Displaying 501-510 of 730 results.
1st Year Reflection
Created : 20 Oct 2021, 2:44 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Today our First Years enjoyed a Reflection Day with their Religion teachers. They started the morning with our Holy Family Youth group (5th years) who played some ice-breaker games before the school prefects went to our Parish Church to participate in morning mass. In the classrooms, students watched the service via the webcam, after which Sr Kate led a guided meditation. This was followed by classroom activities based around our individual gifts and talents.
HFSS Running club
Created : 20 Oct 2021, 2:17 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Congrats to the students & teachers from the Holy Family Running club that meet every Wednesday after school for completing their first 3k & 5k run today. All students & teachers are invited to join the club for our next 7 week challenge to prepare for either a 3/5/6k run before the Christmas holidays.
TY Activity Week 1
Created : 15 Oct 2021, 3:58 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
This week the TY students had their first Activity Week. They took part in a variety of academic and life skills activities including: • CPR • Yoga • Pizza making from scratch • Creative Writing • Bodhrán Workshop • Orienteering • Pitch & Putt • Gaeilge workshop • Clay Modelling • A Business Enterprise workshop • A guest speaker for our new Global Classroom initiative • A Chemistry Laboratory workshop • Modern Foreign Languages Day (French, German and Spanish) We were delighted that we have now introduced Technical Graphics into our TY Programme as our students completed their first Tech. Graphics module this week. On Monday we welcomed TeamWorks to our school, a team building company that create unique induction and team bonding experiences for Transition Year students. TeamWorks aim to improve trust, energise the group, encourage collaboration and communication, increase productivity and creative thinking and highlight the importance of engagement and goal setting. This proved to be a most positive, engaging and memorable experience for all TY students. It was a fantastic week of new experiences and fun activities for all.
Sr Catherine visits School Courtyard
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 5:43 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
On Wednesday afternoon we were delighted to welcome Sr Catherine Moran, the very first principal of Holy Family Secondary School, to visit to our beautiful courtyard. On September 7th, 1959, Holy Family opened its doors as the first secondary school in Newbridge for girls. 75 students were enrolled with 5 teachers that included Sr Catherine as Principal. Ms. Allen, Ms. Kissane and Ms. O’Brien greeted Sr Catherine and showed her the courtyard that has been dedicated to her in recognition of the many years she has devoted to the Holy Family and the young people of Newbridge. Fr Joe, Fr Eugen and Sr Kate, our school chaplain, accompanied Sr Catherine to bless our courtyard, a new wellbeing space for our students and staff. Mrs. Teresa Brophy, chairperson of the Board of Management, presented Sr Catherine with a gift from the school community as a thank you for her continued support. “The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's Heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth.” (Dorothy Frances Gurney 1913)
David Walliams live chat: inspiring Ireland, Inspiring Students
Created : 04 Oct 2021, 4:26 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
1st and 2nd years had the fun and informative opportunity to attend a live chat today with author and comedian, David Walliams. Thank you to Kildare Education Centre for organising this event for students.
Additional Learning Needs state exam supports
Created : 03 Oct 2021, 2:09 PM
Archived : 03 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
The HFSS Additional Needs team will be working with parents and students in the upcoming weeks on the state exam supports for Junior (3rd year) and Leaving Certificate (6th year) students. The State Examinations Commission (known as the SEC) has confirmed the dates for applications for Reasonable Accommodation for Certificate Exams (this is known as 'RACE') for students in Junior and Leaving Certificate this year. The forms will be issued to schools in early October. The SEC circular states “that the criteria for learning difficulty cases will not change from 2021.” Therefore, schools can begin preparing and doing any testing (where required) now following the issue of this circular (S48/21). The application deadline for Leaving Cert. students is November 5th 2021. The application deadline for Junior Cert. students is January 14th 2022. In addition, there are further deadlines for both late and emergency applications outlined in the circular which is available at www.examinations.ie/schools/EN-1013-18562364.pdf The HFSS Additional Needs Coordinator and Additional Needs team of teachers and SNAs work alongside parents and all staff to support our students' abilities and needs. Queries and requests for more information are warmly welcomed. Please contact reception@holyfamily.ie
Incoming 1st Years for September 2022. Reminder.
Created : 03 Oct 2021, 10:36 AM
Archived : 03 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
If you have another child starting HFSS in September 2022 (currently in 6th class) an application must be submitted by Friday, October 22nd at 1pm. ALL students who wish to enrol in HFSS for next year MUST HAVE A FORM RETURNED BY 22nd October at 1pm (see Admissions Policy and Admissions Notice). Please contact the ADMISSIONS OFFICE with any queries (045) 431957 or admissions@holyfamily.ie Enrolment application for 1st Year 2022 opened on Friday, October 1st and closes on Friday, October 22nd at 1pm. The HFSS Admissions Policy is available to read on www.holyfamily.ie. Application Forms are available on the website. www.holyfamily.ie/policy-2/ Please note: only those who have already submitted a Declaration of Interest (pre February 2020) were sent an application pack. The application form is available to download for all on the website or in hard copy from the school. Please contact school for specific queries.
Statue of St. Brigid - a gift to our school community
Created : 28 Sep 2021, 5:14 PM
Archived : 28 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Mary Ferris, artist and sculptor has gifted a bronze of Saint Brigid to our school community. Saint Brigid was born in 454 and was the founder of the first monastery in County Kildare.. There are many stories of her piety and her deep concern for the poor who were never turned away. Saint Brigid became known for her kindness, generosity and faith and the making of the cross of rushes became synonymous with her and the tradition now bears her name. She is one of the Patron Saints of Ireland, along with St Patrick and St Columcille. A beautiful gift, gratefully received.
Jersey Day 2021
Created : 24 Sep 2021, 3:12 PM
Archived : 24 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Thank you everyone for a very successful Jersey Day 2021
Jersey Day Friday 24th September
Created : 23 Sep 2021, 1:37 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
It's Jersey day tomorrow and our first Civies day fundraiser for equipment for our Wellbeing/ Active schools programmes. All students and staff are welcome to wear any club/county/country /team jersey or a sports top for jersey day. Please remember to bring in 2 euro to support this school fiundraiser. Many thanks