Displaying 781-790 of 1741 results.
LC Results 2021 - A Special Mention
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 2:05 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
A special well done to fifteen of our students who achieved over 600 points in their Leaving Certificate. Those who achieved over 600 points were: Declan Kirwan, Jack O'Reilly, Ben Keogh, Jamie Butler, James Gallagher, Paul Dolan, Callum McIvor, Brian Wilson, Conor Wickham & Edward Carter. Those who achieved 625 points were: David Connolly, Eoghan Hyde, Sean O'Connor, Eoin Keogh & Hugo Devine. In particular, congratulations to Eoghan Hyde who achieved eight H1's in his Leaving Certificate. These are outstanding results from wonderful young men and we commend both them and their teachers for their work throughout the year. Best wishes, The Management Team
Leaving Certificate Results 2021
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 2:02 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations to all of our students who received excellent Leaving Certificate results this morning. We were delighted to get an opportunity to meet some of our Meitheal leaders who called into the school.. We are very proud of everyone today, in particular for the strength and resilience this year group has shown throughout the year. We look forward to meeting you in the near future to acknowledge these achievements. Stay safe and mind yourselves. Kind regards, The Management Team Please click 'View Gallery' below to see photos from today.

Return to School - 2nd Years 2021 - 2022
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 12:25 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
On Monday 6th September we look forward to welcoming back our 2nd Year students. A reminder that all covid-19 forms must be submitted via the app before students return to school. All 2nd Years please go to your first class on Monday morning. These classes are displayed on your timetable on your VSWare account but a class list for each teacher will also be displayed in the assembly on Monday morning. Please see a list of rooms and teachers below: Room 2/1- Mr. Derivan (Graphics) Room 4/7 - Ms. McQuaid (French) Room 2/22 - Ms. O'Donovan (Music) Room 3/3 - Ms. Drewes (German) Room 1/2 - Mr. Boland (Wood Technology) Room 2/3 - Mr. Whelan (Graphics) Room 1/1 - Mr. Cummins/Mr. Moore (Wood Technology) Room 2/12 - Ms. Maxwell (French) Many thanks, The Management Team
Leaving Cert Results Day 2021
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 2:06 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to the class of 2021 receiving Leaving Certificate Results today. Please see the attached PDF with a letter for all Leaving Certificate students from Principal Ben Travers.

1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Students (Phones)
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 4:50 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to all of our Parents, Guardians & Students to date for your support in regards to our policy on 'no phones for 1st & 2nd Year students'. We had an excellent year in promoting positive communication with one another and we hope to continue this going forward. We are now extending this practice to our 3rd Year students. This was discussed in today's assembly and we would ask you to support and encourage your son with this new approach. Your continued support is required and valued on this matter. Many thanks, Management Team
Return to School - 5th Years 2021 - 2022
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 3:04 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow, Friday 3rd September, we look forward to welcoming back our 5th Year students. A reminder that all covid-19 forms must be submitted via the app before students return to school. All 5th Years please go to your first class tomorrow which is Religion/Careers. Your Religion/Careers teacher is displayed on your timetable on your VSWare account but a class list for each teacher will also be displayed in the assembly in the morning. Please see a list of rooms and teachers below: Room 1/25 - Ms. Conneely Room 3/2 - Ms. McCabe Room 1/31 - Ms. Conroy Room 2/8 - Mr. Kelly Room 1/12 - Ms. Phibbs Room 2/22 - Ms. Ward Room 1/20 - Ms. Prendiville Many thanks, The Management Team
School Canteen
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 2:28 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
From Monday 6th September our school canteen will be up and running. Please see the two PDF's attached which include information about the canteen and the menu. Many thanks, Joe & Fran (School Canteen)


LC Results 2021
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 10:27 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students , On Friday 3rd September our 2020 - 2021 Leaving Certificate students will be receiving their Leaving Certificate Results. We want to take the opportunity to wish every one of our students the very best of luck and every best wish for the future. We could never have anticipated or comprehended that Covid-19 would still have an impact on our day to day school life. We would only love to meet you all on Friday, hand out results and shake each and every one of your hands as you prepare to take your next step forward in life. Although we cannot physically meet with you on Friday please be assured that everyone here in Naas CBS supports you and wishes you every success going forward. Please see the attached PDF from our Guidance Team regarding supports for the class of 2021, please arrange an appointment if necessary. Our counsellor AnneMarie Johnson has also offered her service to our students. Please contact Ms. Johnson on 0851404264 or by email amj@naascbs.ie if you wish. Any member of the Management Team are also available at any stage. The very best of luck to the class of 2021. Kind regards, Ben Travers

Return to School - 3rd Years 2021 - 22
Created : 01 Sep 2021, 12:36 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow, Thursday 2nd September, we look forward to welcoming back our 3rd Year students. A reminder that all covid-19 forms must be submitted via the app before students return to school. All 3rd Years please go to your first class tomorrow which is a mixture of Religion, P.E, Geography and CSPE. Please see a list of rooms and teachers below: Room 2/18 - Ms. Prendiville (3A CSPE) Gym - Ms. Purcell (3B P.E) - Arrive in P.E gear Room 1/12 - Ms. Burke (3C Geography) Room 4/4 - Mr. Joyce (3D P.E) Room 1/31 - Ms. Conroy/ Mr. Flood (3E Religion) Room 2/12 - Ms. Maxwell (3F Geography) Many thanks, The Management Team
Transition Year - Back to School Information
Created : 01 Sep 2021, 11:11 AM
Archived : 01 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear TY Parents, Guardians and Students, We look forward to welcoming you back very soon! Please see attached PDF document outlining some key information for our Transition Year students returning to school next week. It can also be viewed online through this link: docs.google.com/document/d/1JepydOpRT1QVJBUEZ2lbfbaaKoCoBgKrCMjwbX1ijjY/edit?usp=sharing Students will return to school on a staggered basis as we gradually reach the threshold of 1000 students in the building. All information is contained within the document. The document also outlines some key information around other aspects planned for the year including Work Experience and our adventure trip to Carlingford. Please take the time to read through this carefully. Please also note that class groups and timetables are still being finalised. Keep an eye on the App for updates. More information will follow. Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon, Stephen Coy TY Coordinator & Year Head sc@naascbs.ie
