Displaying 331-340 of 355 results.
Big Family Quiz #2
Created : 07 May 2020, 10:38 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone who took part in our quiz last night. We had 64 teams in what was a thoroughly enjoyable quiz. Our next Quiz will take place next Wednesday 13th May @ 7pm.
Online Stress Control Programme - Kildare Children & Young People’s Services Committee
Created : 07 May 2020, 10:35 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Below & attached please find details of FREE 6-session online Stress Control programme available from 11th May via YouTube. Sessions run for about 90 minutes with a 10-minute break in the middle. The sessions will be led by Dr Jim White, consultant clinical psychologist, who created the class and who has taught most of the NHS (UK) and HSE (Ireland) trainers who would normally be running classes across the country. Go to stresscontrol.org for full details of the class and the YouTube link. This is open to everyone aged 18 years+.

Newbridge Share Food
Created : 07 May 2020, 10:31 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Newbridge Share Food is a project run by volunteers within the Newbridge Parish that distributes from 80 up to 120 food hampers per week to families in need within the locality. It's purpose is to have food parcels available to individuals and families who are struggling due to economic reasons. Share Food hopes to resume operation soon and expect a huge demand on their resources. Our school has always supported Share Food and holds collections during the year. With school closed we are unable to assist so are asking our school community to think of Share Food the next time they are shopping for groceries. People can place non-perishable in-date food items in specially marked boxes in Tesco, SuperValu and Dunnes Stores. At this time we would like to ask people to think of those in our community who may need some additional support and to donate where possible. More information on Newbridge Share Food is available at www.newbridgeparish.ie/our-parish/share-food/
Kildare Children & Young People’s Services Committee
Created : 07 May 2020, 10:19 PM
Archived : 08 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Did you know that St. Conleth & Mary's school is part of Newbridge School Completion Project and can access additional supports for all pupils and their families in our school. The Kildare Children & Young People’s Services Committee plays a vital role in providing those supports where Emma Berney and her team do an amazing job. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing some of the supports that can be accessed online. These range from information webinars to specialised programmes. Below please find details of upcoming talks as part of Kildare Library Service: Let’s Talk About Parenting Programme 2020: Understanding Bullying: empowering children and strategies for intervention with Jenny Ryan, Forensic Psychologist and Guidance Counsellor Zoom Talk on Thursday 14th May 8.30pm (Time TBC) - Book a place through kildarelibrarybookings@gmail.com Healthy Sleep Habits in Babies and Children with Erica Hargaden of Babogue Sleep Solutions Recorded Talk Available on Kildare Library Facebook from 20th May Resilience in a Digital Age with Colman Noctor Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist Recorded Talk Available on Kildare Library facebook from 26th May Starting Secondary School with Dr Mary O'Kane, Lecturer in Psychology, Early Childhood Studies and Education Recorded Talk Available on Kildare Library Facebook - Summer Date TBC Visit Kildare Library Service social media pages and the new library Blog page for details of these and other upcoming talks - www.facebook.com/KildareCountyLibraryService/ kildarelibrariesblog.wordpress.com/ twitter.com/kildarelibrary www.instagram.com/kildarelibrary/
Big Family Quiz #2 Tonight
Created : 07 May 2020, 12:46 PM
Archived : 07 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Big Family Quiz #2 tonight at 7pm. Please go to myquiz.org and enter the quiz code 286791 Last week's quiz was a huge success with 86 teams taking part. This week there are 4 rounds of 10 questions. Rounds 1 & 2 are general knowledge, Round 3 is about cartoon characters and Round 4 is name the flag. Please share the code with other members of the school community. Best of Luck!!!
Draft Admissions Policy
Created : 06 May 2020, 10:01 PM
Archived : 07 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
In accordance with the Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018 the Board of Management under the direction of the school Patron, the Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, have drafted a new school admissions policy. This policy will come into effect in the new school year and will be used for admission to St. Conleth & Mary’s for the school year 2021/22. The final draft will be sent to our patron for their approval following our Board of Management meeting on Tuesday 6th May. Given the legal requirements of the Act there are very few areas where we an alter the text. Please pay particular attention to priority for admission and in the case of over subscription, both in section 6, as we have some autonomy here. We are seeking your views and opinions on the new Admissions Policy for our school. If you have any comments please e-mail them to BOM@stconlethandmarys.ie by 2pm on Thursday 14th May.

Big Family Quiz no. 2
Created : 06 May 2020, 5:33 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Our 2nd Big Family Quiz will take place on Thursday 7th May at 7pm. Check back in the school app tomorrow for the quiz code.
School Building Closed
Created : 05 May 2020, 8:15 AM
Archived : 05 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Following announcement by an Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on Friday 1st May St. Conleth & Mary's school building will be closed to pupils for the rest of the school year. Online engagement with pupils will continue via Seesaw. Thank you for your engagement with Seesaw to date. We are aware that there are limitations with the platform and that it cannot replace the classroom environment but we will continue to engage with pupils for the rest of the school year.
Big Family Quiz
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 9:11 AM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone who took part in our online quiz last night. We had 86 teams playing and it went down to the last question to decide the winner! It was great fun and we hope to do it again next Wednesday 7th May.
Quiz Night
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 11:02 AM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
We have designed an online quiz that can be accessed through your phone, tablet, laptop or PC. Instructions: Go to www.myquiz.org Enter login code - 202326 Quiz starts at 7pm sharp Questions are multiple choice with 4 options for every question. There is only 1 correct answer per question Each question is on the screen for 25 seconds The quiz is divided into 4 rounds with 10 questions in each round. There will be a 2 min break between each round. This will appear as a question but no points are awarded for that screen. This is the 1st time we are doing our quiz online and we hope that you enjoy taking part.