Displaying 281-290 of 355 results.
Patrician Secondary School Applications Open
Created : 01 Oct 2020, 4:50 PM
Archived : 01 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Patrician Secondary School is now accepting applications for enrolment for September 2021. Please see the notice attached.
Autumn Art 4th Class
Created : 30 Sep 2020, 6:58 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Autumn Self Portraits
Updated COVID 19 Response plan for the safe reopening of schools
Created : 30 Sep 2020, 1:36 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Following a meeting of the Board of Management on Monday 28th September the COVID 19 Response Plan for the Safe Reopening of Schools has been updated. The updated copy is below, updates are highlighted.
Created : 30 Sep 2020, 11:06 AM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Laois Education Centre in partnership with the Triple P Parenting Programme are
delivering a Fear-Less Seminar on Wednesday 21st October from 7.30-9pm
which will offer Parents of children 4 - 14 years of age tips and strategies to help their
Children manage their anxiety and provide practical evidence-based tips for parents and
carers in these uncertain times.
Parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic is a unique challenge for all parents, caregivers and
families. Children and parents are anxious, and families are under pressure like never before.
Being a parent to a child/teenager who isexperiencing anxiety can be tough.
Anxious children / teenagers can seek constant reassurance have outbursts of anger / frustration
and can feel sick when worried. Parenting has a crucial role to play in mitigating the
potential long-term negative impacts of COVID-19 on children, particularly in relation to mental health.
FREE Online events for Parents!
Created : 30 Sep 2020, 11:04 AM
Archived : 30 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Below please find details of 3 FREE online events for parents, hosted by Kildare Library Service as part of the Let’s Talk About Parenting programme 2020.
Building Self Esteem in Children and Teens
Thurs 1st Oct from 4pm (Facebook)
Presented by Caroline Morris, Foroige
This talk is facilitated by Caroline Morris, Youth Officer with Foroige. It takes a look at what is self- esteem, how to support our young people's self esteem, how to recognise low self esteem & the importance of communication.
Available at www.facebook.com/KildareCountyLibraryService
and at a later date from Kildare Library vimeo channel
‘Spring Forward, Fall Back’ - Bedtime Prep & Tips for Parents!
Monday 12th October from 4pm (Facebook) & follow up Thursday 15th October 8.30pm (Zoom)
Presented by Erica Hargaden, Sleep Consultant
The clocks are going back on October 25th. Hurrah say some, an extra hour in bed… not so for Parents of young children! Join Erica from Babogue Sleep Solutions for some advice and tips to make the transition easier. Followed by a Q and A via zoom a couple of days later to follow up with Parents with further support.
Talk available on Monday 12th October from 4pm at www.facebook.com/KildareCountyLibraryService
And a later date from Kildare Library vimeo channel
Follow up Q and A and support session via Zoom: Thurs 15th October 8.30pm-9pm. Email Suzanne at celbridgelib@kildarecoco.ie to book your place.
Understanding Bullying: empowering children and strategies for intervention
Presented by Jennifer Ryan, Forensic Psychologist & Guidance Counsellor
Thursday 12th November 7pm (Zoom)
Why bullying happens, how to recognize it in your child, and effective strategies for intervention for you as a Parent and for your child or teenager. This talk will take a common sense approach to the complexities of bullying and aims to equip parents to deal with bullying effectively.
To book your place email Andrea at maynoothlib@kildarecoco.ie
Keep an eye on Kildare Library social media channels (twitter, facebook, instagram) and www.parentingsupport.ie for more upcoming events including Positive Parenting with John Sharry, Resilience in a Digital Age with Colman Noctor and Baby Sign Language Classes.
GAA Silhouettes
Created : 29 Sep 2020, 2:31 PM
Archived : 29 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Room 1 created these fantastic GAA Silhouettes and have them on display for all to see outside their classroom.
Sonas, Spraoi and Siamsa Christmas Annuals available to order now until 26th November 2020!
Created : 17 Nov 2020, 3:23 PM
Archived : 26 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
If you would like to order, go to our school shop in your St. Conleth and Marys app, click the menu bar on top left --> Shop --> School Payment and click through to purchase. Annuals are €4 each. We will order the correct annual for your child once we receive your order. Please note that this is strictly an online purchase only. Due to COVID19 we can not accept cash at the office at the moment.
COVID 19 Communications in the school
Created : 24 Sep 2020, 3:53 PM
Archived : 24 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
With COVID 19 we have had to alter how we as staff communicate with each other in the school during class time. We do not have an internal phone system at present. We have tried to use online tools such s Google Hangouts but have found the most effective and reliable and practical method to be using mobile phones. Teachers have their mobile phones turned on and on desks in classrooms in case of emergency or if they need to contact the school office. We thank you for your co-operation and understanding around this.
Face Coverings
Created : 22 Sep 2020, 9:55 AM
Archived : 22 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone for their co-operation with our COVID-19 plan. Both entry and exit of the school building are working extremely well. We would ask parents/guardians to please wear a face covering while on the school grounds and to be mindful of 2m social distancing. Thank you
Optical Art
Created : 22 Sep 2020, 9:39 AM
Archived : 22 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
6th class in RM 8 have created this amazing optical Art display.