Displaying 861-870 of 1739 results.
Deutsches Frühstück in CBS Naas
Created : 27 Apr 2021, 11:18 AM
Archived : 27 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
To celebrate being back in school and learning in 'almost normal ' classes our Leaving Cert group had a German breakfast outside. Everybody got a Brezel, amongst other things. The Brezel is a typical snack for German children. Pupils often enjoy it as a standard snack for Kindergarten and right through all school years. We also had jam donuts, in German a 'Berliner'. The Berliner originates in Berlin and was first created in the 18th Century. Even though the weather wasn't all that nice we all enjoyed our breakfast outside. Here's hoping that many of our 6th year German students will continue to learn and speak German and maybe travel to Germany to experience food and culture first hand. M. Lonergan German Department
1st Year Vaccinations
Created : 26 Apr 2021, 3:15 PM
Archived : 26 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear 1st Year Parents & Guardians The vaccination team from HSE will be here on Thursday 29th April to administer the 2nd HPV vaccine and the MENACWY vaccine to 1st Years. Many thanks, The Management Team
Leaving Certificate Awards 2021
Created : 26 Apr 2021, 8:59 AM
Archived : 26 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year Students, As you know, we have an award’s ceremony for Leaving Certificate students in October each year. We would expect to have about 20 awards. The award winners are chosen by a combination of all staff, form teachers, Principal and Deputy Principals. For the past five years we have invited students to be part of this process and it has been very worthwhile. Hence, we would like to have your views on who you think should get an award. You might consider fellow students whom you think have made a special contribution to school life – by their leadership, strength of character, hard work (maybe in spite of adversity) and whom you think represent the best of qualities in the current leaving certificate class. You might like to nominate one to three students by clicking the link below (please ensure you are signed in with your school email address to complete the form): forms.gle/GS1cN2aVPdgTQLm49 Please submit all nominations by this Friday 30th April. Many thanks, The Management Team
Transition Year Work Experience 2021
Created : 25 Apr 2021, 8:04 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to all Transition Years on work experience for the upcoming week. All relevant documentation (Insurance etc.) is available in the classroom should any students require it. Al students must complete a project based on their week. This template is available in their Tutorials classroom under the 'Work Experience 2021' section. Any students working remotely can also continue working on the modules of the IACT courses (Computer Skills, Career Skills, Hospitality & Compliance Training). Upon completion, certificates can be included as part of their project. Contact me if there are any issues accessing these courses. Students are also encouraged to participate in the Foróige Careers Clinics taking place over the coming weeks. It is a good idea to for all students to continuously prepare for their Summer Portfolio Assessment by updating their digital portfolios. There is only 3 weeks of school after work experience finishes to prepare. Best of luck and should there be any issues don't hesitate to contact me. Regards, S.Coy sc@naascbs.ie
3rd Year Assessment 2021
Created : 23 Apr 2021, 10:11 AM
Archived : 23 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
As 3rd Year Parents and Guardians may be aware, assessment for our current 3rd Year students has been changed for this year due to covid-19. The traditional Junior Cycle exams have been cancelled by the Department of Education and schools are now assessing and reporting on 3rd Year student achievement. The Department of Education has set out guidelines for 3rd Year assessment which includes that all assessments must be completed and corrected by May 28th for 3rd Years. To avoid over-assessment, assessment criteria has been devised within our school which we feel will adequately reflect on the students achievements in each subject. As part of this criteria, assessments are taking place throughout April and May for our 3rd Years. These assessments have been communicated to students through their subject teacher. It is important that students manage their time and revision well over the coming weeks. With this in mind, please see the attached PDF which highlights all assessments which are taking place throughout April and May for our 3rd Year students. We would encourage that all parents and guardians please go through this document with your son to map out which assessments are relevant to him and to help him prepare. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school Kind regards, The Management Team

Maynooth University's Spring Open Day
Created : 23 Apr 2021, 9:40 AM
Archived : 23 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached PDF for information relating to Maynooth University's Spring Open Day. Many thanks, The Guidance Department

Reminder - Leaving Certificate Reference Forms 2021
Created : 02 Mar 2021, 3:16 PM
Archived : 21 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year students, Please see the link below for your Leaving Certificate Reference Form. This form is very important as many of you will need references from the school going forward. Please complete by Friday 23rd April if you have not already submitted this form. Please take your time completing the form below and remember that you must sign in with your school email account to access this document. Leaving Certificate Reference Form 2021 forms.gle/VvAcj39vkcU9kXUFA
Music Competition - 'Picture This' Prize
Created : 20 Apr 2021, 12:01 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to everyone who entered the music competition during lockdown. All of the entries were fantastic and we were so impressed with the talent in the school. Congratulations to Dylan Judge in TY who won the amazing prize. Dylan will receive two tickets to see Picture This on their next Irish tour as well as an exclusive 'Meet and Greet' backstage with the band. Dylan's entry will also be sent onto Picture This' own manager. Because there were so many brilliant entries we have chosen Conor Hayes in 2E as the runner up. Well done to everyone who entered and to Ms. O' Donovan for her work in organising the competition. Many thanks again to Brian Whitehead of LBW Music Management for providing the prize for the competition. Dylan and Conor’s entries are attached below. Well done to all involved! drive.google.com/file/d/140yFuuNA1vl-Lln4J_iTI8n62xpoVWk_/view?usp=sharing drive.google.com/file/d/1C8GdLJWUEG5HtGeh8vo36mZoNFsAu0uV/view?usp=sharing
6th Year Study
Created : 19 Apr 2021, 4:21 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th Year Parents, Guardians and Students, In the present climate we have decided not to conduct evening, night or Saturday study for 6th Year students. With the new strain of covid-19 we do not want to take any additional risks in order to ensure that we can keep the school open for all students. We will be re-assessing this weekly. While we would love to have study available for our students, their safety and welfare has to take precedence. Apologies for any inconveniences this may cause. Kind regards, The Management Team
SUSI Grants 2021
Created : 19 Apr 2021, 4:06 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached PDF for important information about SUSI Grants for 2021. The video link at the end of the PDF is also attached here youtu.be/T32FbCdSPX0 Many thanks, The Guidance Department
