Displaying 1001-1010 of 1034 results.
Teachers’ Musical Society Talent Showcase
Created : 05 Feb 2019, 11:46 AM
Archived : 05 Apr 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to Amber Keogh (2nd year) and Lucy Muldoon Finnerty (5th year) who represented Holy Faith in the Teachers’ Musical Society 10th Annual Talent Showcase.
Irish Junior Maths Competition
Created : 22 Mar 2019, 2:33 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
Best of luck to Roisin Carberry and Caoimhe McDaid who will be competing in the 25th final of the Irish Junior Maths Competition on Friday 29th March.
Created : 01 Feb 2019, 2:19 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2019, 12:00 AM
In January TY students have been taking part in a number of Social justice workshops. Students visited Ozanam House, took part in workshops facilitated by the Irish Wheelchair Association and visited the Irish Aid Centre
HealthFest 2019
Created : 31 Jan 2019, 7:48 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
TY students travelled to the National Indoor Arena in Blanchardstown to attend HealthFest 2019 today. They had the opportunity to try out a variety of sports and attend talks on health and fitness.
Junior Cert Business Studies Awards
Created : 31 Jan 2019, 7:12 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
UCD Quinn School of Business Studies and the Business Teachers Association recognised the wonderful achievements of the school’s Junior Cert Results 2018. Congratulations to the 23 students who were awarded Certificates of Achievement for their A grades in their Business Studies examinations. A fantastic achievement for them and their teachers Ms Brady and Ms O Flynn.
Internet Safety
Created : 19 Mar 2019, 8:06 AM
Archived : 21 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
There will be a talk for parents regarding Internet Safety tomorrow, Wednesday 2oth March at 7.30pm in the school. The students will also have talks on the topic during the day.
Baitsiléir san Oideachas Trí Mheán na Gaeilge
Created : 01 Mar 2019, 1:47 PM
Archived : 15 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
Bhain daltaí ó bhlian a sé an-taithneamh as cuairt ón Institiúd Oideachais Marino chun eolas a chur orainn faoi Bhaitsiléir san Oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge.
Ireland's Got Talent
Created : 08 Mar 2019, 10:29 AM
Archived : 11 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
Good luck Kyra Whelan, a TY student in Holy Faith, Clontarf, who is performing in Ireland's Got Talent on Saturday 9th March at 7.30pm. She is part of FLY Dance company which is based in Glasnevin.
Dublin Division 3 Badminton Champions
Created : 28 Feb 2019, 6:29 PM
Archived : 08 Mar 2019, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the 1st year badminton team on winning the Division 3 Dublin title. Third year in a row that the school has held the title. Good luck in the Leinster finals.
Senior Football
Created : 18 Oct 2018, 9:11 PM
Archived : 07 Mar 2019, 10:42 AM
On the sunny afternoon of the 18th of October, Holy Faith went up against Loreto Balbriggan in the first match of the season for our Senior team. Loreto won the throw in, but after a brilliant block by Ciara Rooney Holy Faith gained possession. Lizzie O’ Callaghan blocked a ball creating a 45 for Loreto. Aine Quigley made a great block and Aine Walsh was pushed to the ground in a battle for the ball. Loreto got the first goal of the match. Holy Faith won a penalty and Ava Mcmahon scored. Holy Faith scored two more points and a free point was given to Loreto after a push on the back. Aine Brodie makes a great block and after a great run and point by captain Niamh there was a break in the game because of no spare match ball. Goalie Alice blocks a goal and Aine Walsh makes a great run and scores a point. Alyson Roddy intercepts a pass and weaves it with Kim and Aine. At half time the score is 4-5 to Loreto and 1-9 to HFC. When the whistle was blown for the second half Holy faith won possession in the throw in. Player Niamh Hetheron made a great run resulting in a score for Holy Faith. The team were working very well together and after a great catch by Aisling Moran which stopped a potential score for Loreto the odds seemed to be on Holy Faiths side. When mid field player number 8 for Loreto made an attempt at a goal Ellie Hynes made a magnificent block keeping Holy Faith in the game. After only ten minutes number 18 Ciara Rooney was badly injured, despite her injuries she played on and intercepted a pass from Loreto. There was a great battle on the pitch and the intensity was high as neither team wanted to lose. Alison Roddy put up a great fight for the ball which resulted in a throw up by the ref. Aine Walsh and Aine Quigley worked very well together running off eachother and passed to Maeve Walsh who scored a great goal making the match even more intense. After a point was scored by Loreto Holy Faith were determined not to lose and an amazing goal was scored by our number 15 Lily Kavanagh. After more outstanding team work from Niamh, Ellie and Aisling another goal was scored by Maeve putting Holy Faith only 2 points behind. So close to the end, player Aine Walsh smashed the ball to the back of the net putting Holy Faith in front by a point. Not long after, the final whistle blew resulting in a well deserved win for Holy Faith . The final score was 4-11 to 4-10. TY Journalists: Aoibhe Treacy & Emma Mason