Displaying 21-30 of 138 results.
Juvenile Gaa Boys Game
Created : 29 Feb 2024, 1:14 PM
Archived : 29 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to the Juvenile boys gaa team who remain undefeated in thier group after beating Colaiste Iascaigh in St Farnans community park on Monday last, on a scoreline of 4-10 to 3-11. 

The boys have worked hard training all year and they are showing there development in their skills on the pitch. They have one group game left againist Lough Allen, time and date TBC.

Created : 24 Feb 2024, 1:43 PM
Archived : 24 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Is is with great sadness the school community has learned of the passing of our former pupil Ricky Devine. We extend our thoughts and sympathies to his family at this very difficult time.

Ar dheis de go raibh a anam.

5A LCVP Visit to Abbott Ireland Diagnostics Division
Created : 20 Feb 2024, 2:34 PM
Archived : 20 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

5th year LCVP class 5A accompanied by Ms Carty and Ms Cullinan visited Abbott Ireland Diagnostics Division in Finisklin Business Park Sligo on Tuesday 20/2/2022.  Students were given a very informative talk about the plane followed by a your of the facility.  A question and answer session then took place where students had the opportunity to ask any further questions they had.  This visit will form the basis of the students Summary Report which is included as part of their LCVP Portfolio of Coursework for Leaving Cert assessment.  Sincere thanks ae extended to all at Abbott who helped to facilitate this visit and provide the students with an extremely rewarding and informative day. Thankyou to Abbott staff Joanne Sexton, James Brady, Helen Gillen, Michelle Byrne, Teresa Coleman, Alaine Holland and Gemma Lavin for their insight and information on the day.

TY student Shauna Davey presenting Christmas Raffle Proceeds to Paediatric Unit at Sligo University Hospital
Created : 06 Feb 2024, 11:19 PM
Archived : 06 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Pictured is Transition year student Shauna Davey standing in front of the paediatric unit at Sligo University Hospital. Last Wednesday, with her father by her side, she presented the proceeds of a raffle she organised at Christmas to Lorraine Williams, Ward Sister at the Paediatric Unit. The funds raised, €643 in total,  were earmarked to support the Paediatric Unit at Sligo University Hospital

Lorraine greeted Shauna warmly, and Shauna handed over the proceeds, a symbol of the Coláiste Muire school community's generosity and Shauna's own initiative.

Shauna would like to express her gratitude to everyone who supported the raffle, whether by purchasing tickets, donating prizes, or spreading the word. Shauna’s charity collection emphasises the importance of giving back to the community, especially to those in need. It also highlights how the paediatric unit plays a vital role in the well-being of children and families in the County Sligo area.

Lorraine Williams thanked Shauna for her remarkable contribution, acknowledging the impact it would have on the paediatric unit's ability to provide essential care and support to young patients.

As a school community we are all so very proud of Shauna’s efforts. It reminds us that even a young individual like Shauna can make a huge difference through kindness and initiative.


St. Bridgets Day
Created : 02 Feb 2024, 1:06 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

To celebrate the feast of St.Bridget, Colaiste Muuire pupils made St.Bridgets crosses. They were blessed at mass yesterday morning. This morning pupils dropped some of these crosses to the local nursing home for the residents there to enjoy.

Coláiste Muire Christmas Raffle Raises Over €600 for Sligo General Hospital's Pediatric Ward
Created : 21 Dec 2023, 11:10 AM
Archived : 21 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

In a heartwarming display of generosity and community spirit, Transition Year student Shauna Davey from Coláiste Muire spearheaded a successful Christmas Raffle in support of the Pediatric Ward at Sligo General Hospital. The event, organized with passion and dedication, aimed to bring festive cheer to those in need while making a meaningful contribution to pediatric healthcare.

The Christmas Raffle, held within the school premises, had great support from both students and staff. Shauna's meticulous planning and commitment ensured that the event ran smoothly. Local businesses and individuals generously donated prizes, ranging from gift vouchers and hampers.

 The student body enthusiastically participated in the raffle, demonstrating the collective desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. As the final tickets were drawn, the raffle was a resounding success, surpassing expectations by collecting over €600 in funds. 

Shauna Davey's initiative highlights the capacity of young individuals to make a positive difference in their community. Well done Shauna on all your hard work and a fantastic job done!

Full list of prizewinners below;

1. Rhys Gunning

2. Eoin Henry

3. Shane Corcoran

4, Samuel Kielty

5. Nandini Tyagi

6. Khloe Barden

7. Mr Ó'Mainnin

8. Ms Casey

9. Liam O'Dowd

10. Mr Feeney

11. Esther Mullen

12. Fiachra Duignan

13. Ms McDonagh

14. katie Gardiner

15. Rhianna Curran

16. Aisling Lavin

17. Ms Byrne

18. Ms Greene

19. Josh McGill







Christmas raffle 2023
Created : 19 Dec 2023, 8:04 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Please support our school raffle which will take place on Thursday 21st December.  All proceeds in aid of the Paediatric Unit at Sligo University Hospital. Tickets will be on sale in school tomorrow, €2 for one line, €4 for three lines. Fantastic prizes including hampers, vouchers and other great prizes. All support would be very gratefully appreciated for this very worthy cause.

Sligo Cathedral Christmas Carol Service
Created : 15 Dec 2023, 8:19 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Our Music teacher Mr. O' Connor will be directing the Sligo Cathedral Christmas Carol Service on Sunday December 17th at 8pm. An event not to be missed.

Junior Boys Gaa Final loss
Created : 13 Dec 2023, 4:25 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Commiserations to the schools Junior Boys Gaa team on losing the Connacht D final on Monday. They lost to the deserved winners on the day Castlerea on a scoreline of 5-10 to 2-7. 

The match was played in the Dome in Bekan, which lead to it being a fast and entertaining game. The scoreline did not reflect how close this game was. 

A hugh effort has gone in by this group all year in trainings and matches, and this is reflected by their first loss in 12 matches. The group will take this on as a learning curve and build on it for next year. Well done to all involved.

Christmas Craft Fair
Created : 12 Dec 2023, 6:23 PM
Archived : 12 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Well done to all Transition Year and 2nd Year students that took part in the Christmas Fair on the 12th of December. Excellent display of handmade items and home baking. Special thanks to 4th, 5th and 6th class from Ballymote National School for attending today.