Displaying 311-320 of 355 results.
Consultation Draft Uniform and Healthy Eating Policy
Created : 17 Jun 2020, 3:34 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Over the past few months we have been involved in reviewing and redrafting our Code of Behaviour for St. Conleth & Mary's Primary School. Our Code of Behaviour is an important document as it sets the tone for the expected behaviours in the school. We feel that this new Code is more reflective of our school community and is a positive document that we can use to reinforce the positives we see everyday. The Code of Behaviour has been reviewed and redrafted in line with Tusla guidance available at this link: www.tusla.ie/uploads/content/guidelines_school_codes_eng.pdf
While there are sanctions for some behaviours this document seeks to be positive overall, to promote rather than punish.
We have also included a new method of communicating and recording behaviours to children and parents. This card system communicates not only negative behaviours but reinforces positive behaviours and seeks to involve parents and guardians in celebrating them.
As a result of this review we have also had to develop 4 new policies that help strengthen not only our Code of Behaviour but also our responsibilities to Child Safeguarding. They are Homework, Uniform, Supervision and Healthy Eating.
We will be presenting these policies to the Board of Management for ratification on Thursday 25th June.
If you would like to make any comment on any of the policies please email BOM@stconlethandmarys.ie by 3pm on Tuesday 23rd June.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Consultation Draft Homework and Supervision Policy
Created : 17 Jun 2020, 3:33 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Over the past few months we have been involved in reviewing and redrafting our Code of Behaviour for St. Conleth & Mary's Primary School. Our Code of Behaviour is an important document as it sets the tone for the expected behaviours in the school. We feel that this new Code is more reflective of our school community and is a positive document that we can use to reinforce the positives we see everyday. The Code of Behaviour has been reviewed and redrafted in line with Tusla guidance available at this link: www.tusla.ie/uploads/content/guidelines_school_codes_eng.pdf
While there are sanctions for some behaviours this document seeks to be positive overall, to promote rather than punish.
We have also included a new method of communicating and recording behaviours to children and parents. This card system communicates not only negative behaviours but reinforces positive behaviours and seeks to involve parents and guardians in celebrating them.
As a result of this review we have also had to develop 4 new policies that help strengthen not only our Code of Behaviour but also our responsibilities to Child Safeguarding. They are Homework, Uniform, Supervision and Healthy Eating.
We will be presenting these policies to the Board of Management for ratification on Thursday 25th June.
If you would like to make any comment on any of the policies please email BOM@stconlethandmarys.ie by 3pm on Tuesday 23rd June.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Consultation Draft Code of Behaviour
Created : 17 Jun 2020, 3:28 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Over the past few months we have been involved in reviewing and redrafting our Code of Behaviour for St. Conleth & Mary's Primary School. Our Code of Behaviour is an important document as it sets the tone for the expected behaviours in the school. We feel that this new Code is more reflective of our school community and is a positive document that we can use to reinforce the positives we see everyday. The Code of Behaviour has been reviewed and redrafted in line with Tusla guidance available at this link: www.tusla.ie/uploads/content/guidelines_school_codes_eng.pdf
While there are sanctions for some behaviours this document seeks to be positive overall, to promote rather than punish.
We have also included a new method of communicating and recording behaviours to children and parents. This card system communicates not only negative behaviours but reinforces positive behaviours and seeks to involve parents and guardians in celebrating them.
As a result of this review we have also had to develop 4 new policies that help strengthen not only our Code of Behaviour but also our responsibilities to Child Safeguarding. They are Homework, Uniform, Supervision and Healthy Eating.
We will be presenting these policies to the Board of Management for ratification on Thursday 25th June.
If you would like to make any comment on any of the policies please email BOM@stconlethandmarys.ie by 3pm on Tuesday 23rd June.
Created : 16 Jun 2020, 11:07 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
June Fest - Lockdown Chats
Live through Zoom Webinar – 8.00 pm, 17 June 2020.
Also on June Fest Newbridge Facebook, & YouTube platforms.
The first chat in the series, in association with CelticCon Midlands Comic Convention, will see author, Mario Corrigan, and illustrator, Dave Butler, discussing their collaboration in the publication of the Do Fish Wear Pyjamas series of children’s books
A message from Newbridge Parish
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 12:16 PM
Archived : 09 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Parents Questionnaire #2
Created : 08 Jun 2020, 12:27 PM
Archived : 08 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Please click the link to take part in our short parent questionnaire. We hope to gather opinion on Seesaw, how we are communicating with the school community and concerns that people may have regarding reopening of school. The questionnaire will close at 5pm on Wednesday.
Letter to parents June 2020
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 4:13 PM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
A letter was sent to parents/guardians of pupils outlining the plan for the month of June. The letter can be downloaded below.
School Calendar 2020/21
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 8:58 PM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
School calendar for 2020/21 available to download
6th Class Book List 2020/21
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 8:57 PM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
6th class book list for September 2020 available to download
5th Class Book List 2020/21
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 8:56 PM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
5th class book list for September 2020 available to download