Displaying 941-950 of 1739 results.
2nd Year Parent, Guardian & Student Survey
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 2:29 PM
Archived : 10 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
It was lovely to get an opportunity to link in with our 2nd Year students this morning. As mentioned in our meeting, we would like to touch base with both parents/guardians and students to see what is working/not working in regards to remote learning and what we can do to help. Please see below a survey link for our 2ndYear students and a second link for parents/guardians. If these could please be completed by Friday 12th February that would be very much appreciated. Student Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/2ndYrStudentSurveyNaasCBS Parent/Guardian Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/2ndYearParentSurveyNaasCBS Many thanks, The Management team
3rd Year Parent, Guardian & Student Survey
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 2:27 PM
Archived : 10 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
It was lovely to get an opportunity to link in with our 3rd Year students this morning. As mentioned in our meeting, we would like to touch base with both parents/guardians and students to see what is working/not working in regards to remote learning and what we can do to help. Please see below a survey link for our 3rd Year students and a second link for parents/guardians. If these could please be completed by Friday 12th February that would be very much appreciated. Student Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/3rdYearStudentSurvey Parent/Guardian Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/3rdYearParentSurvey Many thanks, The Management team
Safer Internet Day 2021
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 1:42 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
As part of Safer Internet Day 2021, the Irish Centre will host a series of free online safety webinars for teachers, parents and students. All webinars are free to attend and are available to everyone. Today, and everyday, remember to #BeKindOnline. www.webwise.ie/trending/bekindonline-webinar-series/?fbclid=IwAR1aCxw_RhdwZWr55Xso6X1EmZ7p3K7ObrXjmNZw4GUIJCxc6bTTsOawN1k
4th Year Parent/Guardian & Student Survey
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 9:21 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon, It was lovely to get an opportunity to link in with our 4th Year students today. As mentioned in our meeting, we would like to touch base with both parents/guardians and students to see what is working/not working in regards to remote learning and what we can do to help. Please see below a survey link for our 4th Year students and a second link for parents/guardians. If these could please be completed by Friday 12th February that would be very much appreciated. 4th Year Student Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/4thYearStudentSurvey 4th Year Parent/Guardian Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/4thYearParentSurvey Many thanks, The Management team
5th Year Parent, Guardian & Student Survey
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 9:15 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon, It was lovely to get an opportunity to link in with our 5th Year students today. As mentioned in our meeting, we would like to touch base with both parents/guardians and students to see what is working/not working in regards to remote learning and what we can do to help. Please see below a survey link for our 5th Year students and a second link for parents/guardians. If these could please be completed by Friday 12th February that would be very much appreciated. 5th Year Student Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/5thYearStudentSurvey2021 5th Year Parent/Guardian Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/5thYearParentSurvey2021 Many thanks, The Management team
6th Year Parent, Guardian & Student Survey
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 1:39 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Afternoon 6th Year Parents, Guardians & Students, It was lovely to have the opportunity this morning to meet with all of our 6th Year students. We will continue to keep in touch over the coming weeks with any updates from the Department of Education regarding Leaving Certificate 2021. In the meantime, we ask that both 6th Year Parents, Guardians & Students please complete the relevant survey below in order for us to gain important feedback as to how we can best support our students. If these could please be completed by Friday 12th February it would be greatly appreciated. 6th Year Student Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/6thYearSurvey 6th Year Parent/Guardian Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/NaasCBS6thYearParent As was mentioned in today's meetings, if anyone has any queries and concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school. A reminder that our guidance and counselling services are available to our students at any time. Kind regards, The Management Team
Schools News
Created : 05 Feb 2021, 10:55 AM
Archived : 05 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all staff and students for another week of tremendous work and effort. Because of the nature of online engagement staff and students have been spending a significant amount of time in front of screens. With this in mind we have decided to take a half day next Wednesday 10th February, classes will finish at 1pm. Please use the afternoon to take a break from all devices and to mind yourselves. The Management Team and relevant Year Head look forward to linking in with each Year Group next week. We will start with 6th Year students next Monday, two class groups at a time, at the times listed below. We hope to meet the other Year Groups, similar to an assembly, in one group sitting at other times throughout the week (please see schedule below) . 6th Years (Monday): 6A & 6C - 10.20 - 10.40 6B & 6G - 10.40 - 11.00 6D & 6F - 11.00 - 11.20 6E & 6H - 11.20 - 11.40 5th Years - Tuesday @11.50 4th Years - Tuesday @12.30 3rd Years - Wednesday @9.00 2nd Years - Wednesday @10.20am 1st Years - Thursday @10.20am The meeting link for each group will be posted in Google Classroom of the subject which is taking place during the scheduled meeting time. Following each year group meeting a survey will be sent to the relevant year group for feedback. A parent survey will also be sent out next week. With only one week left before the midterm break we ask that everyone continues to engage and apply themselves as best possible while taking essential time for yourselves too. Have a lovely weekend, The Management Team
Reminder "Google Classroom for Parents" webinar
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 12:57 PM
Archived : 04 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder for Parents & Guardians that the "Google Classroom for Parents" webinar is on this evening, Thurs 4th February @ 7pm. For anyone that cannot attend this evening Drumcondra Education Centre are hosting a second webinar on Thursday 11th February @7pm. Tutor: Ailbhe Nolan. To book your place go to ecdrumcondra-courses.com When registering enter 'xxxx' for TC number and school roll number.
5th Year Subject Choice Presentation
Created : 03 Feb 2021, 4:41 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Parents, Guardians & Students, Please see link below for a video presentation regarding subject options for 5th Year. This video is relevant for all Transition Year students and any 3rd Year students that are going directly into 5th Year. Please ensure that you watch this video before choosing your 5th Year subjects. A reminder that your subject option form should be submitted by this Friday 5th February. An app message titled '5th Year Subject Choice Form' was sent by Mr. Coy last Friday and contains the subject option form link. youtu.be/q-DTd0IR7J0 Many thanks, The Guidance Department
St. Brigid's Day Challenge
Created : 03 Feb 2021, 4:02 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to some of our 1st Year students who took part in a St. Brigid's Day challenge. Ms. Ward's 1st Years were set the challenge of making a St. Brigid's day cross. If students didn't have any rushes within their 5KM they had to be creative and make them out of materials from their house! Well done to everyone that got involved. Please see some of the results of this challenge below.