Displaying 21-30 of 1069 results.
TY Students enjoying workshops, demonstrations and talks, at TU Dublin
Created : 05 May 2024, 6:19 PM
Archived : 05 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

A big thank you to Ian Roller and all the Outreach and Engagement staff of TU Dublin, for the excellent workshops, demonstrations and talks, that were provided for our TY students, in the 2023/24 academic year. Students got to sample Debating, Electronics, Culinary, Medical, Astronomy, Printing, Photography, Visual Merchandising, Music, Podcasting, Surveying, Make-up, Biology, Product Design and Team Building, at their excellent campus facilities. A third-level course at their University is highly recommended by our students and we very much appreciate in Mount Carmel, all that was done for them, passing on our appreciation to the excellent staff of the different faculties working there.

Bank Holiday Weekend
Created : 03 May 2024, 10:24 AM
Archived : 03 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,

I would like to wish all of our school community a wonderful May Bank Holiday. Just a reminder that the school will be closed on Monday and Tuesday as per our school calendar. 

We hope our exam students will use this time wisely to revise for state exams and our other year groups put a revision timetable in place for their Summer assessments. 

Enjoy the break from school and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday May 8th at the usual 8.40am. 

Warm regards
Deirdre Fitzgerald 
Green Schools - Clean Up!
Created : 01 May 2024, 12:11 PM
Archived : 01 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM
Over the last 2 days, our wonderful Green Schools Team took part in a litter-pick of our school. This included picking up litter from areas like the front of our school, the basketball court and the car park. Our Green Schools Committee work hard in helping to keep our school litter free! 
Well done to all and remember to help keep our fabulous school a tidier place by putting your rubbish in the bins provided ️️
TUD Library Services Available for 6th Years
Created : 28 Apr 2024, 12:53 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Video explaining how to register to use TUD libraries for study until your Leaving Certificate exams are over. Please review and give thanks to @TUDublin 
Ty Trip to JP Morgan
Created : 28 Apr 2024, 9:37 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Last week a group of our Transition Years went on a trip to the Dublin office, of the famous American Bank (JP Morgan Chase). They were accompanied by Mr. Howard and Ms. Atkins. The students engaged in a question and answer session with employees from a across a range of departments in the bank and took part in a team building exercise called 'The Marshmallow  Challenge.' They all received backpacks, T-shirts and of course the much appreciated sweet treats.  A very enjoyable day, had by all.
Online Safety Talk
Created : 28 Apr 2024, 3:29 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Parents are invited to attend an online safety talk this Wednesday at 10am in our school Library. Please contact Caitriona on 0860200299 to confirm your attendance.
Reading Challenge Celebrations
Created : 25 Apr 2024, 8:38 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

We held a Pizza Party in our JCSP Library today for Roisín Class, the winners of our annual Reading Challenge. Students were given certificates and prizes for Most Words Read, Highest number of quizzes completed and Most Improved students. 

Well done to all and to Ms Curtin

There was a lovely atmosphere and we hope that the students were very proud of their reading achievements. 

We also held Prizegiving and two smaller celebrations for Aisling Class and Ciara Class to celebrate their successes in The Reading Challenge. More celebrations to follow next week. 

Anti-Bullying Poster Competitiom
Created : 24 Apr 2024, 11:44 AM
Archived : 24 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
The school is hosting an Anti-Bullying Poster Competition to raise even more awareness of Anti-Bullying around our school. Please encourage your daughter to take part and leave their entry to Ms Donoghue in F8 by Friday 3rd May. The prize will be an Art Supplies Hamper!
Attendance Initiative
Created : 12 Apr 2024, 7:56 PM
Archived : 13 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Hannah and Pia were the lucky winners of our perfect attendance raffle this week! We had 188 students with 100% attendance this week which is amazing keep up the good work girls. 
School Inspection
Created : 10 Apr 2024, 7:43 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Department of Education is carrying out an inspection in our school next week. They will visit our school for two days and are particularly interested in the subject of English. Please see a link that will explain what a school inspection is youtu.be/GQyEzg18SFI 

While in the school they may visit your child's class, find out what they are learning and see all the excellent work that is carried out in Mount Carmel. The inspectors may also talk to students in focus groups. To explain what a focus group is please see attached a video to explain youtu.be/ggvhW-ZgsGQ and see the attached poster.

We are very proud of the staff, students and entire Mount Carmel School Community and really welcome the chance to show all the good work being done here. 

Kind regards,

Deirdre Fitzgerald 

