Displaying 261-270 of 1963 results.
ISK Golf, J.A. O' Dwyer Memorial Shield.
Created : 16 May 2024, 9:17 PM
Archived : 12 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
Our golfers travelled back the road to Dooks to play our last outing of the school year. This outing is the big competition of the year where the student with the best score has the opportunity to have their name on the J A O Dwyer Shield. We had a very good turn out with lots of exceptional scores returned. The shield is named in honour of our former school manager and principal Mr Joe O' Dwyer who is the late father of our current principal Mr O Dwyer. Congratulations to our overall winner Rian Hogan who had an exceptional score and all our other prize winners on the day. A special thanks to Padráig O Sullivan(dad of Cormac and Fionán) of O Sullivan, Lawlor & Co accountants who have very generously sponsored the prizes again this year. A special thanks to Dooks golf club who accomadate us every year without fail. Presentation of prizes will take place in the school early next week.
Kerry South Football
Created : 04 May 2024, 4:16 PM
Archived : 12 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
Well done to the ISK boys involved with Kerry South, who had a good win against Galway today.
Kerry girls u-14 and u-16 A Munster Champions!
Created : 24 Apr 2024, 10:21 PM
Archived : 12 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to the ISK girls involved with the Kerry u-14 and u-16 football teams that secured Munster A Championships at the weekend. Well done to you all!
1st Year Boys Football
Created : 12 Apr 2024, 9:11 AM
Archived : 12 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Our 1st Year Boys had an epic battle with St. Brendan’s Killarney yesterday. Although they lost out by 3 points in the end they gave a fantastic account of themselves. 
Ombudsman for Children Survey
Created : 10 Apr 2024, 1:19 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Please find attached a survey from the Ombudsman for Children. The survey is seeking the views of secondary school students across Ireland on the important issues facing them today and what changes they would like to see for the future.

You can access the survey here: https://eu5se.voxco.com/S2/?st=FLX0a5AJiVDDK%2Fg9fckmkDVcktjlSzrkPEuxbOcnA637FdSEtkA9dQ%3D%3D&urlimport=1&questlist=imp&imp=70390L

TY Drama Workshop with Bernard Casey
Created : 09 Apr 2024, 4:32 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Our TYs enjoyed a very educational & enjoyable Drama Workshop with Bernard Casey on Monday last!
Parents association workshop this Thursday
Created : 20 May 2024, 10:11 PM
Archived : 06 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
Reminder that the Parents Association of ISK would like to invite you to a Drug and Alcohol workshop for parents/guardians which will be held in ISK (in the Well) on Thurs May 23rd from 7pm-8.30pm. The aim of this workshop is to empower parents with the information and tools to engage in effective dialogue with their teens and equip them with the necessary information to promote healthy decision making. The workshop will be facilitated by Gemma Hilario and Lisa Sheehan who have extensive experience working in Drug and Alcohol services. We hope that as many parents as possible attend - and feel free to invite parents from other schools.
New footballs!
Created : 20 May 2024, 10:06 PM
Archived : 06 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
New footballs have arrived! The ISK Student Council is excited to enhance lunchtime with fresh supply of footballs for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Fintan, Gavin, Maoliosa, Emily and Jack!
5th year tour to Rome
Created : 21 Mar 2024, 11:58 PM
Archived : 05 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM
An action packed second day on the 5th year tour to the Eternal city, which involved visiting the San Callisto Catacombs, the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, The Spanish Steps, as well as roaming (pun intended!)around Fiuggi, a beautiful town outside Rome, where our tourists are staying.
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Created : 07 Mar 2024, 2:11 PM
Archived : 01 Jun 2024, 1:00 AM



Dear Parents/Guardians, 

As part of the SPHE curriculum, your child will take part in the Relationships and Sexuality strand during March/April 2024. 

In this strand, the key focus is on creating and maintaining healthy and respectful relationships. 

Students will build on their knowledge of puberty and reproduction. They will explore the nature of human sexuality. They will also learn how to take care of their emotional wellbeing 

If you do not wish your child to participate in the Relationships and Sexuality strand of the SPHE programme, please contact the school.   

You may find the following sources of information useful.   

Yours sincerely, 




Joe ODwyer 



Student Textbook :  Health and Wellbeing SPHE 1, 2 and 3  07/03/2024