Displaying 211-220 of 626 results.
All Ireland Final match details
Created : 21 Nov 2022, 12:59 PM
Archived : 21 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Travel details for tomorrow Tuesday 22nd November for All -Ireland Soccer final:
Team leaving the school at 9.30am
Supporters leaving after first class at 10am.
All supporters can wear their full PE uniform. Please bring a warm coat, hat ,gloves and umbrella . Please also have a packed lunch & drink as there is no shop at the venue.
Match starts at 12 noon in Athlone. All supporters will return by 3.40pm.
Think Languages 17 November 2022
Created : 18 Nov 2022, 5:00 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Yesterday, we celebrated a national event for TY students, #Think Languages2022

Students watched the opening ceremony, took part in the live quiz and attended workshops including Chinese Art, Danish Design, Arabic & Bellydancing & Russian & Ballet. 

Our foreign language assistants Laura & Bente hosted a Christmas Cookie decorating workshop.

Thanks to our MFL teachers for facilitating a great morning for all our @HolyFamilyN TY students.

Big thanks to our Think Languages student committee for helping with the organisation, to our two language assistants for the fun workshop, and to all the TY students for taking part!

Calendar Reminder - No school for students next Monday 21st November
Created : 18 Nov 2022, 11:27 AM
Archived : 18 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear parents / guardians,

Reminder: As per our school calendar there will be no school next Monday 21st November for students to facilitate a staff training day.

Photography Club
Created : 16 Nov 2022, 2:54 PM
Archived : 16 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

A sample of the excellent pictures taken by our Photography Club students in October.

An exhibition of the photographs from our Photography Club is on display on the corridor at the back of the dining area. If any student wishes to join the club please contact Ms. Lynch on Teams.

Also a massive 'Thank You' to Fujifilm Newbridge for their kind sponsorship of the club.

All Ireland Final Supporters
Created : 15 Nov 2022, 9:54 AM
Archived : 15 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

A reminder of last week's notification:

As you may be aware, the HFSS First Year Soccer Team (2021/22) have made it to the All-Ireland Final (Coaches Mr. Beggy and Mr. Mulvey). These students are now in 2nd year. The All-Ireland takes place on Tuesday, 22nd November. (HFSS v Presentation College (Athenry)). This will be played in Athlone. We are inviting all students on the school's soccer teams, all 2nd years and all 3rd years to attend as supporters. 
This will be a nice opportunity to have a school supporters' day away in recognition of all the hard work that they have been doing. There will be a €10 charge for the bus for students, but the admission fee and other costs will be paid by the school. Students who do not wish to attend will have classes as normal. The bus money can be paid via the school app shop.

The closing date for payment was yesterday; however there are still a number of seats available on the buses. A request for payment can be found in the 'shop' section or Mr. Beggy will collect cash outside Ms. Kissane's office after 8.20 in the morning.

Calendar reminder - No school for students, November 21st
Created : 14 Nov 2022, 5:21 PM
Archived : 14 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear parents / guardians,

As per our school calendar there will be no school on Monday 21st November for students to facilitate a staff training day.

Anti-bullying and Inclusion Week in HFSS
Created : 11 Nov 2022, 5:30 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

This week in HFSS was our anti bullying and inclusion week to coincide with the national LGBTQi+ week which is next week . We are celebrating one week early due to exams. In tutor time students learned about hurtful language that is often used and how to avoid falling into this habit. All students contributed to a hands of friendship art piece where each student drew their hand and wrote on each finger how they could be more inclusive. This piece is displayed in our front hall. Our rainbow civvies today on Friday was a wonderful display of solidarity and friendship among the student body.

Senior Volleyball
Created : 11 Nov 2022, 3:33 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

Our Senior A Volleyball team had a very successful day today, beating both St. Brigids and St. Raphaels, Loughrea in straight sets. With one round left to play, HFSS now look to securing a place in the All-Ireland Final in Round 3 next week in Carlow.

An excellent team performance by all

All Ireland Soccer Final
Created : 10 Nov 2022, 12:25 PM
Archived : 10 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM

As you may be aware, the HFSS First Year Soccer Team (2021/22) have made it to the All-Ireland Final (Coaches Mr. Beggy and Mr. Mulvey). These students are now in 2nd year. The All-Ireland takes place on Tuesday, 22nd November. (HFSS v Presentation College (Athenry)). This will be played in Athlone. We are inviting all students on the school's soccer teams, all 2nd years and all 3rd years to attend as supporters. This will be a nice opportunity to have a school supporters' day away in recognition of all the hard work that they have been doing. There will be a €10 charge for the bus for students, but the admission fee and other costs will be paid by the school. Students who do not wish to attend will have classes as normal. The bus money can be paid via the school app shop. The closing date for payment is next Monday (14th November).

Cadette Volleyball
Created : 09 Nov 2022, 9:37 AM
Archived : 09 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
On 8th November HFSS hosted round two of the Cadette A volleyball. Teams from St. Raphael's (Loughrea) and St.Marys (Naas) travelled to compete. 
Our Cadette A team battled hard in all their matches vs. St. Raphael's teams. Each game went to the third set with HFSS and St. Raphael's taking one set a piece. The third sets went down to the wire with St. Raphael's coming out winners by the narrowest of margins. 
Our Cadette squad have made huge progress since beginning to compete together this year. They will bring their experience onto round three matches next month and continue to do us proud.