Displaying 231-240 of 278 results.
1st year Baking
Created : 16 May 2022, 9:32 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Here is a selection of scones made by our 1st year Home Economics students. They made and served the scones as part of their end of year assessments. The pictures speak for themselves - amazing presentation and demonstration of skills learned this year. Well done 1st years!
Craft Club Showcase
Created : 16 May 2022, 5:08 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
We are so proud of the incredible talent of our HFSS craft club. Club members have been working hard all year on some beautiful creations which are now displayed in our front hallway. Thanks to the club for helping to make our school a bright and happy place and thanks to their teachers for their support throughout the year.
ITS Programme
Created : 16 May 2022, 4:59 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The Intelligent Transport Ireland programme reached it’s conclusion for this year’s TY group today. This programme has been running since the start of the year with students learning about transport systems, mobility and accessibility. They applied their problem solving skills to complete a group project on Newbridge. A winning project from each class was chosen by ITS as well as overall winners Katie O’Connor, Aoibhe O’Connor and Dominika Stisz from 4i. The winning project was on the new cycle lane system in Newbridge and has already opened up discussion with Kildare County Council. Today, TY students also heard a number of interesting presentations on careers in engineering. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to all in ITS and the HFSS Geography Department.
World Wise Global Schools
Created : 13 May 2022, 2:53 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Holy Family Secondary School TY students have been working with World Wise Global Schools (WWGS) this year and it is with great pride we have been awarded The Citizen’s Passport Award - for school's emerging engagement with GCE (Bronze).
This year our students highlighted and raised awareness on the topic of 'Reduced inequalities'. Student benefitted from their own research and action on the topic and the funds allocated by WWGS also allowed for interaction with role models in this realm such as Nigerian Irish poet Felicia Olusanya (Felispeaks) and Kurdish Leitrim hurler Zak Moradi who visited students.
Well done to all involved!
Mock Trial Competition
Created : 13 May 2022, 2:09 PM
Archived : 13 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to our TY Law team who competed in the Mock Trial Competition today against Presentation Kilkenny. The team have been working hard to prepare a case for both defence and prosecution with only one side getting to perform on the day. Unfortunately, the verdict didn't go our way today but our team did their school and teachers proud. Our thanks to Barrister Peter Paul Hughes who held a very informative and insightful questions and answers session afterwards for our upcoming legal eagles. Well done to all!
Sports Day
Created : 12 May 2022, 4:46 PM
Archived : 12 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Our first Sports Day since 2019 was a resounding success. The day began with our famous 6th year dress up parade which produced a few surprises and plenty of laughs. Students participated in an array of activities including benchball, dance. multisport. rounders, field games and team races. Well done to the green team who were the overall winners on the day. Things got even more competitive in the student-teacher basketball match, a ferocious battle and the closest match in the history of the contest #Sportsday #HFSS
Spanish Debating
Created : 11 May 2022, 9:27 PM
Archived : 12 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to the 5th year Spanish students who engaged in a very vibrant debate in Spanish with plenty of interaction, followed by some “tapas” and a “flamenco workshop” delivered by Natalia Perez in TY. Lo hemos pasado genial. Muchas gracias!
TY Trip to Glendalough
Created : 11 May 2022, 2:59 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Our Transition Year students went on an adventure to Glendalough, Co. Wicklow yesterday. They enjoyed some beautiful scenery, making the hike to the top worthwhile!
May Altar
Created : 09 May 2022, 9:30 PM
Archived : 09 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
During the month of May, we remember Our Lady in a special way and look to her for guidance and comfort. Our beautiful May altar in the front hallway reminds us of this each day as we enter the school building.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Created : 09 May 2022, 2:10 PM
Archived : 09 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
To raise awareness for the IGDB, we had two very special visitors in HFSS today. Two guide dogs, Dixie and Lottie, visited all classes and students heard about the work that the IGDB do in our local area and all over the country.