Displaying 1291-1300 of 1963 results.
Safety Measures
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 12:21 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
We are very happy to welcome back students tomorrow. Safety is our priority. With this in mind: STUDENTS: Wear a mask at all times and wear it correctly Ensure Social / physical distancing. Sanitise your hands when entering building and when entering each room. Wipe down work space before class. Place wipe in bin immediately. Wash hands regularly and after using the bathroom ( use correct washing technique) (Students, have a supply of antibacterial wipes) Strictly adhere to the one way system. No short cuts for anyone. Stairs are strictly one way Ventillation: Windows are to be fully open when room is not in use ( lunchtime and after school). Partially open when in use. ( classroom doors open also) Promote respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette to the greatest extent possible. Do not come to school if displaying any symptoms. Stay at home and self isolate Report if you develop any symptoms in school. Isolation rooms: #1 space room #2 old SEN room.
3rd year Home Ec bake off
Created : 26 May 2021, 9:25 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Third year Home Ec students recently showed off their skills in a class bake off. Some delicious creations on display! Well done guys!
Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert '21 - A Webinar for Parents
Created : 18 Mar 2021, 9:14 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Please click on the link to register for a Webinar for Leaving Cert Parents zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lYSs23qhR1OrWbQSBFPstg Description This talk will explore the journey that 6th year students face from now until the end of the Leaving Certificate. The discussion will address the practical and emotional obstacles that lay ahead as well as the issue of calculated grades and/or sitting the Leaving Certificate exam/s. The talk will give tips and suggestion around how parents can help their teenager optimise the remaining study time from now until June and their management of the obstacles that may prevent students maximising their efforts.
UCD Ad Astra Scholarships
Created : 04 Dec 2020, 3:20 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Click on the Pdf documents to find out more information on the UCD Ad Astra Scholarships in 2021


Revised dates for Leaving Cert practical/coursework
Created : 06 Mar 2021, 12:13 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Leaving Cert practical/coursework due dates have been revised and published, here they are.......
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 3:46 PM
Archived : 04 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to Alisha Bainton ,1L, who has recently been accecpted to study Musical Theatre in the Gaiety Theatre School of Acting Dublin. Ireland's National Theatre. This is where Colin Farrell, Michael Fassbender and Olivia Wilde have previously trained. Pre Covid Alisha won 5 first place trophies as part of team Ireland who represented Ireland in Barcelona Spain in Ballet and Tap. She then went to perform in L.A California in the National Show case for the United States of America. .
Online Classroom Etiquette
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 11:59 AM
Archived : 01 Jun 2021, 1:00 AM
TYs Reach UCC PsychSlam Final
Created : 27 May 2021, 1:11 PM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to our TY PsychSlam team who reached the finals of the UCC PsychSlam Competition with their research presentation on societies reliance on technology. Well done guys!
3rd Year Summer Exams
Created : 18 May 2021, 12:27 PM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
FYI, 3rd year summer assessments in English, Irish and Maths will represent 75% of the overall mark, with the other 25% coming from other data during Junior cycle. All other subjects will have 40% for the summer assessment and 60% from other data. Thanks
CSI challenge for the TYs
Created : 30 Apr 2021, 9:46 PM
Archived : 31 May 2021, 1:00 AM
Super fun and learning for the TYs today as the CSI Experience team visited the school. Plenty hands on forensic analysis of crime scenes. Looking good in all white guys.  Thanks Kieran and Jim from CSI Experience.