Displaying 1041-1050 of 1506 results.
Can you guess the staff member?
Created : 04 Mar 2021, 3:54 PM
Archived : 04 May 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of our world book day celebrations we are asking our students to guess the staff member and their book? Log onto our Instagram account @Foxrockgames to find out more.,
STEPS Engineers Week 27th - 5th March
Created : 04 Mar 2021, 11:13 AM
Archived : 04 May 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of Engineers Week 27th-5th March there are so many workshops and presentations to watch and investigate for example Mars the New Frontieer - a presentationgiven by the Letterkenny Institute of Technology and the App Inventor Workshop presented by the Institute of Technology of Carlow. Please check your Tutor Class Teams for morei information.
NUI Galway March Virtual Taster Days for TY Students
Created : 03 Mar 2021, 4:00 PM
Archived : 03 May 2021, 12:00 AM
NUI Galway have organised a week of taster days for various subjects such as Science, Engineering & Computer Science, Arts, Business, Law - Please see the website on www.nuigalway.ie/tasterdays/. If you wish to take part please let me know through your Teams Assignment by Thursday 4th March 2pm to ensure the school's registration.
TY Students - STEPS Engineering Your Future Notification 3rd March
Created : 03 Mar 2021, 3:35 PM
Archived : 03 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Could all TYs who have signed up for the STEPS Engineering Your Future programme please email me to confirm your participation in the programme to ensure that accurate recording of school attendance is done. In addition please check your Class TEAM for further information on next week's placement. Thank you.
Look Into Law Module 2. 1st March 2021
Created : 01 Mar 2021, 4:47 PM
Archived : 29 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Details and links to the Module 2 of the Look Into Law TY Programms have been emailed to all TY particpants this afternoon. In addition as part of Justice Week 2021 the Bar of Ireland will be hosting two events. These events are open to the public but the audience will not be seen or heard, their only possible interactions would be through a Q&A panel. 1. Tuesday 2nd March at 4pm - Understanding Disinformation: ti.to/BarofIreland/JW-HR2021 2. Wednesday 3rd March at 4.30pm - Intervarsity Debate: ti.to/BarofIreland/JW-UD2021 Attendance to these events is entirely optional and is not part of the specific TY Programme,. If you wish to participate please check out your TY Team for details - students will need to seek parent/guardian’s permission before signing up as they will need to enter their name and school email address when registering to attend. Their email addresses will only be used in relation to the Justice Week events and not used for any other purposes.
Created : 28 Feb 2021, 5:34 PM
Archived : 28 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all 6th Year Parents to please complete the “Return to School after absence” form on the school app. Many thanks.
Letter from Deputy Chief Medical Officer to parents and guardians
Created : 27 Feb 2021, 6:36 PM
Archived : 27 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
The Roadmap for the Safe Return to School
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 7:58 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians, Please read the attached letter in relation to 6th Year Student returning to school on Monday. Many thanks.

A Guide to State Examinations and Accredited for Leaving Cert 2021
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 2:16 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Leaving Certificate Mandarin Chinese: Information Session
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 3:57 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Post-Primary Languages Ireland is organising an information session on the new Leaving Certificate Mandarin Chinese specification for parents of heritage speakers. It aims to help parents become familiar with the specification and identify suitable supports for their children, in particular when they do not have access to the class in schools. The information session will take place at 19:00 on 11th March GMT. Please register by filling in the application through the link below by 8th March. Link to the online session will be sent to registered attendees closer to date. Please notice the working language for this information session will be Mandarin Chinese. If you require information in English, please email info@ppli.ie. We will reply or organise separate events based on demand. 爱尔兰中学语言教育中心(Post-Primary Languages Ireland,简称PPLI)是爱尔兰教育部的下属部门,负责为爱尔兰外语教育提供专业指导和支持,以中学阶段的教育为工作重点。爱尔兰政府于2017年发布了2017–2026年爱尔兰外语教育战略,其中明确了自2020年开始在中学开设中文高考课程,于2022年第一次实行中文高考。PPLI负责外语战略中一些关键计划的实施工作。这其中包括对中学阶段的中文教育进行支持,阶段工作重点即是中文作为高考科目的课程建设和推广工作。 PPLI将于3月份举办一次针对中文高考课程大纲的线上说明会。此次活动主要面向母语为中文的家长,旨在简要介绍课程大纲、与课程学习和考试相关的教育单位、家长们能够帮助孩子自学及备考的一些注意事项等。为保证沟通的准确性和效率,此次工作语言将以中文为主。此次活动安排在爱尔兰时间3月11日晚上7点。注册截止日期为3月8日晚6点。会议链接在注册关闭后会发送至注册使用的邮箱。此次说明会将以中文作为主要工作语言。如果您需要英文信息或类似的活动,请发送邮件到info@ppli.ie。我们会根据需求回复或酌情安排相关活动。