Displaying 561-570 of 651 results.
Senior and Cadette Basketball
Created : 23 Oct 2017, 9:20 AM
Archived : 27 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
The Cadette A Cup team played against Cork on Thursday and had a fantastic win, 44-25. This qualifies them for a home quarter all Ireland final in November. Our Cadette B and Senior C basketball teams were also playing Mountrath on Thursday. They each played with great spirit and commitment. Unfortunately Mountrath were stronger, winning both games. The final scores of the matches were, Cadette: 20-30, Senior: 15-27.
Scoil Chríost Rí Open Night
Created : 13 Oct 2017, 3:10 PM
Archived : 27 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
Last night was our Open Night for parents of incoming 1st year students. Parents were addressed by Principal Ms. Helen O'Donnell and our Guidance Councillor, Ms. Carleen Egan. Our future students were divided into groups for sports in the P.E. Hall, after which they rejoined their parents for a tour of the school. There were a wide variety of displays and interactive experiments on display in the various labs and classrooms which were very well received. Many thanks to all of the members of staff, Prefects and the Student Council who who helped to organise this important date in our calendar.
National Women's Enterprise Day
Created : 13 Oct 2017, 9:53 AM
Archived : 27 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
Yesterday Seamus Doran, a business advisor from The Laois Enterprise Office came into talk to 5th year Business students and LCVP students. It was to celebrate National Women's Enterpise Day and he spoke about the funding and mentoring that is available to new and existing businesses. The girls very engaged surrounding the opportunities that business may afford them in the future.
Congratulations to former pupil Ciara Burke, who was awarded a prestigious Naughton Scholarship for engineering
Created : 28 Sep 2017, 8:33 AM
Archived : 27 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
This is a tremendous achievement which places Ciara among an elite group of scholars from all around Ireland. For more information, click the link: www.leinsterexpress.ie/news/portlaoise-/273043/laois-student-earns-20-000-scholarship-from-naughton-foundation.html
Transition Year Debating
Created : 13 Oct 2017, 9:11 AM
Archived : 20 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
Our Transition Year debating team won their first debate in the Concern competition, unanimously against Leinster Senior College, Newbridge yesterday evening. The confidence and conviction with which they spoke was unmistakable and hugely encouraging for the next round of the competition. The team captain was Sinead Ní Chuinn with Anna Lee Dowling, Lillibeth Culbert, Katie Walsh. Many thanks to Ms. Connolly for preparing the girls and facilitating the event.
6th Years at Mass Rock
Created : 12 Oct 2017, 9:16 AM
Archived : 20 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
Our sixth years visited Mass Rock in Stradbally Woods on Wednesday for a Mass service led by Fr. Paddy. There was music and song in what was a lovely holistic occasion which, despite the rain, was a great event, enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Ms. Byrne, Ms. Bailey, Ms. Ryan and Ms Poole for organising the event and accompanying the students.
Beginning of Year School Mass
Created : 06 Oct 2017, 10:42 AM
Archived : 20 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
Yesterday the community of students and staff in Scoil Chríost Rí celebrated our beginning of the year school mass. Fr. Paddy celebrated the mass and Fr. David, parish delivered a wonderful sermon on the theme of "Nourishing the light of our faith." Ms. O'Donnell spoke to the gathering about the importance of our school community and our mutual support of one another as we strive to move forward in learning and in our lives. Our choir delivered a number of fantastic renditions with Jennifer Osadolor an absolutely outstanding soloist. A very many thanks to Ms. Breen for her guidance and preparation of the choir and musicians, and Ms. Egan and the other members of the Religion Department who organised the occasion. It was a fantastic event, enjoyed by all.
School reopens
Created : 17 Oct 2017, 10:28 AM
Archived : 19 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
The school will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday 18th, for regular timetabled classes.
2nd Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Created : 13 Oct 2017, 3:56 PM
Archived : 19 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
The 2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th between 16.15-18.45. Classes will finish at 15.45.
School Closure
Created : 16 Oct 2017, 5:31 PM
Archived : 18 Oct 2017, 1:00 AM
In accordance with the directive from the Department of Education and Skills, Scoil Chríost Rí will remain closed tomorrow, Tuesday 17th October.