Dear Parents/Guardians,
Planet Youth is hosting a free webinar for parents on Wednesday the 13th of November at 7pm on The Importance of Sleep for our Teenagers.
The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic.
Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for the parents of teenagers.
You can register for this free webinar using this link:
REMINDER: The 5th Year parent-teacher meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th January from 4:10pm until 6:10pm.
For the safety of all students and staff, boiling water will not be provided for preparing noodles or similar snacks in school.
Carrying hot items poses a risk in a busy school environment.
We kindly ask that students not bring such items to school.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Dear 6th Year Parent/Guardian,
Our Career Guidance teacher, Ms. O’Callaghan, will be holding an informational meeting for 6th Year parents on Thursday, 28th November 2024, at 7:00 pm in Rosary Hall. The session will cover college options, the CAO application process, and essential details on college applications and financial planning.
6th Year students are also welcome to attend.
Please see the attached letter which also contains information about the upcoming mock Leaving Cert exams.
For your information, all 6th year students have been handed a letter regarding upcoming RSE classes.
Please read the letter as this contains full details.
If your daughter was absent at the time, please ask her to collect one from the main office.
We are delighted to announce the students who have been elected to this year's Student Council. A huge congratulations to the following representatives:
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Transition Year:
Fifth Year:
Sixth Year:
We look forward to seeing the positive contributions these students will make throughout the year! Well done to all!
REMINDER: The Parents' Association AGM will take place in the school this evening at 8pm.
We encourage all parents to attend this meeting and to engage with the Parents' Association.
Parents' Association meeting dates for this school year can be found on the Parents' Association section of the website at this link.
We look forward to celebrating our annual Christmas carol service in the school tomorrow morning. This is always a special occasion and a fitting start to the Christmas holidays.
Classes will finish after the carol service which will conclude around 12:15pm.