Displaying 541-550 of 636 results.
Created : 08 Jan 2021, 6:01 PM
Archived : 08 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents , We take this opportunity to update you re the planning we are undertaking to prepare for remote school for the coming weeks . Monday 11th January will be a Staff Planning day with scheduled Staff and Subject Department Meetings during the day to allow us to prepare, adapt and amend the curriculum for online delivery across all year groups ( 1st - 6th ) . Online Teaching and Learning for all Year Groups (1st - 6th ) will commence Tuesday morning 12th January at 8 45am and it is envisaged that your daughter will follow her normal Timetable schedule for the period of remote school with classes/ online learning beginning each morning at 8 45 am and following the normal school timetable until school finishes each day at 3 40pm ( 1pm on Wednesday ) . Our platform for Online Learning in HFSS is ms 365 TEAMS and students already have the TEAMS app downloaded on their mobile phone for this purpose - please check that your daughter is accessing TEAMS during remote school. While in REMOTE SCHOOL we will abandon split break/ lunch times and all year groups will follow our original timetable with 2 class periods before morning break (10 45am - 11am), 2 class periods before lunch (1pm - 1 40pm) and 2 class periods in the afternoon. We appreciate your support to date and Year Heads will be in touch with further details for students via email / Teams on Monday. Thank you
Reversal update. Department of Education Press Release 7/01/2021
Created : 07 Jan 2021, 9:36 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Minister of Education Press Release 6/01/2021
Created : 07 Jan 2021, 4:16 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Further details of school specific planning to follow. www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2021-press-releases/PR21-01-06.html
Created : 07 Jan 2021, 8:24 AM
Archived : 07 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Good Morning. Reminder if collecting books from lockers today to adhere strictly to the given time slots below for social distancing & the express purpose of minimising numbers in school. PLEASE BRING LOCKER KEYS & MASK.. If any student is unable to collect books please ask a friend to collect belongings for you and reminder for households with students who may be close contacts , waiting a covid result or positive , these students should ask a friend and not come in to school in any circumstances. Wishing all a Happy New Year , keep well & stay safe . We will be in touch with further information and details for next week. Thank you Schedule for Collecting Books THURSDAY 7th January 2021 TIME SURNAME (1st - 6th Years) 9 – 9 30 am A 9 30 – 10 00pm B 10 00 – 10 30 pm C 10 30 – 11 pm D 11 – 11 30pm E/F/G 11 30 – 12 noon H/I/J 12 – 12 30pm K 12 30 – 1pm L & N 1pm – 1 30pm **Mc Surnames ONLY 1 30pm – 2pm *M (1st – 3rd) 2 – 2 30pm *M (4th – 6th)) 2 30pm – 3pm O 3- 3 30pm P/Q/R 3 30pm – 4pm S 4 – 4 30pm T – Z Students are advised to please use the following entrances to access lockers Main Door: 1st /2nd /6th Year Middle Door: TYs /5th Year PE Door : 3rd Year
Created : 06 Jan 2021, 6:13 PM
Archived : 06 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents , With the announcement of remote school from Monday 11th January some students may wish to collect books from their lockers however text books are also available online. Students can access lockers tomorrow Thursday 7th January during the following time slots which have been allocated according to the student's Surname. Students must adhere strictly to the given time slots for social distancing & the express purpose of minimising numbers in school Please note all students collecting books need to sign in on arrival into the school building as is required for contact tracing purposes. Mindful of Level 5 guidelines please advise your daughter when coming to collect her books to avoid gathering with other students at any stage outside the school building and in making her way to or from school. REMINDER : BRING LOCKER KEYS & MASK Schedule for Collecting Books THURSDAY 7th January 2021 TIME SURNAME (1st - 6th Years) 9 – 9 30 am A 9 30 – 10 00pm B 10 00 – 10 30 pm C 10 30 – 11 pm D 11 – 11 30pm E/F/G 11 30 – 12 noon H/I/J 12 – 12 30pm K 12 30 – 1pm L & N 1pm – 1 30pm *Mc Surnames ONLY 1 30pm – 2pm * M (1st – 3rd) 2 – 2 30pm *M (4th – 6th)) 2 30pm – 3pm 0 3- 3 30pm P/Q/R 3 30pm – 4pm S 4 – 4 30pm T – Z Students are advised to please use the following entrances to access lockers Main Door: 1st /2nd /6th Year Middle Door: TYs /5th Year PE Door : 3rd Year

Dept. of Education and Skills' Press Release regarding school delayed reopening until 11th January 2021
Created : 31 Dec 2020, 9:21 AM
Archived : 01 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
School reopening delayed until Monday, 11th January 2021.
Created : 30 Dec 2020, 7:34 PM
Archived : 01 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
An Taoiseach, Michael Martin, announced this evening that schools will reopen on Monday, 11th January due to the rising cases of Covid 19. Level 5 restrictions begin tonight. Further details to follow
Sr. Catherine’s Courtyard December 2020
Created : 22 Dec 2020, 12:45 PM
Archived : 22 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Christmas Greetings
Created : 22 Dec 2020, 12:39 PM
Archived : 22 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Wishing you and all your families a happy and safe Christmas. In the event you need to contact school during the holidays for any Covid related issue please email reception@holyfamily.ie
Minister Foley's Christmas Message
Created : 21 Dec 2020, 3:07 PM
Archived : 21 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM