Displaying 321-330 of 951 results.
Junior Tennis WIn
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 3:18 PM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the Junior Tennis Team in their win against Santa Sabina. Well done girls and best of luck in your next match against Kilkeeny College.
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 10:04 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
A small number of tickets are now available to purchase from easypayments for the Tranistion Year Show on Friday night, 8th April 2022.
Stand With Ukraine Fundraising Event
Created : 06 Apr 2022, 9:55 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
This Friday, there will be a fundraising event in aid of the Red Cross Ukraine appeal. Students are encouraged to wear blue/yellow and the student council will be collecting donations. Thank you
Parents' Association Newsletter
Created : 05 Apr 2022, 2:52 PM
Archived : 05 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Please find attached the Parents' Association newsletter

2nd Year Home Ec - Creative Textiles CBA
Created : 29 Mar 2022, 11:35 AM
Archived : 05 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
2nd year Home Economics students are completing their CBA in Creative Textiles. Students have produced wonderful embroidered pieces. Photos will follow in the coming days. Well done everyone!
Holy Faith Parents Association
Created : 04 Apr 2022, 11:52 AM
Archived : 04 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear All, The next PA meeting will take place via Teams this evening at 8.00pm. This is instead of 5th April as previously advised. Agenda and Minutes of last meeting attached. teams.live.com/meet/9421775555486


Get Going, Get Rowing
Created : 02 Apr 2022, 7:36 AM
Archived : 02 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Class 1C were on the water yesterday as part of the 'get going, get rowing' programme in PE.
1A & 1C Prayer Service
Created : 31 Mar 2022, 6:14 PM
Archived : 31 May 2022, 12:00 AM
1A & 1C organised and attended a prayer service today. Thank you to Ms Kavanagh for organising it with them and to Fr. John for leading it.
An Post Brain Busters Competition Final
Created : 31 Mar 2022, 3:37 PM
Archived : 31 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to Ava Keenan in 2D who has qualified for the An Post Brain Busters Final. Ava had to put her literacy and numeracy skills to use to solve some really interesting puzzles. Ava and her classmates in 2D willl be participating in the An Post Brain Busters Competition Final! Well done Ava and best of luck 2D in the final!
Created : 31 Mar 2022, 2:18 PM
Archived : 31 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Please note tickets will not be available to purchase on easypayments this Saturday and Sunday as numbers are limited, Any remaining tickets will be released for sale on Monday 4th April.. Thank you.