Displaying 1451-1460 of 1963 results.
Advice & Resources
Created : 02 Apr 2020, 9:43 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 1:00 AM
NEPS has developed advice and resources for keeping children and young people well during these challenging times as follows:
· Advice for Young People While Schools are Closed
· Guide for Parents Supporting Children with Routines
· Plan for the Day
· Relaxation Techniques- podcast/document
· Talking to Children and Young People about Covid-19: Advice for Parents and School
These resources are available on www.education.ie also.
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 5:14 PM
Archived : 04 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Important Information for Leaving Cert students
Created : 17 Jul 2020, 9:04 AM
Archived : 21 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
CAO Change of Mind
Created : 30 Jun 2020, 5:34 PM
Archived : 06 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
FAO of Leaving Cert and Repeat students: CAO change of mind form closes tomorrow July 1st @17.15. This is your last opportunity to alter your course choice.
CAO Change of Mind
Created : 05 May 2020, 2:01 PM
Archived : 02 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
State Exams FAQ
Created : 23 Mar 2020, 5:26 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
See below for an FAQ section from the SEC. Hopefully with this will be helpful
Impact of School Closures on Examination Activities
Cancellation of Oral and Practical Performance Tests 2020
You may have seen the decision to cancel parts of this year’s state examinations.
Below you’ll find a few questions and answers to try and explain what the changes mean,
who is affected by them and why this unprecedented action was taken.
There is no perfect solution to the difficulties our education system is facing as a result of
school closures and the impact of measures to stem the spread of Covid-19.
But these decisions are being taken with the best interests of students and their families in
We know that this is a time of real stress and worry for you. In making the decisions
yesterday we wanted to try and ease that worry.
What tests have been cancelled?
All Leaving Certificate oral language tests have been cancelled.
Those practical performance tests at both Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle that were
originally due to run from Monday. (23rd March) to 3rd April are cancelled
That covers all of the Leaving Certificate orals for Irish, French, German, Spanish, Italian,
Russian and Japanese.
And it covers the practical performance tests for both Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle
Music and the practical performance test in Junior Cycle Home Economics.
Why have they been cancelled?
The decision was taken because we are in the midst of a public health emergency and
schools are closed. These are exceptional circumstances.
The overriding aim is to do what we can to alleviate stress and anxiety for students who are
already dealing with major upheaval and all the other challenges that life throws at them.
By taking this decision now we hope students will focus their efforts on the remaining
components of the examinations.
What are these tests worth in terms of the overall result?
You probably know there are two different categories of exams – Higher and Ordinary.
Irish is unique as the oral is worth 40% of the overall mark.
For the modern European languages the oral is worth 25% if you’re doing Higher and 20% if
you’re doing Ordinary. In Japanese the oral is worth 25% at both levels. Leaving Certificate
Music is slightly different. Students taking Higher level can sit a practical performance test
worth up to 50% of the overall mark, depending on what you’re being tested on. At
Ordinary level the test is up to 50%.
Looking at the Junior Cycle tests - the Home Economics practical is worth 50% at Higher
level and 60% at Ordinary. The Music test is worth 25% at both levels
*1 - (Scroll down and you’ll see a handy table we’ve included at the bottom of the Q&A)
How will I be marked for the exams in these subjects?
All students who were due to sit these tests will be given full marks for these parts of the
How did you reach that decision?
Surely it is unfair on the students who worked hardest
or have a natural flair for one of these subjects?
The truth is there is no perfect solution.
Several options were considered and this we
believe is the fairest. It guarantees that no student will score less than they would have
done if they had actually taken the test.
There is no other way to give this guarantee.
What other options were looked at?
1. We could have cancelled the tests outright and then awarded a grade based on the
remaining written exams. As it happens, students on average score highly on the
orals and practical performance tests so making that change would have been unfair
on everyone.
2. We could have postponed the tests until later in the exam timetable, or after it. But
that would have left these tests hanging over students for months.
3. We also looked at holding the tests via video link or some other digital technology
but that would only have added a new layer of complexity and pressure. There is
also no guarantee that systems would have run smoothly enough at such short
There has been some talk about using mock results but the fact is that not all schools offer
mocks in these tests and they would not have been in a position to provide standardised
But there are lots of students who aren’t taking these tests and they are left at a
disadvantage when it comes to final results, like students with special needs. How is that
We appreciate that but we are dealing with exceptional circumstances and it is the fairest
Students who have special needs have access to what we call reasonable accommodations.
These are designed to assist students to demonstrate what they know and what they can
do. Eligible students with special needs will be provided with the appropriate supports in
the written exams.
Can I change now to a higher level paper?
No. Students have already indicated whether they wish to take Higher or Ordinary level or,
in the case of Irish, Foundation level, exams. Students won’t be allowed to switch to a higher
But everyone affected by these changes will still have the option to change from a higher
level paper to a lower level paper, including on the day of the written examination.
Can I apply now for one of the subjects in which the oral or practical performance test has
been cancelled?
No. We are no longer accepting entries in these subjects.
In Junior Cycle Home Economics there is a project as well as the cookery test. How has it
been affected?
The project is marked in the schools at the same time as the practical performance test in
cookery. So, full marks will be awarded to both components.
Did you make any other changes?
Our project work and coursework is due in the coming
weeks and we are under pressure to finish it?
We have extended the deadline for these elements until 15th May 2020.
*2 - (Scroll down and you’ll see the list of subjects to which the extended deadline applies)
What will happen with the practical exams due to take place after Easter?
We will continue to monitor the COVD-19 situation and in your interests we will act at the
right time, in the right way, based on the strongest expert advice.
Realistically, what is going to happen to the rest of the examinations and the Leaving
Certificate and Junior Cycle tests in June?
All our decisions are guided by the advice of the public health officials and how that impacts
on schools. Unfortunately we cannot be any more definitive than that at this stage.
We know it is not the clarity you want right now.
And despite all the disruption we want you to keep preparing for the remaining
examinations. We want you to act in your interests and rest assured we will return that by
assuring you that we are acting with your best interests at heart.
We know it is not easy. But we are dealing with a rapidly evolving situation and the best
thing you can do now is keep focused, keep working, support each other and heed the
public health advice to help flatten the curve of the spread of Covid-19.
*3 - We’ve included a note below if you need to check dates for the remaining exams.
Will my school open again after 29th March or even after Easter?
This can only be answered by the Chief Medical Officer once his team have looked at the
impact of Covid-19 on Ireland and made a call on reopening or continued closure.
1 - Here’s the breakdown of the percentages for each of the cancelled orals and practical
performance test:
Higher Ordinary Higher Ordinary
Leaving Certificate
Junior Cycle
Irish 40% 40%
50% 60%
French 25% 20%
Music 25% 25%
German 25% 20%
Spanish 25% 20%
Italian 25% 20%
Russian 25% 20%
Japanese 25% 25%
Music 50% 50%
2 - Here are the list of subjects for which Project and Course Work completion deadlines
have been extended to Friday 15th May 2020.
• Leaving Certificate Computer Science, Physical Education, Technology, Art,
Agricultural Science, Agricultural Economics, History, Geography, Religious
Education, Politics and Society, Music, Constructions Studies and Home Economics;
• Junior Cycle Metalwork, Materials Technology Wood, Technology and Religious
Education; Visual Art and Environmental and Social Studies.
• Junior Cycle Assessment Tasks in English, Irish, Modern languages, Science and
Business Studies.
3 - Here are the dates for the remaining examinations.
- Practical examinations are scheduled for the end of April and early May and the final
examinations are scheduled for May and June.
- The timetable from Monday 27th April to Friday 8th May includes practical
examinations in Leaving Certificate Art Life Sketching, Engineering, Construction
Studies, and Junior Cycle Metalwork.
- Leaving Certificate Applied students have their oral tests and practical performance
tests in mid to late May.
- In May there are final examinations which will see these subjects being completed in
their entirety before June (LCVP Link Modules on Wednesday 6th; Leaving Certificate
Applied ICT on Wednesday 13th; and Leaving Certificate Computer Science on
Wednesday 27th May).
- The written examinations are scheduled to start on Wednesday 3rd June.
Leaving Cert & Junior Cert Timetables 2020
Created : 05 Feb 2020, 10:07 AM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
Please click on the PDF documents below for the relevant timetable
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
State Exams Timetables
Created : 06 Jan 2020, 11:52 AM
Archived : 01 Jul 2020, 1:00 AM
The timetables for the 2020 Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate a examinations are now available on www.examinations.ie
Click here to access the timetables
A schedule of Examination dates for the 2020 Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle examinations will be published in early January.
Printed copies of the timetables will be sent to schools after the Christmas holidays.
Cerebal Palsy
Created : 15 Jun 2020, 10:07 AM
Archived : 30 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
Please find below a link for a petition for Ronan a cousin of Sarah and Ailish Houlihan who is waiting for spinal surgery. The link has plenty of more detailed information.
Created : 27 May 2020, 6:59 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to Eimear Harrington who came second in the National Final of the Student Enterprise Programme. Well done Eimear - a great achievement,