Displaying 681-690 of 1741 results.
Junior Rugby Match
Created : 18 Nov 2021, 4:00 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Hard luck to Naas CBS Junior Rugby Team who were narrowly defeated by St. Andrews yesterday. Match Report from Ms. Joyce: It was an excellent game. Naas CBS had a tough start, spending the first ten minutes in their own 22 and conceding two tries (one converted). Then Naas found their rhythm. The tide turned with Harry Dunne, very smart in defence, stealing a ball and getting away a super, relieving kick. From there things started to click, with Naas winning much of the physical battles. Jack Osborne kicked a penalty (24 minutes) Charlie Croke went over for a try (28minutes) and Jack Osborne converted it. Half time score: Naas CBS 10 - St. Andrews 12. Naas started well in the second half, piling on the pressure which resulted in a sin bin for St. Andrews. Harry Dunne went over for a try after excellent interplay between backs and forwards and Jack Osborne converted. Three minutes from the end, St. Andrews went over for a try and converted. Naas fought to the end but the clock ran out and they were narrowly defeated on a scoreline of 19 to 17. It was a super Naas CBS performance. Naas CBS Team: 1. Joe Dwyer 2. Scott Cooke 3. Scott Whelan 4. Darragh Brownen 5. Conor butler 6. Harry Dunne 7. Zach Carvel 8. Josh Ward 9. Cillian Power 10 Cian McKevitt 11. Charlie Croke 12. Darragh Culligan 13. Jack Osborne, Jack Byrne, Darragh O Boyle, Ruadh Curran, Philip sammon, Patrick Clear, Jack Mullins, Darragh Cooke, Jake Bourke, Rian Scully.
Important Reminder regarding Inappropriate Use of Social Media
Created : 18 Nov 2021, 12:11 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & Guardians, It has come to our attention that material is being circulated among various social media channels, specifically TikTok and Instagram, linking to our school. The Principal was on the intercom this morning discussing zero tolerance for any misuse of representations of our school. Students were reminded that the use of anyone's image or written material pertaining to them, without their consent, is unacceptable and will be passed to the Guards to be dealt with. We would appreciate if you could please have a conversation with your son this evening in regards to this. Your support and cooperation with this is very much appreciated. Kind regards, The Management Team
Covid-19 Guidelines for Close Contacts
Created : 18 Nov 2021, 11:43 AM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents & Guardians, Please see PDF attached for important information regarding guidelines for covid-19 close contacts. Many thanks, The Management Team

Reminder - 6th Year Parent/Guardian Information Evening- Thursday 18th November 7pm
Created : 17 Nov 2021, 2:02 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
As per our school calendar please see information below from the Guidance Department regarding our 6th Year Parent/Guardian CAO evening: The scheduled Information Evening for Parents/Guardians of our 6th year students will take place this Thursday 18th November 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom. The event will cover a range of options available to our Sixth Year Students, including the CAO and its related schemes. We encourage our 6th Year students to join in also. Please see Link below. zoom.us/j/91520991520?pwd=QU53SWFXYXlabTVaSFpqYkxLdjVwZz09 Meeting ID: 915 2099 1520 Passcode: X63p1D Hope you can join in, Kind regards, Ms. Costello & Ms. Brophy Guidance Department (Please see PDF attached below)


Stand Up Awareness Week 15th - 19th November
Created : 10 Nov 2021, 12:51 PM
Archived : 18 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
This week (15th - 19th November) is Stand Up Awareness Week organised by BeLonG To. The aim of this week is to show support to members of the LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Intersex and other) community. Student wellbeing and feeling included in Naas CBS is of utmost importance to us all. Therefore, this year, we hope that the students and staff of Naas CBS can show their support by taking part in BeLonG To's Stand Up Awareness Campaign. Throughout the week in wellbeing classes there will be different aspects of Stand Up week taught as well as other activities students can get involved in. Friday, 19th November, is the national Rainbow Day for secondary schools in Ireland. Once again this year, BeLongTo is asking students and staff to #ComeIn Choose words that heal, not hurt. To support their campaign, we are asking students and staff to wear a specific colour, tomorrow Friday, to show support to the LGBTI+ community within our school: 1st Years - red 2nd Years - orange 3rd Years - Yellow 4th Years/Staff - green 5th Years - Blue 6th Years - Purple
Senior Soccer Win
Created : 17 Nov 2021, 9:52 AM
Archived : 17 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Yesterday our senior soccer team played Collinstown Park CC Clondalkin in the last 32 of the Leinster Cup. Another brilliant team performance led to a 7-0 win. Outstanding all around performance. Man of the match performance from Ruairi Hand. Mr. Sheerin
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 4:05 PM
Archived : 16 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Huge thanks to students, staff and parents for their generous contributions to the Christmas Shoebox Appeal. We had a great response and received a total of 66 boxes! Thanks to Mr. Warren for organising this worthwhile initiative.
Congrats to Naas Minor and Senior Hurling Champions
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 10:19 AM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Naas GAA who are Minor and Senior Hurling Champions for 2021! The Senior Team made history yesterday winning the first three-in-a-row for Naas. Well done to the Minor Captain Ben Loughlin, Player of the Match Ryan Sinkey and the rest of our students who represented the Naas Minor Team. We are very proud of you. Congrats to Mr. Whelan and Naas CBS past-pupils who lined-out for the Naas Senior Team. A fantastic week for Naas GAA!
On-Line Parent Survey Inspectorate Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 10:54 AM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, Each year the Inspectorate of the Department of Education carries out a comprehensive programme of inspection in schools. It will conduct a Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection (CPSI) in your child’s school in the coming days. What is a CPSI? A CPSI is an inspection of the implementation of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017. You can access a guide to CPSI inspection at: www.gov.ie/en/publication/f2c70a-child-protection-and-safeguarding-inspections/ Parent Survey You are invited to complete an online survey. The Inspectorate values your views on issues such as the climate in the school, how you and your child feel about school, and your awareness of the school’s child protection procedures, including its anti-bullying procedures; these are an important part of a CPSI. The survey may be accessed by clicking on the following link: For post-primary schools: dessurveys.education.gov.ie/surveys/CPSI-PP-Parent You will first be asked your preferred language and then you will be required to enter the school’s roll number. Your school roll number is: 61710C The deadline for completion of the survey is 5.00 p.m. on Monday 15 November 2021. What happens next? The CPSI will take place in your school on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November 2021. The report will be published on www.education.ie in due course. Thank you most sincerely for your co-operation. Inspectorate Department of Education A copy of this information is also attached in the PDF document below.

U16 Hurling match
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 1:31 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Reminder to all Under 16 hurlers to have gear in this Monday 15th of November. Match against Heywood. Throw in at 12 out in Eire Og. Bus leaving from the school at 11. Many thanks, Tom Crosbie