Displaying 171-180 of 1183 results.
Godolphin Bursary - 6th yr students
Created : 04 Oct 2023, 11:20 AM
Archived : 04 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

The Godolphin Bursary sponsored by Godolphin Stud is now open for 6th yr students in 9 schools to apply.

One winner will receive a laptop plus €1,500 per year for each year of third level study.


Full details of the process are posted on the 6th yr Information TEAM. Please go to the TEAM for details.


A 500 word essay must be submitted by Oct 20th 2023 following which interviews will take place.



Created : 03 Oct 2023, 11:12 AM
Archived : 03 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM




CAO Handbook for 2024
Created : 28 Sep 2023, 12:52 PM
Archived : 28 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM


Dear Parents/Guardians of 6th yr students,

After a very successful day at Higher Options and World Skills last week, we are now moving on to the next stage of the course search process.

The CAO (Central Applications Handbook which lists all college courses students can apply to using their Leaving Cert. points ) is now available for students to download on www.cao.ie

Go to www.cao.ie  - click on orange tab 'HANDBOOK'  -  Go to 2024 CAO handbook and download.

The first section of the handbook fully explains the CAO process  and the second half lists all the courses the students can apply for in 2024 -  using points from their Leaving Certificate.

It is advised that you and your 6th yr student read through all of the first section to gain a good understanding of the process, then browse the courses -making lists of those they are interested in, then go to either the individual college website or to www.qualifax.ie or to www.careersportal.ie to get more information on the courses and from this narrow down their choices. This is a lengthy process and your child will benefit from your assistance with this. It is advisable to set aside time each week to discuss and explore options.

College OPEN DAYS begin next weekend. Students are very strongly advised to attend Open Days to meet lecturers, see campuses firsthand and talk to students about courses they are interested in.

Most Open Days are  on at weekends so will not impact student study. Please assist your 6th yr student to attend college open days.

Some of the main dates are : Galway Oct 6/7, Limerick Oct 19/20,Carlow SETU Oct 26,Trinity Nov 4, UCD Nov 11,DCU Nov 17/18,Maynooth Nov 24/25 and TUDublin Dec2 - a fuller list is availalbe on www.careersportal.ie or www.qualifax.ie and on

the student 6th yr information team.

 In addition, 1-1 guidance meetings for 6th yr students begin next week and every student will have a meeting scheduled in the coming weeks. However any student with a query can call to a Guidance office at any time.

A number of college talks are also scheduled for 6th yr students in the coming weeks where representatives from colleges give presentations to the students about courses and college life.

If you have any queries please contact the Guidance Team.

Thank you.



November Assessments 2023
Created : 06 Nov 2023, 3:33 PM
Archived : 25 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Attached is the assessment schedule for 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Years and LCA.

The assessments commence on Monday the 20th of November.


Offer of a School Place in 1st Year - September 2024
Created : 17 Nov 2023, 12:08 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This message is only applicable to the parents/guardians that have received the offer of a school place for their child into 1st Year 2024/2025.

This is a reminder to return your acceptance of the school place offered for your child into 1st Year beginning next September 2024 before 3.45pm on Wednesday next the 22nd November. Where a place is not accepted and notified to the school on the appropriate form by this time, the offer will be withdrawn, and such offers will be placed at the end of the waiting list.    

Please contact our school (045 868121) where you may have any further queries in relation to an offer that you have received.

Kind regards,

JP Cahillane 

Supporting your mental health and wellbeing
Created : 22 Sep 2023, 9:32 AM
Archived : 22 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

HEADSUP Kildare in collaboration with Healthy Ireland are delighted to announce that we will be running Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) Level 1 training in the following areas:


Venue:  Newbridge Family Resource Centre

Dates:    14th and 21st October 2023

Time:     10am to 4pm

A light lunch will be provided on both days.


Venue: Teach Dara Community & Family Centre

Dates:    3rd and 10th November 2023

Time:     10am to 4pm

A light lunch will be provided on both days.


Who is the training for?

Anyone looking for ways to support their mental health, stress, and general wellbeing.


Training is free of charge, book early as places are limited.


To register for the training, please contact:

Deirdre                 085 1068305      deirdre@countykildarelp.ie

Lorna                    085 8421347      lorna@countykildarelp.ie

Substance Use and Vaping Talks
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 7:02 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Just wanted to share some upcoming talks for parents (& service providers) that are taking place in the Kildare Libraries on Substance Abuse, Vaping and other trends. The talks will be given by Steven Joyce, Community Harm Prevention Co-ordinator with the South-Western Drug & Alcohol Task Force. 


‘The Substance of Youth’ – Substance Abuse, Vaping & other trends

Presented by Steven Joyce


Join us for this talk with Steven Joyce for Parents of Tweens and Teens, which will give information and advice re substance abuse and emerging trends such as Vaping.

Steven is a Development Worker and community Harm Prevention Coordinator with the South-Western Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force.


Newbridge Library             7pm Thursday 28th September

Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/990817


Celbridge Library               7pm Thursday 5th October

Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/995843


Leixlip Library                     7pm Thursday 12th October

Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/995859


Kildare Library                    7pm Thursday 16th November

Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/995861


Athy Library                         7pm Thursday 23rd November

Book here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/letstalkaboutparenting/995886

School Uniform
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 3:39 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Please see the attached letter regarding our school uniform rules.


Kind regards,


Kevin Martin,


World Skills Apprenticeship Showcase and Higher Options Exhibition.
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 2:26 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Sixth year students had an excellent day exploring future career and college options at World Skills Ireland Apprenticeship showcase and Higher Options, colleges exhibition today. Please see attached some images of our students attending the World Skills Apprenticeship Showcase. Thanks to our teachers for accompaning and supporting our students at these events today.
Support Programme for Parents of Families where young people are violent towards their parents
Created : 20 Sep 2023, 6:02 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Stop Child to Parent Violence


For families where Young People are violent / abusive towards their parents / carers

 You are invited to join a group programme for parents who experience Child to Parent Violence. It is called the Non Violent Resistance Programme (NVR). This programme is being delivered by Kildare Youth Services. Kildare Youth Services have identified a significant number of parents who are experiencing Child to Parent Violence.

How does the NVR programme support parents to stop the violence perpetrated by their child?

● It rebuilds parents/carers confidence in their parenting skills

● It helps parents/carers to resist the child’s violence while building on positive elements of the relationship.

● It invites the child to come up with solutions to the problem of aggression and violent behaviour

● It lifts the veil of silence around the violence


The Programme

The programme runs over 9 weeks. You will attend a group for 2 hours once a week. Everyone in the group will be experiencing some form of Child to Parent Violence.




Where:Kildare Youth Services Canal Stores Basin Street, Naas, Co Kildare


Contact: 045-898623  starting next week