• Examination scripts in subjects which were manually marked
• Certain components of subjects which were marked online (e.g. the LCVP portfolio)
• Examination scripts in the Deferred Examination series will be returned for viewing to the school in which the candidate had been due to sit the main examinations in June. (These examinations were not marked online)
• Scripts in online marked subjects that were in atypical format such as Brailed, Enlarged or Modified scripts or scripts in audio format
Viewing in Schools will take place on Saturday 2 September and candidates will be assigned to one of two viewing sessions as follows;
1. Session 1. 9.30 AM – 12.30 PM. 2. Session 2. 2 PM – 5 PM
Candidates can apply to appeal through the Candidate Self Service Portal.
From: 10 AM on Sunday 3 September 2023
To: 5 PM on Monday 4 September 2023.
A valid application will comprise both the application to appeal and the payment of the appeal fee. The fee to appeal a result is €40 per subject for Leaving Certificate and €15.50 per subject for Leaving Certificate applied. The fee is refunded in the case of a successful appeal.
In order that the SEC can process the appeals as quickly as possible, the appeal application deadline will be strictly applied. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Well done and best of luck to four CPC students (Juno Vanhengel, Tom Ryan, Jamie Pullen and Sam Devenney) who are representing their basketball club and school on the U15 BIPPS midland team in an inter regional tournament in UL this weekend.
Thank you to Larrie Birds Basketball Club for sharing the photos.
The holidays are almost at an end and we hope all our families have enjoyed the break from school. We have been busy working to get everything ready to welcome you back to CPC for the new school year. The first group we will welcome back are our newest additions, the 1st year class of 2023 and we are really looking forward to seeing each and every one of them this Thursday at 9am.
For the full return schedule, please see the attachment below.
It’s Art Competition Time again at Kildare Credit Union and we are delighted to announce that the theme of this year’s Art Competition is “My Community & Me”. I have attached an entry for you to print off for each entry.
Please ensure each piece of artwork has the application form securely sellotaped to the back and that the correct category has been filed out on each entry. Please also ensure that parental/guardian consent has been completed on all entry forms. All entries must be submitted in Either A3 (420 x 297mm) or A2 (594 x 420mm) and in landscape orientation.
There are two categories – General Category & Additional Needs Category with the following age groups in each category.
Age Limit applying as at Dec 31st 2023
7 yrs & under
8-10 yrs inclusive
11-13 yrs inclusive
14-17 yrs inclusive
18 yrs & over (Adult)
The closing date for receipt of entries is Fri 13th October 4pm.
Kind regards
Yvonne Stynes
Kildare Credit Union
(045) 521928
Attached please find details of a FREE talk for parents & professionals, taking place inNewbridge Library tomorrow night, Thurs 12th October @ 7pm.
Navigating Social Media with Neurodiverse Young Adults
Below please find the booking link:
We have been asked to publicise 'Rise', a film by Cédric Klapisch, which will be screened on Wednesday week, 11th October in the Kilcullen Bridge Cinema.
The film may be of interest to students and/or parents.
Tickets available, with student disclount, at
Dear Principal,
The Laura Brennan catch up program for Human Papiloma Virus(HPV) vaccine has expanded to offer HPV vaccine to boys/males up to and including the age of 21 years. These boys were in school when the vaccine was introduced for first years in 2019 but it was not available to older school years at the time.
Laura Brennan campaigned to make this vaccine available to all as she herself battled a terminal illness caused by this virus. This virus can cause, anal, penal, and oral and throat cancers and genital warts in males. In women it can cause, anal, cervical, and oral and throat cancer and genital warts. The HPV 9 vaccine in a single does gives protection to boys and girls against HPV.
In her memory, until December 31st, this vaccine is being made available to females up to their 25th birthday who missed out on this vaccine and now also to males until their 22nd birthday.
Please can you forward on this information and the above attachment to all parents of children in your school. We, the school team will continue to visit schools to provide this and MenACWY and Tdap vaccines to first years. However parents of first year children may have older children who missed out and would now like to avail of this very effective and important vaccine.
We are running clinics, available to book through the Laura Brennan catch up program, in Punchestown on 15th of September 2 to 4 pm, and in Athy on the 22nd of September 3 to 5 pm in Athy Primary Care centre and in Maynooth Health centre 29th from 12md to 3pm.
Please see link below for 2023 Candidate Information Guide 3 Understanding your Examination results which issued to all candidates today.