Displaying 221-230 of 617 results.
St. Macartan's All Ireland Success..
Created : 01 Feb 2020, 4:57 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Eoghan McGinnity who won the All Ireland 40 x20 Senior Colleges title today at Kingscourt Handball Club. Well done also Seán Callan, Tiarnan O'Rourke, Niall McKenna and Justas Dambinskas who represented their college and province in today's All Ireland finals.
Follow up to last Wednesday's parents' meeting on resilience.
Created : 31 Jan 2020, 12:41 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Follow on from Wednesday’s Resilience Workshop at St. Macartan’s
A section of an Irish Times article is posted below as a follow on from our parents’ workshop on resilience which was hosted by our Guidance Department and led by Mark McCormack from Create the Great in You. It is also follows the workshop hosted by the St. Louis Secondary School Parents’ Association and delivered by Sgt. Mick Kearney at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre. Thank you to everybody who turned out in such excellent numbers to these events.
At Sgt. Kearney’s workshop he spoke about the importance of building resilience in our young people. As he said, young people with resilience will be able to stand on their own two feet and make correct decisions when faced with some of the choices that modern society will present to them. At Wednesday evening’s presentation at St. Macartan’s, we learned about the importance of “bouncebackability”. Teaching our young people to accept setbacks and more importantly to learn from their mistakes. We also learned about the danger of over-protecting teenagers and not allowing them to fail or make mistakes. The meeting also discussed accountability and the inherent danger of parents not allowing their teenagers to accept responsibility for their actions when they are in the wrong.
If you are concerned about your son’s lack of resilience and if you would like the school to support you in any way in addressing your concerns, feel free to contact our Guidance teachers Mr. Reilly and Mr Dalton at the school. We will continue to address the issue of resilience on an ongoing basis with our students as a part of our Wellbeing programme.
Is mise
Raymond McHugh
The following is taken from an article in the Irish Times entitled “How to give teenagers a grounding in life and make them more resilient” Wed, Jan 8, 2020, by Sheila Wayman.
Uncertain times
Plenty of us adults are familiar with those internal nags suggesting we’re not good enough, smart enough, fit enough, thin enough, kind enough . . . And we’re living through uncertain times, in the middle of a technological revolution and a global environmental crisis, with social and political change like we have never seen before.
“If you throw that on top of what is already one of the most complex periods in a person’s life, their teenage years, it is no surprise we are in the middle of an anxiety epidemic,” says Mark McDonnell, CEO of Soar.
Equipping them for life not Leaving Cert
“We see teenage years as such a magical time, so full of hope, opportunity and excitement,” says McDonnell. While he has a problem with the word “potential” – vague and over-used – “that is really what it is about: equipping young people to be the best versions of themselves”.
Being unable to grasp life is, he says, “the biggest tragedy”. Yet anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and addiction, seem to be insurmountable objects for many youngsters in doing just that.
You could spend your late teenage years and young adulthood “in a bit of a spin, trying to figure yourself out, figure life out”, McDonnell suggests. In such a melee of emotions, choices can seem random.
“We can take that level of chance out of it and give people a grounding earlier, so when they start to embark on those late teenage, early adult years, you are just further along the tracks and able to do amazing formative things during that period, rather than languishing in some kind of limbo.”
Universities and employers are saying that graduates find it hard to deal with challenges, setbacks “and even honest feedback”,
“To us that is such a shame because it is preventing them from fulfilling what really they are capable of. There is no point in getting 550 points in your Leaving Cert if you haven’t got the emotional literacy to manage your emotions, to handle stress, to deal with conflict and differences in the workplace.”
As for “awareness”, McDonnell believes the distraction of social media and consumer culture is “seriously hampering” the emotional development of today’s “incredibly smart” teenagers, with the “constant battle for their valuable attention”.
“Teenagers are just not getting the head space to press pause, to reflect, to figure out life a little.”
Listen - Communicate
“It is important to listen properly to teenagers – to both their concerns and their dreams. Teenagers are no different to us – they want to be heard, they want to be valued, they want to be respected.
Don’t judge
“As soon as you judge a teenager, they won’t come back again. And that is really dangerous.”
Give space - be open - be warm - be switched on
Using the analogy of a swimming pool, where teenagers are out in the middle, swimming as they should. Trying things and taking risks is all part of growing up, he stresses, and we shouldn’t run from that. “We should allow them to be out in the middle of the swimming pool doing their thing. Where we need to be as parents is at the edge of the pool, where if they get tired or get into difficulty, they can come over and rest and recover before they go again.”
Being open and warm at those times when teenagers do come to adults for comfort and advice is vital. “Whenever it is, we have to be really switched on and aware in those moments as it can be really different for every teenager.
“Whatever they bring to you, all I would say is do not judge them” he adds, “because in that moment, you’ve lost them.”
One to try at home . . .how well is your teenager?
Eight elements make up the model of wellbeing that Soar has constructed, with the help of Dr Maeve O’Brien, head of the School of Human Development at DCU, and feedback from nearly 30,000 teenagers.
1) Physicality
2) Self-sufficiency
3) Connection
4) Resilience
5) Relationships
6) Awareness
7) Nourishment
8) Meaning/Purpose
Ask any teenagers in your house to rate themselves on each of those and see where the discussion leads you.
Study Skills Workshop for Senior Students.
Created : 31 Jan 2020, 10:54 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Monaghan Education Centre will host a study skills workshop for senior cycle students on March 7th. Please see below for further details.
Sem boys in All Ireland Colleges Handball finals tomorrow
Created : 15 Jan 2020, 4:51 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Best wishes to the 5 Sem handballers who take part in the All Ireland finals tomorrow at Kingscourt Handball Club. Eoghan McGinnity will hope to retain his all Ireland colleges' crown and add to the 60 x 30 title which he won earlier this academic year in the U19 singles final. Justas Dambinskas and Niall McKenna play in the U 19 doubles event having previously competed in the 60 x 30 All Ireland finals earlier in the year. Tiarnan O'Rourke has previously played in the All Ireland 60 x 30 doubles finals and will tomorrow represent his College and province in the U17 singles competition. Seán Callan will take part U15 singles competition.
Catholic Schools Week.
Created : 30 Jan 2020, 1:25 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Our Deputy Head Prefect Evan Meighan reading today's reflection as part of Catholic Schools week @StMacartans
Lucht an 6ú bliain, am lóin inniú, Ciorcal Cainte #beathateangaíalabhairt
Created : 29 Jan 2020, 11:01 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Lucht an 6ú bliain, am lóin inniú, Ciorcal Cainte #beathateangaíalabhairt
Final Score
Created : 29 Jan 2020, 2:35 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Sem 0.13
St. Mary's 2 .12 AET.
Well done St. Mary's
Parents' meeting tonight on Communication, Collaboration and Creativity - Mentoring Young Males....
Created : 23 Jan 2020, 9:20 AM
Archived : 29 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Following on from last Wednesday's excellent presentation by Sgt. Mick Kearney in St. Joseph's Pastoral Centre, the St. Macartan's College Parents Association will host a presentation by Mark McCormack www.createthegreatinyou.com tonight January 29th at 7.00 pm in the College Library. The presentation will focus on resilience and the importance of building resilience in our young people. At last night's substance abuse awareness meeting for parents, Sgt. Kearney asked that we "don't raise snowflakes" and that we help our young people develop the life skills needed to stand on their own two feet. Resilience is an essential skill for the modern world, a skill which will also enhance the wellbeing of our young people. Further information on next Wednesday evening's presenter is available at vimeo.com/329843288/36c2bf582a
Sem Ski
Created : 28 Jan 2020, 5:50 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Meeting for parents and for the students travelling on this year's Sem Ski trip at 6.00 pm in the College Theatre tonight.
Coyle Complete Ltd. tomorrow's MacRory match Sponsors
Created : 28 Jan 2020, 4:19 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to Coyle Complete Ltd., Deravoy, Emyvale Co. Monaghan for sponsoring St. Macartan's participation in the MacRory Cup playoff against St. Mary's Magherafelt. The game will be played at St. Tiernach's Park Clones at 12.30 pm tomorrow. Coyle Complete Ltd provide Commercial Crash Repairs, Spray Painting and Graphics to the transport and haulage industry. @Coyle Complete @StMacartans @SemGaa @MonaghanGAA