Displaying 641-650 of 951 results.
Workshops for 1st & 2nd year students.
Created : 30 Nov 2020, 12:33 PM
Archived : 30 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
1st & 2nd year students will take part in a workshop in their class groups over the next few weeks. The workshops will be run by Angela McHugh and will take place in St Gabriel's parish centre. The Friendship and Resilience Workshop is a fun practical workshop where students will learn more about themselves and practice the skills they need to form healthy friendships via role-play and discussion. It will explore and build up the student’s self esteem, positivity and resilience. A schedule for the workshops is attached. Students who have a workshop starting at 9.10am do not need to come into the school first, they can meet at the green Fire Point sign on the wall in the car park of St Gabriel’s Centre and Angela will bring them into the hall at 9.10am via the side entrance. The students will be supervised walking back to the school after the session. Students who have a session starting at 11.10am will be supervised walking to and from the centre. All students are asked to wear their mask waiting outside and inside the hall.

Afterschool Hockey & Drama
Created : 30 Nov 2020, 12:04 PM
Archived : 30 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Please note that there will be no Hockey for the next couple of weeks. It will resume after Christmas. Drama will continue as normal.
Christmas Examination Timetable
Created : 30 Nov 2020, 12:01 PM
Archived : 30 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see timetable attached.

TY Horticulture and Architecture Workshops
Created : 30 Nov 2020, 8:10 AM
Archived : 30 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
A number of TY students are working on improving our school yard environment. They will replant the beds and add lots of new pots. We are all looking forward to spring to see the fruits of their labour!! A group of students are taking part in the Architects in schools programme working alongside an Architect mentor to redesign an area of the seafront for interactive use.
Science Week 2020 Winners
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 5:07 PM
Archived : 30 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the following students for their fantastic mask designs. 1st Arianna Ceraldi 2nd Caoimhe McCaul 3rd Violet Fitzpatrick 4th Sara Memery, Megan Sullivan and Rachel Casey. You can collect your prize from the main office on Mon at 1.00pm. Thanks and Well done girls!!
Science Week 2020
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 4:36 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the winners of the 5th Year meme competition. Biology - Rachel Duggan Chemistry - Kate Burke Physics - Amy O Toole Ag Science - Eimear Mangan You can collect your prize on Monday at 11.00am from the main office. Thanks and Well done girls!
School Closed Friday 27th November 2020
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 3:12 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Reminder the school is closed Friday 27th November 2020.
TY CAT4 testing - Important letter for parents.
Created : 24 Nov 2020, 6:22 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see letter attached regarding CAT4 testing for TY students, which will take place next Tuesday, 1st December. Thank you,

TY Cognitive Feel Good Workshops
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 9:25 PM
Archived : 20 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Our TY students took part in Cognitive Feel Good workshops facilitated by Angela Mc Hugh. The girls enjoyed their workshops and developed new resilience skills and learned to manage their thoughts emotions and behaviour.
Parents' Association Competition Winners.
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 9:21 AM
Archived : 19 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
A big thank you to all students who took part in the PA mid-term competition. There were lots of entires and the standard was extremely high. Well done everyone. Thank you to the PA for organising and to the judges also. The winners are announced on the attached flyer. Congratulations!
