Displaying 481-490 of 730 results.
Rainbow Day 2021
Created : 19 Nov 2021, 4:21 PM
Archived : 19 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
We have been celebrating LGBT+, inclusion and awareness in HFSS over the past two weeks. In tutor time last week students took part in an LGBT+ awareness lesson and today, surrounded by rainbow flags and bunting and with our pride flag proudly hanging from our flagpole, HFSS students and staff wore all the colours of the rainbow to support inclusiveness and diversity. HFSS values the importance of ensuring that that our school environment is a place where students feel welcome and safe, and that all young people learn about equality, diversity and inclusion. Well done to the SRC for organising our Rainbow Day.
Rainbow day
Created : 18 Nov 2021, 8:20 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all years to wear the colour allocated to their year group for Rainbow day tomorrow to support the last day of LGBTI+ Inclusion week.
1st year -Red
2nd Years -Orange
3rd Years- Yellow
4th Years- Green
5th Years- Blue
6th Years -Purple
18th November 2021 Covid 19 Guidelines for Close Contacts
Created : 18 Nov 2021, 1:36 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, the revised COVID 19 guidelines focus on close contacts of a positive case in a domestic setting (family household) and offer guidance in terms of restricting movement and testing.
This new advice states that all members of a household, even if fully vaccinated, must now restrict their movements for 5 days and take 3 antigen tests within that period if a member of that household is Covid positive.
If any member of a household displays symptoms they should contact their doctor to arrange a PCR test or book one on line using the HSE website. We want to commend our parents/guardians for being so proactive in this regard.
If your child is not vaccinated and is deemed to be a close contact of a positive case, they must restrict his movements for 14 days and take a PCR test on day 0 and day 10.
Close contacts: New advice that comes into immediate effect is that household close contacts who are fully vaccinated and showing no symptoms should now restrict their movements until they have three negative antigen test results within five days.
Antigen tests should be taken in this order:
• First test on the day you receive your tests
• Second test two days after your first test
• Third test two days after your second test. www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/testing/
HFSS Sports Captains
Created : 16 Nov 2021, 9:45 AM
Archived : 16 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
HFSS Sports captains were presented with their badges this morning. These students have demonstrated excellence in their chosen sport with dedication to both individual skill development and development of the team.
Covid 19 prevention measures
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 3:55 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/ guardians,
Please remind your children of the correct procedures for mask wearing. Both noses and mouths should be covered when inside the school building. We would encourage students to have a supply of re-usable masks and to wash them regularly. Students should also have their own personal anti-bacterial wipes to keep their desks and personal spaces sanitised. Please see the link attached for more advice on preventing the spread of Covid 19.
Science Week 2021
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 12:06 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
This week we celebrated Science Week in HFSS. Students worked on posters, quizzes, discussions on science for the future, a most interesting facts competition and made rainbows in a test-tube to celebrate LGBTQIA+ week.
Most interesting facts submissions:
Monday from Realtin Whiteley and Anna Jebin: There is enough DNA in the average body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back 17 times.
Tuesday from Kassidy Myers and Mia Rose Whiteley: Metals expand when heated. So during the summer the Eiffel Tower can grow by 15cm.
Wednesday from Oliwia Kos: Bacteria are much smaller than human cells. The average human body carries ten times more bacterial cells than human cells. So if we only consider the number of cells you are made of – you are more bacteria than human!
Thursday from Hannah McDonald: While we are awake the brain produces enough electricity to power a regular light bulb for 24 hours.
Friday from Millie Kavanagh: Babies have about 100 more bones than an adult has. As babies grow some of their bones fuse together.
Message from the Department of Education regarding 'Creating Our Future' campaign
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 5:02 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
"Dear Parents/Guardians,
You may have heard of the Government of Ireland campaign “Creating Our Future”. The
idea is that members of the public engage in a dialogue on research and to submit their
ideas on what they would like researchers to explore. The ideas can be anything from the
environment and technology to arts and humanities. You can find all the details on
The Government is very keen to hear from children and parents throughout the country.
Parents are encouraged to talk about research topics with children and then to
submit ideas that come up. Every idea will be reviewed by a panel of experts it will go
towards a final report to Cabinet as well as a book of inspiration for researchers.
This is a great initiative for encouraging input from our children on the future they wish to
see for themselves and promotes critical thinking and citizenship skills. It would be a great
way for the entire family to spend some time together this weekend"
Department of Education
Oireachtas Education Committee on Leaving Certificate Reform
Created : 09 Nov 2021, 2:28 PM
Archived : 09 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Senator Fiona O'Loughlin (from Newbridge) has shared information about the intended work of the Oireachtas Education Committee on Leaving Certificate Reform. If you want to share your opinions and ideas on this topic, the details are outlined below.
"I am pleased that we have agreed to prioritise the issue of Leaving Certificate Reform as a key area for consideration at the Oireachtas Education Committee. In order to ensure that the voice of the entire education community in South Kildare is heard, I would ask that you share the below survey monkey with your students and staff. As this is just in a short format to capture views, I have no doubt that your teachers and students have much more to contribute, therefore I would be more than happy to receive further communication by email or phone.
I will also be hosting a virtual public meeting at 7:30pm on November the 18th, and I would really appreciate if you, your staff and your students would engage with event. All details are available on my Facebook page which I have linked below (Survey link is in the description).
PUBLIC MEETING: Leaving Cert Reform | Facebook
The covid pandemic has fundamentally changed how we view the Leaving Certificate examination and we were forced to adopt measures that we would never have thought possible a few months prior. It is vital that we now take stock of both curriculum and examination. I want to ensure that the lived experience, from both the students and teachers perspective is clearly heard within our work on the Education Committee. Anyone who wishes to attend the meeting can email me at fiona.oloughlin@oireachtas.ie
Rgds, Fiona O'Loughlin"
PA Christmas Raffle 2021
Created : 08 Nov 2021, 2:10 PM
Archived : 08 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Ho Ho Ho Ho…..Holy Family Secondary School Parents Association Request for Support
Christmas Raffle 2021
Anyone who can donate a prize or prizes please contact the Parents' Association
All prizes required by Friday 19th November 2021
5th Year Reflection
Created : 05 Nov 2021, 7:54 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Yesterday our Fifth Years enjoyed a Reflection Day with their Religion teachers on the theme of 'Thanks Giving'. Students first prayed and meditated on all they were thankful for in their life.
They then brought this grateful intention with them as they went on a reflective walk in the Liffey Linear Park, with students even picking up a few hot beverages along the way ☕