Displaying 731-740 of 1741 results.
Reminder - Higher Options Event tomorrow (6th Years)
Created : 12 Oct 2021, 3:53 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached important information regarding the Higher Options Virtual expo on tomorrow (October 13th) which our 6th Year students will ‘attend’. We are allowing our 6th Years to work from home tomorrow as the event begins at 12.00 and does not conclude until 6pm. It is essential that each student Prepares and Plans (see PDF's attached) for the event, in advance. Access to the event is via a link which has been sent to every 6th Year student email account. It is essential that students login to their email account today to ensure there are no access issues. The password for each attendee is higheroptions2021 If you have any student email issues please contact Mr. Heffernan chf@naascbs.ie or Mr. Maguire lmg@naascbs.ie Wishing all our 6th years the best of luck with the event tomorrow, we hope you find it very beneficial. Kind regards, Ms M. Costello mc@naascbs.ie & Ms. O. Brophy ob@naascbs.ie Guidance Department.


Access To VS Ware
Created : 11 Oct 2021, 3:52 PM
Archived : 11 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Your school App gives parents seamless “Two Tap” access to their students VS Ware account. 1) Please go to Home Menu and tap on VSware 2) The App system pre-populates your username on the log in screen. 3) If you have previously saved your pass to your App profile both username and password are populated and you simply Login. 4) If this is your first time to login in through the App you will need to save your password into your App profile and this will then auto populate going forward. 5) Saving Password - Tap on "Manage Autofill” in top left corner of login screen - you will see your VSware ID. Please enter your VSWare password and then press SAVE. 6) Don’t have/know password - if you do not know your VSware password then select “Create or reset your password” on login page. When you have new password please go back to step 3 above and save this password to your App profile. 7) VSWare Help - Help guide is available here. You can email support@uniqueschools.ie here if you are still having difficulty and a member of the Unique Schools Customer Support Team will assist you. 8) VS Ware Help - if you have access please ensure you indicate YES here so the school can confirm your access. This will then show a GREEN DOT here. If there is a RED DOT indicating you are unable to access VSWare the Unique Schools team will reach out to assist you. Please see help guide attached. All queries to support@uniqueschools.ie

3rd and 5th Year Study
Created : 08 Oct 2021, 1:37 PM
Archived : 08 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Study will begin for 3rd and 5th Year students next Monday 11/10/21. The hope is that we will be able to accommodate 2nd Years in the coming weeks. Evening study begins at 4.15pm and finishes at 6.15pm on Monday to Thursday. Friday study runs from 2pm to 4pm. Students will be asked to vacate the premises immediately after study concludes. To secure a study place for your son please make payment through the school app (you will receive notifications shortly for each payment, please feel free to click 'opt-out' for any study options you are not interested in for your son). To make payment please go to the 'Shop' section on the left hand panel on the school app, then click 'School Payment' (see images below). There are four options for 3rd and 5th Year study, please consider each one before making payment. These options will appear in the school shop for your son. If you have a two son's in 3rd & 5th Year taking part in study please select the option for ONE STUDENT, AND also the option for a SIBLING DISCOUNT for the 2nd son. If you have a third son availing of 6th Year study please contact rj@naascbs.ie to arrange for a further discount. 1. Monday – Thursday (evening study) ONE STUDENT 2. Monday – Friday (evening study) ONE STUDENT 3. Monday – Thursday (evening study) SIBLING DISCOUNT 4. Monday – Friday (evening study) SIBLING DISCOUNT Please see the attached PDF outlining the School Study Rules. If you have any questions please contact rj@naascbs.ie Many thanks, Ronan Joyce (Study Coordinator)

Green School Committee
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 4:13 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
The Green School Committee is currently made up of 11 members. Our main goal is to make our school as sustainable as possible. We do a series of events and activities throughout the year to provide awareness of sustainability & climate change. Under guidance from Ms. Cowper, we have achieved 2 green school flags and have been finalists for the Green Schools Irish Water Ambassador Award 2020. This year, we will be working towards transport and sustainable transport. Our chairperson is Barney Hennessy (TY) and deputy chairperson is Jamie Moore (TY). New members are always welcome! We meet every Monday in the art room. Jamie Moore (TY)
Four Naas CBS Students win the 2021 Inter Provincial Series with Leinster
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 4:01 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Four of our 6th Year students trained all summer and were selected to play for Leinster U/18 Clubs in the Inter Provincial Series. The Leinster team beat Munster and Connaught in August and overcame Ulster in September to win the 2021 Inter Provincial Series. Congrats and well done to Jack Sheridan, James O' Loughlin (captain), Ethan Travers and Charlie Sheridan on this wonderful achievement.
Leinster Senior Cup
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 3:10 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Yesterday we travelled to Clongowes for the first round of the Leinster Senior Cup. The lads recorded an impressive 8-3 win. Both Mathew McCarrick and Colin Bolton scored 3 goals each, followed up by a goal each from Kyle Martin and Adam Greenhalgh. An outstanding all round performance from the lads and special mention to Darragh Cunningham for his man of the match performance. Best wishes to Clongowes for the season ahead. Mr. Sheerin
Transition Year Carlingford Adventure Trip Photos
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 12:00 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
We had a fantatsic few days with our TY students on our adventure trip to Carlingford this week. A big thank you is owed to the teachers who traveled on the trip and the many folks at Carlingford Adventure Centre who helped make this trip possible for our students. The students were a credit to themselves, the school and their families. I look forward to the next stage of our Transition Year journey together! Have a look at the photos attached to get a taste of what the lads got up to!
Higher Options (Schedule & Planning)
Created : 07 Oct 2021, 8:56 AM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year students, Please see the PDF's attached which contain a preparation sheet and schedule for next Wednesday. We hope they will be of assistance to you while preparing for the Careers fair. A reminder to all students that you will receive individual emails with your login link and password in the coming days. Please ensure you have paid for this event (Fee titled '6th Year Guidance/ Wellbeing) no later than tomorrow, Friday 8th October, to ensure you receive your login links in time.


Higher Options Event 6th Yr Students - Oct 13th
Created : 05 Oct 2021, 9:07 AM
Archived : 06 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see attached important information regarding the Higher Options Virtual expo on October 13th which our 6th Year students will ‘attend’. We are allowing our 6th Years to work from home that morning (Wednesday 13th) as the event begins at 12.00 and does not conclude until 6pm. It is essential that each student Prepares and Plans- see link document (PDF) - for the event, in advance. The ticket for the Higher Options event is included in the '6th Year Wellbeing/Guidance' fee. Please ensure payment for this is made before Friday 8th October to facilitate access to the event. Kind regards, Ms M. Costello mc@naascbs.ie & Ms. O. Brophy ob@naascbs.ie Guidance Department.

Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition
Created : 04 Oct 2021, 3:18 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students, Please see below details of this years Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition. The competition is open to all students who are aged over 16 years on 1st September 2021 and under 18 years on 30th May 2022. All entrants will receive a certificate of participation, with School and Club winners receiving certificates appropriate to their results. School interviews by Rotary members will take place during the week beginning 15th November 2021 with the Club level final taking place in Naas during the following week, 22 Nov. Zone Finals will be held in Jan 2022 for the winners of the various Club competitions. A copy of the application form can be collected from Ms. Power's office (please see Privacy Statement & Application form PDF's attached below) Kindest regards Naas Rotary Club

