Displaying 881-890 of 1739 results.
Special Mention Board March 2021
Created : 26 Mar 2021, 9:30 AM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to the students on the Special Mention Board who were nominated for significant achievement over the last month. These students showed strengths in many different areas for example, excellent record of work, continually making a great effort, great improvement in work, excellent attendance, great improvement in behaviour, significant contribution to school or community and many other reasons. Please see attached PDF for a list of students. Many thanks, Ms.Conneely

Daffodil Day Fundraising - Thank You!
Created : 25 Mar 2021, 11:59 AM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Thank you for all the support received for our Daffodil Day fundraising event on Tuesday last. In total we raised and amazing €1290 for the Irish Cancer Society. Transition Year students took to the streets to walk/run 5km. I have included some of the photos the lads sent in with this post. Thank you again to everyone for their support and have a Happy Easter!
Reminder: Music Competition - 'Picture This' Prize
Created : 12 Mar 2021, 10:37 AM
Archived : 26 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to everyone who has entered the Music Competition so far, you have all been fantastic! The school has kindly been given an amazing prize for the competition, the winner will receive two tickets to a 'Picture This' Concert and a meet and greet with the band on their next tour. A huge thank you to Brian Whitehead from LBW Music Management for providing the prize. We are going to extend the deadline until Monday 12th April. If you have already entered this competition please feel free to re-submit your video before the closing date. Please email your entries to Ms. O'Donovan jod@naascbs.ie Best of luck!
‘One Year Isn’t Seven’
Created : 25 Mar 2021, 12:07 PM
Archived : 25 May 2021, 12:00 AM
‘’One Year Isn't Seven'' is a short monologue film written by Naas CBS teacher and local playwright Tom Noone. It is based on real events and real characters during the 'Spanish Flu' pandemic of 1918. The similarities between the pandemic of 1918 and today's pandemic become apparent and the film offers great hope and a fresh perspective. The story revolves around a young Naas girl Mollie Gray, Tom's grandmother and this part is performed by Tom's daughter. Mollie Gray was a member of the Naas branch of The National Women's Health Association. It was this group who were the frontline in many villages and towns in Ireland. In NAAS they were the ones who offered, support, help, supplies and food and HOPE to the people of Naas. www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrOnWsDPEuY
Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert 21’
Created : 25 Mar 2021, 11:52 AM
Archived : 25 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear 6th Year Parents, Guardians & Students, Please find video link below for an ESCI Webinar entitled: ‘Navigating the Final Term of Leaving Cert '21 - A Webinar for Parents’ vimeo.com/528740487/67509bcb59
1st & 2nd Year Parent Teacher Meeting Reports
Created : 23 Mar 2021, 1:21 PM
Archived : 24 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students, Due to covid restrictions we cannot conduct our Parent Teacher meetings as we traditionally would, in person, here in the school. Teacher reports for our 1st & 2nd Year students are now live and available under 'Term Reports' on VSWare. The reports are titled '1st Year PTM' & '2nd Year PTM'. Information on how to view reports in the VSWare section of the school app are attached in the PDF below. These reports can be accessed through the VSWare tab on the school app (see image below) or by clicking the VSWare icon on the main page of our school website. Please contact the school if you have any further queries, Many thanks, The Management Team

Daffodil Day Fundraising - TY
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 10:19 AM
Archived : 23 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Today the Transition Year group are doing some virtual fundraising for Daffodil Day and the Irish Cancer Society. Daffodil Day street collections have once again had to be cancelled this year. To help support the Irish Cancer Society and the 44,000 Irish people affected by cancer each year, we have set up a virtual collection page to raise vital funds. Today, TY students are doing a 5km walk or run but everyone is welcome to get involved! While out I want students to take a photo of their walk/run, and if possible, get some daffodils in the shot! Send the photo to me via email: sc@naascbs.ie There is a virtual donation page set up: daffodilday-virtualcollection.blackbaud-sites.com/fundraising/naas-cbs-transition-year-202021-fundraising-p All support is greatly appreciated!
5th Year Meitheal Application
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 12:45 PM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Thank you to the 5th Year students who put themselves forward for Meitheal next year. The interviews will be held in school on Tuesday 13th April. Any other 5th Years who would like to apply, please submit your application this week. Email Ms. M. Murphy (mdm@naascbs.ie) for details of the application process.
School Calendar March 2021
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 9:53 AM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder to everyone that as per our school calendar there will be no school this Thursday 25th March due to a Junior Cycle in-service for all staff. A reminder also that Personal Safety workshops are taking place online this week for our 3rd, 4th & 5th Years students (please see app notification titled 'Personal Safety Workshops' for further information) 3rd Years - Monday 22nd March (3rd Year students, when not involved with their scheduled workshop time, will have no classes today). 4th Years - Wednesday 24th March (schedule sent via TY chat board) 5th Years - Tuesday 23rd March (workshop will take place FROM HOME). Classes will go ahead for 5th Years as normal from 9-11 am on Tuesday 23rd at home through Google Classroom.
Naas CBS Rock Your Socks Campaign
Created : 22 Mar 2021, 8:42 AM
Archived : 22 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations and thanks to all our staff and students that got involved in our Rock your Socks campaign last Friday. It was a great way to have some fun both in school and at home while also joining in the global effort to raise awareness of Down Syndrome. Well done everyone that got involved and particular thanks to Ms Fennell for her work in raising awareness for this wonderful campaign.