Displaying 1491-1500 of 1741 results.
Special Mention Board May 2019
Created : 05 Apr 2019, 9:40 AM
Archived : 16 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to the students on the Special Mention Board who were nominated for significant achievement over the last month. These students showed strengths in many different areas for example, excellent record of work, continually making a great effort, great improvement in work, excellent attendance, great improvement in behaviour, significant contribution to school or community and many other reasons. Please see attached PDF for a list of students

Final 6th Year Assembly
Created : 14 May 2019, 12:35 PM
Archived : 15 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Our final 6th Year Assembly will be held this Thursday 16th May during the 11.50am class. We look forward to meeting the entire year group at this important event. Kind Regards, Ben Travers
TY Cool Planet
Created : 14 May 2019, 10:00 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
It is essential that the TY Cool Planet permission form is completed for all those students not playing in the TY soccer Tournament, before tomorrow evening Wednesday 15th May by 6.00pm. To access this form, Tap the three lines on the top left of your main school app screen and scroll down to Permission Form.
A dIfferent kind of learning
Created : 14 May 2019, 9:45 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
A beautiful, sunny day at the beach learning how to surf and playing beach games, finishes the visit of our German exchange group. A day that students and teachers will always remember.
1st Year Sports Day
Created : 14 May 2019, 2:27 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
There will be a Sports Day this Friday 17th May for all 1st Year students. 1st Years will be taking part in either a soccer tournament on the pitch or a multi-sports tournament in the gym. Please wear appropriate sports gear for this event. 1st Year students should also bring some money with them as there will be an ice-cream van during the morning.
Triathlon Results 2019
Created : 14 May 2019, 12:52 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done again to all our students who competed in the Triathlon last Friday. Congratulations to Neil McGarry in 5th Year who won the overall prize coming in at a time of 28 minutes & 6 seconds. Well done also to all other students who placed in the various categories. Please click on the following link to access the Naas CBS Triathlon results sheet: www.championchipireland.com/results/index.php All photographs taken on the day will be placed on the digital display in the assembly area for the students to enjoy.
School Uniform - final weeks
Created : 14 May 2019, 12:28 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
We wish to remind all students that full school uniform must be worn for every class until the end of term including Summer and State Exams. Students will not be admitted to class unless they are in uniform. Students who are repeatedly not in uniform will be asked to go home and return in full uniform. Many thanks for your co-operation with this.
TY German Exchange Trip goes to Croke Park
Created : 13 May 2019, 6:14 PM
Archived : 14 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
An image of the German Exchange students and our own students enjoying a tour of Croke Park yesterday.
Naas CBS Triathlon 2019
Created : 10 May 2019, 5:18 PM
Archived : 10 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to everyone who took part in the school Triathlon today. It was wonderful to see so many students from 1st Year right through to 6th Year compete. Many thanks in particular to our Parents Council for the organisation that went into making today happen. Please go to the gallery link below to view some photos from today, more to follow on Monday.
Debating Awards
Created : 10 May 2019, 4:29 PM
Archived : 10 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to all our debaters who received certs at the Debating Awards Night last night. Particular mention to Adam Halford who was presented with the Cormac Clare Award for excellence in Debating and Public Speaking.