Displaying 131-140 of 917 results.
Hopespace - a free public talk on "Strategies for supporting grieving adolescents"
Created : 29 Feb 2024, 11:27 AM
Archived : 29 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Hopespace - a free public talk on "Strategies for supporting grieving adolescents" has been organised for Wednesday the 20th of March 2024 a 7:30 in the Galvia suite in the Connacht Hotel.

It is a free event, but must be booked in advance: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/strategies-for-supporting-grieving-adolescents-free-public-talk-tickets-dtcreator

Reminder: HEAR / DARE Applications
Created : 28 Feb 2024, 3:15 PM
Archived : 28 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
This is a reminder for anyone applying for HEAR/DARE
The HEAR deadline for the completion of the online form is this Friday the 1st of March at 5pm. You complete this as part of the CAO application. All HEAR related documents must reach the CAO by 5pm on the 15th of March.
The DARE deadline for the completion of Section A (Supplementary Information Form) is this Friday the 1st of March at 5pm. You complete this as part of the CAO application. All DARE related documents (Section B and Section C) must reach the CAO office by 5pm on the 15th of March.
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all documents reach the CAO office on time.
RSE Classes 5th Year
Created : 28 Feb 2024, 3:12 PM
Archived : 28 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
All 5th years have been given a letter today regarding RSE (Relationship & Sexuality Education) that will take place in school over the coming weeks.
Can you please ask your daughter for the letter as it contains information regarding these classes.
A copy is attached here also for your convenience.

Parents' Council Meeting
Created : 26 Feb 2024, 11:39 AM
Archived : 26 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

A message from the Parents' Council:

Dear Parents, we invite you to attend the Parents' Council meeting tomorrow at 8pm in the school. The Parents' Council is a very active body that provides a high level of support to the school, and we would be delighted to have you join us. The Parents' Council meets once a month with two staff members and the Principal to discuss school-related issues and to organize events.

Parental involvement in the school benefits students, parents, and the school itself. We encourage as many parents as possible to become involved in the Parents' Council

Best regards, The Parents' Council

No Homework Club Today
Created : 26 Feb 2024, 11:30 AM
Archived : 26 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

There will be no homework club today for 1st and 2nd year students due to the 1st year parent teacher meeting taking place after school.

Homework club will take place as usual for the rest of the week.

Importance of MMR vaccine and being measles aware
Created : 22 Feb 2024, 4:18 PM
Archived : 22 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

In recent months there has been a rise in cases of measles in parts of the UK and Europe. On 7th February the HSE reported the death of an adult with confirmed measles. This is the first confirmed measles case notified in Ireland in 2024. 


The HSE are asking parents to be measles aware and to make sure your children have received their recommended MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccines.


Be measles aware  ((Poster Link)


Measles can be unpleasant and is a potentially serious and highly infectious disease. 

The symptoms of measles include:  

  • high fever  

  • cough  

  • runny nose  

  • rash, which usually appears on head and neck first and spreads to rest of body 

Serious complications of measles include pneumonia and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). One in five infected may need to go to hospital and it can be fatal.


More information about measles symptoms is available at: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/measles/ or by searching ‘HSE measles’. 


If your child has been diagnosed with confirmed measles by your GP or hospital please contact your school. Children in your child's class may need to be vaccinated if they are not fully vaccinated against measles. 


An information letter from the HSE is attached containing information about the MMR vaccine - click on 'View PDF' to access.


Parents can also visit www.immunisation.ie for further information

Reminder - 1st year Parent Teacher Meeting - Monday 26th Feb
Created : 22 Feb 2024, 2:42 PM
Archived : 22 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

For some Parents/Guardians attending the meeting, it will be your first Parent Teacher Meeting in Taylor's. For your information, these meetings are held in Rosary Hall, where all teachers are available at tables, in alphabetical order. There are no appointments and you are free to attend the teachers in your order of preference, depending on any queue that they may have.

Each meeting should be in the region of five minutes to ensure that all Parents and Guardians have the opportunity to see all teachers.


If you are aware that you can not attend, please be sure to inform us, this can be done by your daughter informing their class tutor or another subject teacher.


Limited parking is available in both the left and right car parks but please park externally or avoid bringing a car if possible.

Entry is by the side gate, which will lead to the rear of Rosary Hall.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement - 2023
Created : 21 Feb 2024, 2:10 PM
Archived : 21 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Tomorrow, our school will hand out two certificates to the girls who completed their Junior Cycle exams in June 2023. (Current TYs and some 5th Years).


The Junior Cycle Profile or Achievement and the Other Areas of Learning certificates supplement the results script that the girls received earlier this academic year.


The girls achieved excellent results in their CBAs and in their involvement in other activities and learning and we are excited for them to be able to have it recognised and certificated.


These certs will be handed out in school during the last class tomorrow and some nice group photos will be taken.


Well done girls!

Foróige Knocknacarra
Created : 20 Feb 2024, 8:48 AM
Archived : 20 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
Foróige Knocknacarra works with young people aged 10- 24 years, living in Knocknacarra and has the following new programmes;
a sport club for 13- 18 year olds, a girls development group for 13-15 year olds, a youth cafe drop-in group for 13-18 years olds and a gamers zone.
These programmes offer a fun, safe, outlet after school. 
For more details on their programmes and where and when they take place check out the posters attached.
For further information on Foroige Knocknacarra check out @foroigeknocknacarra on Instagram and Facebook
No Homework Club this Wednesday
Created : 19 Feb 2024, 12:39 PM
Archived : 19 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM
There will be no homework club this Wednesday (21st February 2024) for 1st and 2nd year students due to a staff meeting. Homework club is taking place on Tuesday and Thursday as usual.