Displaying 1051-1060 of 1746 results.
Incoming 1st Year Students 2021 - 2022
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 2:27 PM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Reminder - If any parent or guardian has a son hoping to begin with us next September and has not yet returned the application form, please ensure the form returned by this Thursday the 22nd October.
Many thanks,
The Management Team
Junior Cycle - CBA Calendar & Reporting 2020 - 2021
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 1:09 PM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students,
Please see attached two PDF documents in relation to the new Junior Cycle.
The first PDF outlines our Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) calendar for the academic year 2020 - 2021. 3rd Year CBAs are taking place since September and will conclude in December. 2nd Year CBAs will take place from January to May and are highlighted in green on the calendar.
The second PDF is an updated reporting document which outlines which subjects are now in the new Junior Cycle and which grading system each subject is currently using. As you will see from this document all subjects for our current 1st and 2nd Year students are now in the new Junior Cycle and therefore will be graded using the new grading system e.g. Distinction, Higher Merit, Merit etc.
Our current 3rd Year students are using a combination of both the traditional grading system e.g. A,B,C etc. and the new Junior Cycle grading system e.g. Distinction, Higher Merit, Merit etc. The combination of both grading systems reflects the gradual roll-in of new Junior Cycle subjects over the last few years. Only three subjects in 3rd Year are using the traditional grading system (Religion, Technical Graphics and MTW - Materials Technology Wood). This is the last year these three subjects will use the traditional grading system. By September 2021 all subjects from 1st to 3rd Year will use the new grading system.
Please visit our website www.naascbs.ie and click the 'JCT' tab for further information.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
History Week - Heritage Walk
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 9:27 AM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to Liam Kenny and Brian McCabe, two local historians involved with the Naas local history group, who brought a group of our Transition Year students on a heritage walk today as part of History week.
Well done to all involved for a very enjoyable trip.
Particular thanks to TY student Fionn Monaghan for capturing some great photographs of the walk. Please see photos below and in the gallery section of the app.
Student Survey Feedback
Created : 19 Oct 2020, 8:29 AM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to all students for partaking in our Digital Learning survey. The results were very positive and a very good resource for us as a school to work from going forward.
Please see the attached PDF which provides an overview of the results for each year group.
If you have any queries or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
The Management Team
Lunchtime Movie for History Week
Created : 18 Oct 2020, 10:41 PM
Archived : 19 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Students enjoyed watching the historical film 'Dunkirk' at lunchtime as part of their activities for History Week. Thanks to the History teachers for organising this lunchtime activity.
TY Heritage Walk - History Week
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 12:54 PM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to Liam Kenny and Brian McCabe, two local historians involved with the Naas local history group, who brought a group of our Transition Year students on a heritage walk today as part of History week.
Well done to all involved for a very enjoyable trip.
History Week 2020
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 12:24 PM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to everyone who took part in the activities this week as part of History Week.
The teacher who made the most historical references as noted by their students this week was Ms. McMahon.
The winners of the chatterbox challenge were:
3rd Place: Daragh Lardner (1F)
2nd Place: Conor Murphy (3A)
1st Place: Aidan McGrane (1F)
Please see link below to view some of these chatterbox videos:
A historical debate on the motion of the effectiveness of IRA tactics during the War of Independence, 1920-‘21 will take place next week.
Well done also to all of the students who dressed in historical costumes today. Please see images below and in the gallery. Prizes for these are being distributed on Monday.
World Space Week 2020
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 8:28 AM
Archived : 16 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
As part of 'World Space Week' last week Ms. Houlihan's 2nd Year Science students built their own rockets and launched them in the school field.
The winners were Jacques Paquin and Gavin Judge.
Well done to all involved - NASA might be interested in these rockets!!
History Week Music Performance
Created : 15 Oct 2020, 9:08 AM
Archived : 15 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see link below for a recording of Tadhg Doyle-Lynch (5H) and Brian MacNamee (2E) performing a song about the 1798 rebellion in Wexford called "Kelly from Killane".
The History Department are going to play it in their History classes as part of History Week.
Well done to both Tadgh and Brian for their wonderful performance.
Digital Help for Students
Created : 14 Oct 2020, 6:06 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Google Classroom Support
A 'Digital Help for Students' class is now available for all students on Google Classroom. The Digital Help class was set-up by Mr. Heffernan and all students are welcome to join. The class contains 'help files' and "how to" videos for common computer or digital-related issues.
The code to join the Digital Help for Students class on Google Classroom is ug4q4fv
There is also a Digital Help session held every Monday during lunchtime (13:15 - 13:45) in computer room 2/15. All students and staff are welcome.