Displaying 1411-1420 of 1963 results.
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 4:53 PM
Archived : 25 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Inspectors in the Department of Education are carrying out a survey for students in schools about how things are going since schools re-opened. Our school has been asked to take part. The survey is a short online one and will just take a few minutes to complete. It will remain open until this Friday afternoon. Please arrange for your child/children to complete it at home. It is available at this link: tinyurl.com/y2b5w4hy. Thank you.
Virtual Open Evening
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 9:12 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
FYI our Virtual Open Evening will be held on Friday 23rd October at 7.30pm. Be sure to tune in. More details to follow.
World Mental Health Day
Created : 10 Oct 2020, 9:55 AM
Archived : 24 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
Today is World Mental Health Day. If you feel that your mental health is not what you would like it to be, the best thing to do is reach out and just talk to someone about it. You need to mind your mind! #WorldMentalHealthDay #mindyourmind
Parental Information
Created : 17 Aug 2020, 3:18 PM
Archived : 21 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Families,
We are really looking forward to welcoming all our students back to school from Tuesday 1st September.
Covid 19 is having an impact on education, just like every other walk of life. Our aim is to balance it’s impact so that we can continue with educating your children whilst making the environment as safe as possible for everyone.
The fundamental principle for any change in the school is to reduce the risk of Covid-19 .We have been very busy re-configuring the school and creating new systems on how to move, study & work.. We will be holding virtual meetings next week for students & their families of each year group to go through some of these changes.
Just like in previous years we will continue to operate a staggered start to the school year as follows:
1st Years 1st September
6th Years 2nd September
3rd Years 3rd September
5th Years & TY 4th September
2nd Years 7th September
LC Repeats 16th September
Physical Distancing
We are currently working on upgrading our procedures and routines within the school to ensure that there is as much physical distancing as is possible in our buildings. We will apply physical distancing in a practical and sensible way, recognising that the learning environment cannot be dominated by a potentially counterproductive focus on this issue. The requirement of physical distancing has involved many temporary changes in the school including the removal of Student Lockers.
Physical Distancing for Staff and Students will be maximised by: -
• Re-configuring each classroom to create as much space as possible..
• Additional Temporary Class Rooms are being put in place
• A “ one way” system will operate in the school .
• The morning break will be staggered
• There will no longer be a canteen
• In conjunction with maximising space, every effort is being made to minimise movement.
Perhaps the greatest change is that students & staff who cannot maintain a physical distance of 2 metres MUST wear a face covering. Therefore students must get used to wearing them before schools return. Plain face coverings are to be worn.
• Good Hygiene is imperative
• Hand Sanitiser Units will be installed in each classroom in addition to those already placed throughout the building
• As well as an increase in standard cleaning, a cleaner will be on –site through the school day.
• There will be many posters through out the school that will reinforce proper hygiene procedures regarding hand washing & respiratory hygiene. These messages will be reinforced by teachers
Symptoms of Covid 19
• High Temperature
• Cough
• Shortness of Breath or Breathing Difficulties
• Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste
Staff or students should not attend school if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19
Further information on COVID-19 symptoms in children is available at: -
Dealing with a Suspected Case of Covid-19
• The student will be brought to an isolation room
• The parents/guardians of the student will be contacted immediately
• Students will be collected & brought home
• The relevant areas will be cleaned
• The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of Covid-19 is made. The instructions of the HSE should be followed at all times.
I acknowledge just how difficult these times are in general for all families and in particular, the impact that this dreadful virus is having on all aspects of school life. However, I believe that if we all do our fair share, life here in school will be more manageable.
I will be in touch with you again before school re-opens.
Liebherr Scholarship
Created : 27 Apr 2020, 10:42 AM
Archived : 16 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
Applications are now open for Liebherr Container Cranes Engineering Scholarship Programme for 2020. Please see attached Flyer with all the information regarding this programme. This is a huge opportunity for leaving certificate students interested in a career in Engineering to attend a college of their choice, tuition fees fully paid, summer work experience, Industrial placement and a Graduate programme place.
Reminder to anyone attending school who has travelled abroad:
Created : 17 Aug 2020, 3:34 PM
Archived : 01 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
Government policy, which is based on official public health advice, continues to advise against non-essential travel overseas for everyone.
It is a requirement for anyone coming into Ireland, from locations other than those with a rating of ‘normal precautions’ (“green”), to restrict their movements for 14 days, and this includes school staff, parents and children or other students coming from abroad to attend school in Ireland. Restricting your movements means staying indoors in one location and avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible.
Green Flag Renewal
Created : 07 May 2020, 3:44 PM
Archived : 01 Oct 2020, 1:00 AM
We are delighted to say our Green Flag has been renewed by An Taisce. Congratulations to all the hard-working members of our Green-Schools committee, and everyone in the school.
The work that has been done is really having a positive impact, and when the work of all schools is combined it’s truly amazing.
Unfortunately, due the current situation we we are not in a position to hold our Green-Schools Awards Ceremony this year.
County Football Final
Created : 26 Sep 2020, 9:23 AM
Archived : 30 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Best of luck to the 19 past pupils of the ISK who are members of the Mid Kerry panel (and a couple on the East Kerry panel) in the County Football Final this evening. Naturally we're hoping for a Mid Kerry win!
Covid-19 and the ISK
Created : 18 Sep 2020, 5:02 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
In August, the Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronan Glynn stated that when schools re-open we will see an increase in Covid-19 cases, which has indeed happened. When cases are confirmed, it is an anxious time for the family affected, the school and the community.
In light of the positive case of Covid-19 in the school at the beginning of the week, we would like to confirm that all close contacts of that case have tested negative and that is the only case confirmed in the school. In other words, there has been no transmission of the virus in the school.
It is very important, however that we do not apportion blame to anyone. A positive Covid-19 test does not imply that a child, parent or teacher has broken any protocols or acted irresponsibly. We ask that you remember this in your interactions, particularly on social media. Naming classes or year groups can stigamtise the individual and other students. Over the past 3 weeks we have been overwhelmed by your support and positivity. We are very grateful for that.
As we complete another week, we ask for your continued support and cooperation in our efforts to maintain a safe school environment for all.
Covid Case
Created : 15 Sep 2020, 2:09 PM
Archived : 30 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Rannóg Sláinte Poiblí
AUrlár 2, Bloc 8, Ospidéal N. Fhionnbharra, Bóthar Dhúglais, Corcaigh. T12 XH60
Tel: 021 4927601 4923257
Department of Public Health
Floor 2, Block 8, St. Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork. T12 XH60
Tel: 021 4927601
DATE 15/09/2020
For the Information of Parents/Guardians
Re: Confirmed case of COVID-19 at Intermediate School Killorglin, Co Kerry
A confirmed case of COVID-19 in your child’s school has been notified to the Department of Public Health HSE-South.
A public health risk assessment has been undertaken. The parents of any children deemed to be close contacts of the confirmed case have been contacted and advised accordingly.
If your child has not been identified as a close contact at this time, your child does not need a test for Covid-19, they can continue to attend school, and no further actions are required at this time.
If your child develops any symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 infection (such as a cough, a fever, loss or change in sense of taste or smell), please do not send your child to school. Contact your GP and begin restricting your child’s movements. Restricted movement means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. It means that your child stays at home and:
o Does not go to school
o Does not use public transport
o Does not have visitors in your home
o Does not go to the shops or pharmacy, unless absolutely necessary
o Keeps away from older people, anyone with an underlying medical condition and pregnant women
The Department of Public Health HSE-South is monitoring the school situation closely.
Further information on COVID-19 is available at: www.hpsc.ie and www.gov.ie
Yours sincerely,
Dr Mary T. O’Mahony
MRN 000299
Consultant in Public Health Medicine