Displaying 1181-1190 of 2281 results.
WIT Scholarships 21.22 open.
Created : 17 Mar 2021, 9:00 PM
Archived : 18 May 2021, 12:00 AM
National Library of Ireland Event
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 4:52 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Calling TY students in particular!!!!
Join poet Áine Úi Fhoghlú for a #poetry workshop on Weds 24 March at 1pm. She will take an in depth look at her #poem, 'Aiséirí', inspired by #SeamusHeaney's poem 'Tollund Man'.
*This is a bilingual event. A basic level of #Irish is required.*
Creative Ireland Waterford
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 4:30 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Applications open to schools. Ideas welcome.
TY Daffodils from Bulb to Bloom
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 4:22 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
On a sunny September morning TY students planted some Spring Bulbs with Fr O Connor OSA today he is delighted to see them blooming in the sunshine and also looking forward to TY students returning.
Flag Raising morning in St. Augustine’s
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 1:24 PM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
To celebrate and honour @tfmf1848 Flag Day & in recognition of St.Patrick’s Day a flag raising ceremony was held in school this morning. The proclamation was read by Ava Mai Tobin as the Tricolor was raised by Gearoid O’Donovan (Student Council Chairperson) and Tammy Whelan (ISSU Regional Organiser). Maeve Rouse then informed us about the life of Thomas F. Meagher and the symbolism of Irish flag. Thanks to Mr. Williams for organising it.
Junior Achievement PWC Workshop
Created : 16 Mar 2021, 11:05 AM
Archived : 16 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Many thanks to Chloe Carney Conaty Tax Associate with Price Waterhouse Coopers she delivered a very informative workshop to TY students this morning. She discussed her career path to date and gave our students words of wisdom “getting out of your comfort zone is where you grow”.
Reminder to 6th Years
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 12:33 PM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
REMINDER Students have only 2 days left to record their Leaving Certificate choices on the Candidate Portal.
It is essential that all students complete the registration and subject selection process before the deadline of Tuesday, March 16 at 6 pm.
Any student who has registered but not made their subject specific selections should arrange to do so without delay.
Remember, the process is not complete until you have received the email from the SEC with details of your subject specific selections from the SEC. Students are urged to not leave this important process until the last minute.
Kind regards,
Michael O’Sullivan
Attention Parents, Guardians and Students.
Created : 14 Mar 2021, 10:48 AM
Archived : 14 May 2021, 12:00 AM
As the return to school rolls out please understand the following:
- Students must be in full uniform every day
- Students must follow all covid guidelines and social distancing measures implemented by the school.
- Student must not travel to or from school in cars with any other students except for siblings.
- Travelling together in a car has been identified by the CMO as a particularly high risk factor in the spread of Covid 19. Anyone who does so is putting themselves, others and the rest of the school community at risk.Any students found to be in a car with others will be suspended. Drivers and car owners have the responsibility to ensure that they do not accept passengers.
Michael O Sullivan
CSSPA Survey
Created : 13 Mar 2021, 3:30 PM
Archived : 13 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In response to ongoing views from Parents/Guardians I would appreciate if you would complete this short survey.
We in CSSPA would like to increase our committee numbers and ask if you would be interested email me your details.(all meeting are held by Zoom and at evening time)
We have had a number of requests to provide speakers on Leaving Cert and CAO Point and this is being organised at present.
I would like to thank you again for your support.
Is mise le meas
Sean O Riordan
Survey for Parents of Leaving Cert Students 2021
Accredited Grades & Candidates Portal Video
Created : 11 Mar 2021, 7:53 AM
Archived : 13 May 2021, 12:00 AM