Displaying 161-170 of 1183 results.
Created : 19 Dec 2023, 12:11 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

The reports are now being published and you will recieve a notification in the VSWare App when you can view them. You can access some help notes on how to access the reports using the App HERE

If you are having issues with your VSWare account or accessing the reports please contact Mr Cahillane via the School App.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.

Friday News - 27th October
Created : 27 Oct 2023, 4:28 PM
Archived : 27 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........



Supports for Parents - Please see details below of upcoming talks for parents
Created : 23 Oct 2023, 8:33 PM
Archived : 24 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Please see details below of upcoming talks from the ‘Let’s talk about Parenting Programe’ which are taking place this week and may be of interest. Topics include First AidSupporting Anxious Teens, and Stress Mgt (for parents, and family support workers).



First Aid for Parents

Presented by Siobhan Butler (Qualified General and Paediatric Nurse)


A popular and regular event on the programme, this informative and interactive course uses lots of visual aids in the presentation and there is plenty of opportunity for the participants to ask questions. Topics covered will include:


Athy Library:                      10.30am – 12pm Wednesday 25th October

Book here:                          https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/994009


Celbridge Library:            10.30am – 12pm Thursday 26th October

Book here:                          https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/994010



Supporting your Anxious Teen

Presented by Helen Vaughan (Maynooth Counselling & Psychotherapy)


  • Understanding teen development
  • How to parent adolescents
  • How anxiety impacts our young people & supporting them.
  • Teen issues: secondary school, bullying, social anxiety & boosting resilience


Naas Library:                      7pm Thursday 26th October

Book here:                          https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/993997



Stress Management

Presented by Suzanne Hughes M.Ps.S.I. 


Stress is extremely common; Ireland recently ranked as the 6th most stressful country in Europe. If you’re a parent, you experience specific stressors and despite the rewards of parenting, it can also be challenging.


Celbridge Library:            7pm Thursday 26th October

Book here:                          https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/993979


Friday News 20th October 2023
Created : 20 Oct 2023, 1:14 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........



Maths Week 2023
Created : 18 Oct 2023, 2:48 PM
Archived : 18 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Maths Week 2023 14th – 22nd October in Scoil Mhuire Clane


As part of Maths Week 2023, we will be running a few activities in our school.

Here is some information on these activities.


1.      Maths Quiz- All first year students will take part in our annual maths quiz on Friday 20th October. Second and third year students will take part in a maths class in their maths classes during the week.


2.      Photo Competition- Take a photo and submit it. It sounds easy right? Here’s the catch. You must submit a photo (it can be one you have taken yourself, or one you find online) and have a mathematical question attached to it. For example, you could send in a photo of a group of people and ask the question:

What is the probability that a person selected at random from the group will have brown hair?

Or a photo of a football pitch and ask us to find the area and perimeter of the field


There will be a prize for the best Senior and Junior entry.

Hint: The marks are being awarded for the most creative question asked, so get thinking. You can also submit more than one question with each photo.


Please submit all entries to Ms Clifford before Friday 20th October.


3.      Maths Poster Competition- Design and submit a maths themed poster. This can be in relation to any mathematical concept. The poster can be designed on A4 or A3 sheet.


Please submit all entries to Ms Clifford before Friday 20th October


We are hoping to have as many students as possible take part in our Maths week activities. We will have prizes for all winners.


Get that thinking cap on and best of luck to all entrants!


4.      Spin the Wheel – During Lunch time there will be a spin-the-wheel activity, where students will be given the opportunity to given questions once the wheel stops. The students will work in groups and will be given spot prizes for the correct answers.


5.      Virtual Online Activities – The school has been registered on Maths week. Upcoming Events – MATHS WEEK IRELAND A variety of events can be accessed throughout day on the app, where your class can click into and join to take part.


The Maths Department

Friday News - 13th October 2023
Created : 13 Oct 2023, 1:47 PM
Archived : 13 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Scoil Mhuire Friday News highlights all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........



HEAR/DARE - college admission schemes for 6th yr students 2024/ College Open Days
Created : 12 Oct 2023, 6:07 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Sixth year students are currently being informed of the HEAR and DARE schemes.

What is DARE?

DARE is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leaver  whose illness or disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. 

What is HEAR?

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in higher education.


Please research these with your 6th yr student on  


and inform the Guidance Team if your child intends to apply.



Thank you, Guidance Team.

Shoebox Appeal 2023
Created : 12 Oct 2023, 4:24 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This is a message from our wonderful Student Council Team. They are once again organising our annual Shoebox Appeal. Please see the document attached for all relevant details. The deadline for dropping shoeboxes to Ms. Deschenes or any member of the student Council is Thursday 26th October, we really appreciate your generosity and kindness.

Ms. Deschenes


Biodiversity at Scoil Mhuire!
Created : 10 Oct 2023, 4:58 PM
Archived : 10 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Well done to our TY Outdoor Education group who planted our nine entrance flower beds with lots of pollinator friendly plants last week. The group are also working on the upkeep of the small woodland that was planted at the back of the school last year and are at the beginnings of developing a school garden. A big thank you to Ken at Green Lane Nurseries for his help in planning and sourcing the plants for us. We would also like to thank the Clane Tidy Towns for their encouragement. We look forward to working with them all on future projects in our school.

Ms. Jenkins

Welcome to Scoil Mhuire Friday News
Created : 06 Oct 2023, 5:00 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Scoil Mhuire Friday News will highlight all the positive events and achievements of students that have taken place during the week. Extra-curricular results, events, individual student achievements, trips, Teaching and Learning activities........

