Displaying 241-250 of 617 results.
Design Team Appointed.
Created : 21 Jan 2020, 7:05 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan's has appointed a design team to design and build the new extension at the school. A full report will be published in this week's Northern Standard @theNSMonaghan @StMacartans
Dalton Cup team win today..
Created : 17 Jan 2020, 4:25 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to our Dalton Cup team and managers who played their first official @ulsterschools game today and registered a win against St. Ronan's Lurgan. @StMacartans 2-09 @stronanssport 2.06 #SemAbú @monaghangaa
Important Meeting for Parents
Created : 17 Jan 2020, 12:01 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Further to the item posted on the school app last week please make an effort to attend the meeting for parents in St. Joseph's Pastoral Centre on Wednesday next January 22nd at 8.00 pm
Message from the Principal
Created : 10 Jan 2020, 1:25 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
As you are well aware, the misuse of illegal substances and so called legal highs is on the increase in our community. It affects families living in every area with those selling these substances very happy to prey on our young people in particular. In recent days, the impact of this phenomenon has impacted in a most serious way on a member of our community. So much so that I feel it is incumbent on me to send this message to all parents. Have you noticed your son or daughter behaving unusual of late? Have you noticed a change in your son / daughter’s general form? Have you noticed anything unusual regarding money in your home i.e. money going missing or your son / daughter having a lot of money in their possession, in their room etc. Have you noticed any unusual packages in your home? Have you noticed that your son / daughter has new friends? Among other substances, an increasing number of young people in our area are using a substance called Ketamine. This is a strong tranquilliser and anaesthetic used primarily on animals. It can be swallowed as a tablet or snorted as a powder. Sometimes it comes as a liquid. Ketamine can cause serious breathing problems, unconsciousness and / or heart failure. There is also a risk of choking on vomit whilst unconscious. Ketamine can cause confusion, agitation, panic attacks, and damage to short term and long term memory. Ketamine can also cause hallucinations, aggressiveness, blackouts and temporary blindness. Please speak with your sons and daughters about drug use. Drug use should not be tolerated as a social norm. Drug dealers preying on our children should be reported to the appropriate authorities and not tolerated in our community. As a result of concerns regarding the increase in drug use in our community, the five secondary schools in Monaghan town in conjunction with the Monaghan Joint Policing Committee will host a talk by Sgt. Mick Kearney on Wednesday January 22nd, 8.00 p,m. at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre Monaghan. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information is also available at www.spunout.ie. Feel free to also bring any concern that you may have to the Guidance Department at school. Is mise Raymond McHugh Principal
An important message for parents will be posted shortly on the school app. Please read.
Created : 10 Jan 2020, 1:22 PM
Archived : 10 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan’s Past Pupil Ambassador Paul Sherlock returns to his Alma Mater.
Created : 10 Jan 2020, 9:25 AM
Archived : 10 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
As a part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Global Schools’ programme, St. Macartan’s College past pupil, Ambassador Paul Sherlock accompanied by Defence Force members Sergeant McKernan and Corporal D’Orey visited the school on Thursday January 9th. The visit was was designed to give students the chance to learn about Ireland’s role in a changing world from diplomats and peacekeepers who have served and continue to serve Ireland abroad. Ambassador Sherlock returned to his former school and outlined his career path from school at St. Macartan’s College to university at UCD where he studied Economics, to working first as a volunteer with Concern in Ethiopia and other famine stricken regions of the world, to his current work as a diplomat with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Ambassador Sherlock with army Sgt. McKernan also spoke about the work they do and have done overseas, about Ireland’s place in the world, Ireland’s role in the European Union and at the United Nations. Sgt. McKernan spoke about his peace keeping missions and the work involved as an Irish peacekeeper in some of the world’s war torn regions. They were also keen to hear what students have to say about the global challenges we all face. Ambassador Sherlock presented the school with a UN flag and a copy of the preamble of the UN Charter, in recognition of Ireland’s contribution to addressing the biggest challenges facing our world today through peacekeeping, international development, human rights and disarmament. In reply St. Macartan’s College principal Raymond McHugh presented Ambassador Sherlock with a set of school cufflinks and a copy of the Ambassador’s Leaving Certificate class photograph. ‘Global Ireland Schools’ forms part of the ‘Global Ireland’ programme – the Government’s strategy for doubling Ireland’s international impact by 2025. #GlobalIrelandSchools @dfatirl @defenceforces @paul_sherlock
St. Macartan's Young Scientists Featured in Irish Independent
Created : 10 Jan 2020, 8:31 AM
Archived : 10 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan's Students at Young Scientist Exhibition
Created : 08 Jan 2020, 7:15 PM
Archived : 08 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Best wishes to James McKenny and Adam Lambe who take part in the BT Young Scientist Exhibition at the RDS this week. Their project is an investigation into why green technologies (focusing on bioplastics) are not being implemented @BTYSE @StMacartans #BeirBua
Cardiac Screening
Created : 06 Jan 2020, 12:54 PM
Archived : 06 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
AMS - Advanced Medical Service - will be coming to St. Macartan's College to perform a comprehensive, doctor led, Cardiac Screening Service in January. Cardiac screening is ultimately aimed at reducing the incidents of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). The fee for Cardiac Screening is €69.50pp. People that have their health insurance arranged with Laya Healthcare can avail of this service for free. To register please click on; bookings.ameds.ie/booking/from-code?code=smc
Les Miserables The Musical @StMacartans
Created : 03 Jan 2020, 2:22 PM
Archived : 03 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Rehearsals for this year's St. Macartan's College T.Y. musical Les Miserables continued over the Christmas holidays. Under the direction of Ms. Kirke, this year's musical is an ambitious undertaking and will take to the stage at the St. Macartan's College theatre in March.