Displaying 391-399 of 399 results.
Be Well Programme for 1st year students
Created : 14 Sep 2022, 9:46 AM
Archived : 30 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

In conjunction with Youthwork Ireland, we will be running the Be Well Programme with our 1st year students during our wellbeing week in October.  This Programme is an emotional awareness programme which offers participants the opportunity to:

  • Understand what Anxiety is and develop self-awareness around the effects of anxiety
  • Identify what happens to their body, emotions and behaviours when they feel anxious
  • Identify and use their own coping skills for dealing with anxiety
  • Understand they’re not alone and to become aware of different supports available to them

For more information on the programme and to complete the Permission slip, please click on this link ://bit.ly/38OZJtP 

All permission slips must be returned by by Thursday 29th September and students cannot participate unless the permission slip has been completed. 

Leaving School Early
Created : 06 Sep 2022, 1:01 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), 

We kindly request that collecting children early from school is kept to a minimum to allow teaching and learning to flourish.  Where your child must leave school early for an appointment or owing to illness, you must collect your child at the school.  Please drive to the school roundabout - your child will NOT be permitted to walk to the town to meet you.  This is for health and safety reasons.

All absences should be reported via our school app.

Many thanks,

Michelle McDermott

Study Clix for Students
Created : 06 Sep 2022, 11:52 AM
Archived : 30 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

Dear Student,

All students have access to Study Clix for the school year. Please see PDF attached with further detail. We have a limited number of licences for our school - please do not share this with students from other schools.

Kind regards,

Ms. McDermott

Bake Sale in aid of the Shoebox appeal
Created : 23 Sep 2022, 3:15 PM
Archived : 28 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

TY students are hosting a bake sale to raise money for the Ballymote Christmas Shoe Box appeal on Tuesday 27th September. Please support and if you wish to donate baked goods, please drop them to the school office on Tuesday morning!


Have your say - policy review
Created : 16 Sep 2022, 4:19 PM
Archived : 24 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We are currently reviewing the following policies:

Health & Safety at Work policy

RSE policy (pdf attached)

Wellbeing Policy (pdf attached)

We would appreciate any feedback you wish to give - feedback can be directed via a message in the app or by email to principal@cmbm.ie by Friday 23rd September 2022.

Kind regards,

Michelle McDermott


Hospice Coffee Morning Cupcake Sale
Created : 21 Sep 2022, 2:14 PM
Archived : 23 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

Third year Home Economics students will host a cupcake sale on Thursday 22nd September at break time in the kitchen.  All cupcakes will be €1.  Please support this worthy cause!

Creative Cluster at Coláiste Muire
Created : 21 Jul 2022, 11:25 AM
Archived : 21 Sep 2022, 12:00 AM

A glimspe at the pieces created by our first year students with Bettina Sykes before they go off to kiln for firing and then glazing! We really look forward to seeing these when they are finished! There is a lot of local history in these pieces after the students researched the Book of Ballymote.

Our first year students have been working with artist Bettina Sykes for the past 6 weeks as part of the Creative Cluster programme.  Bettina demonstrated some key techniques to the students and everyone had the opportunity to make maquettes, create their structures, score and slip the clay and secure it with coils.  We are lead school in the Creative Cluster project with Scoil Muire gan Smál and Corran College. Thank you to Sligo Education Centre who are responsible for funding this valuable experience for our students.


Have your say - SPHE/RSE National Consultation for Parents
Created : 12 Sep 2022, 10:26 AM
Archived : 15 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

14th September - 7pm to 8pm

Consultations around Social, personal & Health Education (SPHE) / Relationships & Sexuality Education (RSE) 

Places Limited So Click Below to Pre-Register

#WednesdayWebinar Sept 14th @ 19:00

Be informed and get involved in consultations around the curriculum on Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE) / Relationships & Sexuality Education (RSE). 

This webinar is linked to the opportunity for parents to feed into the SPHE/RSE online consultation which closes on the 18th Oct

A live presentation by NCCA’s Annette Honan

Pre register here-> https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q0Gf6C9ISnydzkW_QJeZfA

Pre register Here


2nd year Parent Junior Cycle Info Meeting
Created : 13 Sep 2022, 1:21 PM
Archived : 14 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Please find below the link for our meeting this evening, which will begin at 7.15pm. Looking forward to seeing you then.

Coláiste Muire Ballymote is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.



Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Link Tuesday 13th September, 7.15pm


Meeting ID: 884 8590 9069

Passcode: 618336