Displaying 901-910 of 1739 results.
2nd Year Personal Safety Workshops
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 12:26 PM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Online workshops around the area of personal safety have been organised for 2nd Year students. This workshop will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 16th March (please see schedule below).
The programme lasts approx. 2 hours and will cover the following subjects: Consent, bullying, boundaries, body image, texting/sexting, sending and receiving inappropriate images, inappropriate use of words and actions and their consequences. The topics will be discussed age appropriately.
We ask that all students have their cameras on as this increases the interaction between the facilitator and students.
2nd Years - Tuesday 16th March from 9.00am - 4.00pm
9.00 - 11.00 (2A & 2B)
11.30 - 1.30 (2C & 2D)
2.00 - 4.00 (2E & 2F)
Zoom links for each group will be sent via Google Classroom.
2nd students, when not involved with their scheduled workshop time tomorrow, will have no classes.
We hope that everyone will find this workshop helpful and beneficial.
Leaving Certificate Candidate Portal
Created : 15 Mar 2021, 8:21 AM
Archived : 15 May 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year students,
Please see link below to a Candidate Self-Service Portal (CSSP) Step by Step Video Guide which has just been published. The content of the video mirrors that of the CSSP 'Before You Start' Guide published last week.
REMINDER from the State Exams Commission:
Students have only 2 days left to record their Leaving Certificate choices on the Candidate Portal. It is essential that all students complete the registration and subject selection process before the deadline of Tuesday, March 16 at 6 pm. Any student who has registered but not made their subject specific selections should arrange to do so without delay. Remember, the process is not complete until you have received the email from the SEC with details of your subject specific selections from the SEC. Students are urged to not leave this important process until the last minute.
Thomas Meagher Literary Competition
Created : 11 Mar 2021, 9:51 AM
Archived : 11 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Huge Congratulations to Naas CBS student Sean Og Boland who won 'Best Poem' in the Thomas Meagher Literary Competition.
Please see message below from the Thomas Francis Meagher Foundation:
'We were delighted to receive such a wealth of diverse entries to the Awards programme this year despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. We sincerely applaud all the students and their teachers for their efforts and creativity this year. I don't doubt that Thomas F. Meagher would be thrilled to see the school children in 2021 celebrating the Irish flag in such a wonderfully inspiring way.
We had a huge number of entries and we thank all students for their hard work, time & effort. Each and every student is to be congratulated on the wonderful work that they put in'.
Best Poem - Sean Og Boland 1st Year CBS Naas (Please click on the image below to see a copy of the poem)
Well done again to Sean Og on this wonderful achievement.
World Book Day Winners
Created : 10 Mar 2021, 4:27 PM
Archived : 10 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations to the winners of our World Book Day Competition. There is a €30 one-4-all voucher being awarded to six of the most creative entries. We will post these out during the week.
Well done to everyone who entered and many thanks to the English Department for your work with this competition. A collection of images from the winning entries can be viewed by clicking 'view gallery' at the end of this notification.
Please see the list of winners below:
Matthew Coe
Oisín Leane
Philip Byrne
Piotr Filipek
Barney Hennessy
Eoin Keogh
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one."
Transition Year - Parent & Student Chat Groups
Created : 10 Mar 2021, 10:54 AM
Archived : 10 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Just to remind TY students and parents that there are specific chat groups set up in the school app (separate to the notification feed) where I pass on various items of information.
The notifications for these groups need to be enabled within the chat itself and in your phone settings.
Please see the link to the following video showing this:
The chat groups can be found by navigating to the app menu, and selecting 'Chat Boards'.
It is worth checking these chat groups regularly incase any notifications are missed or don't come through. Messages are posted here frequently.
Leaving Candidate Self Service Portal 2021
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 3:55 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see below information from SEC:
The State Examinations Commission (SEC) has introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online through the Candidate Self Service Portal, and to indicate whether they want to take the examinations, or to receive SEC Accredited Grades, or both.
The Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) is a service provided by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) and the Department of Education for 6th year candidates entered for the 2021 Leaving Certificate.
The Candidate portal will open at 12 Noon on Wednesday 10 March and close at 6 pm on Tuesday 16 March.
The Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) can be accessed at www.examinations.ie or www.gov.ie/LeavingCertificate. Click on ‘Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) 2021’.
To assist Candidates the SEC has prepared a step by step ‘Before You Start Guide’ which is attached, and we are requesting your assistance in ensuring all candidates have read this Guide and the important information before they commence the registration process on the Candidate Self Service Portal
The ‘Before you Start Guide’ (PDF) updates the information provided in Circular 7/21 regarding candidates confirming that they want to sit examinations after the 16 March. Note please that it will be possible for candidates to update their choices at the end of April/early May to include indicating that they want to take an examination in a subject which they had opted out of taking. However, there are limitations on this choice as by the time the portal reopens candidates will have lost the opportunity to take any of the related assessment components in multi-component subjects.
Please see attached, Leaving Certificate Short Information For Students, Parents and Guardians.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
6th Year - Saturday Study
Created : 09 Mar 2021, 3:10 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to all Parents & Guardians that have been involved with the running of Saturday Study for our 6th Year students.
Unfortunately we are not in a position at present to run study but as soon as it is possible we will be in touch.
Kind regards,
Ben Travers
Past-Pupil Shane Coffey makes his debut for Providence College, USA.
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 5:48 PM
Archived : 09 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Shane Coffey (past-pupil 2020) who made his debut in the Big East Cross Country Championships in North Carolina on March 5th.
Shane is on an Athletic Scholarship in Providence College, USA.
Wishing you continued success in the future Shane.
Ms. Kilcoyne
Digital Detox
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 1:09 PM
Archived : 08 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Following on from safer internet day last month, another way to keep safe on social media is by monitoring our daily usage.
Please see the attached PDF to see the impact social media can have on your mental and physical health. Find out how much time you spend a day on social media and how you can reduce your use of social media each day.
Why not try our social media challenge this weekend to cut down your screen time!
Student Workshops - Personal Safety Ireland
Created : 08 Mar 2021, 8:55 AM
Archived : 08 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Online workshops around the area of personal safety have been organised for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year students. These workshops will take place over the next two weeks (please see schedule below).
The programme lasts approx. 2 hours and will cover the following subjects: Consent, bullying, boundaries, body image, texting/sexting, sending and receiving inappropriate images, inappropriate use of words and actions and their consequences. The topics will be discussed age appropriately.
We ask that all students have their cameras on as this increases the interaction between the facilitator and students.
Please see a list of dates and times below for each year group:
1st Years - Wednesday 10th March:
11.30 - 1.30 (1C & 1F)
2.00 - 4.00 (1A & 1B)
1st Years - Friday 12th March:
12.00 - 2.00 (1D & 1E)
2nd Years - Tuesday 16th March from 9.00am - 4.00pm (individual class times will be sent out on the app closer to the date)
3rd Years - Monday 22nd March from 9.00am - 4.00pm (individual class times will be sent out on the app closer to the date)
Zoom links for each group will be sent via Google Classroom closer to the date.
1st Year students will attend normal classes on both Wednesday 10th and Friday 12th from 9.00am - 11.00am. Outside of their scheduled workshop times there will be no regular classes for 1st Years.
2nd & 3rd Year students, when not involved with their scheduled workshop times on the 16th and 22nd of March, will also be free from regular classes.
We hope that everyone will find this workshop helpful and beneficial.