Post-Primary Languages Ireland, a dedicated unit of the Department of Education, is organising an information session on the Polish Leaving Certificate specification, portfolio, and sample papers. It aims to help students and parents to become familiar with the curriculum and identify suitable supports for the study, mostly for those who do not have access to the classes in school.
The information session will take place on 27th of February 2024, at 7 p.m. and will be hosted online.
To participate in the session, please register using the following link here
Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection
On-Line Parent Survey
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Each year the Inspectorate of the Department of Education carries out a comprehensive programme of inspection in schools. It will conduct a Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection (CPSI) in your child’s school today and tomorrow.
What is a CPSI?
A CPSI is an inspection of the implementation of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017. You can access a guide to CPSI inspection at:
Parent Survey
You are invited to complete an online survey. The Inspectorate values your views on issues such as the climate in the school, how you and your child feel about school, and your awareness of the school’s child protection procedures, including its anti-bullying procedures; these are an important part of a CPSI.
The survey may be accessed by clicking on the following link:
For post-primary schools:
You will first be asked your preferred language and then you will be required to enter the school’s roll number.
Your school roll number is: 62990Q
The deadline for completion of the survey is 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 30th January 2024.
What happens next?
The CPSI will take place in your school today, Monday 29th January 2024 and tomorrow, Tuesday 30th January 2024. The report will be published on in due course.
Thank you most sincerely for your co-operation.
Department of Education
Due to the orange weather warning being brought back to 5pm, there will be no after school study, or homework club today.
The TY Active Schools Class have put together this useful information for anyone wishing to get involved in school sport activities. There is something for everyone.
The school is hosting a Technovation Hub on Wednesdays from 4 - 6 pm in association with TeenTurn. This is a 12 week program, where you learn about app development. There will then be a pitch event after the 12 week program. No experience needed to join. Starts this Wednesday, January 17th 2024.
Details in the flyer attached. Please let Ms King know if you are registering by emailing Click on "IN PERSON AT SCHOOL OR HUB Wednesdsay 4-6 pm" under TECHNOVATION when registering. There is a link in the flyer or you can register at