Displaying 661-670 of 2243 results.
Catholic Schools Week - Tuesday (24th January) Activities
Created : 24 Jan 2023, 2:46 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
-Staff were greeted by a lovely positive thought and message from the Ember Team in their pigeon hole/on their office desk this morning. -Five students, accompanied by Ms. L. Whyte, attended mass at 9.30 a.m. -Students continued to work on their posters for the poster competition. -Grace O’Donnell (Public Relations Officer of the Ember Team) read out the thought of the day over the intercom at 2.00 p.m. and led students and staff through the Le Cheile Prayer. #CSW2023 #catholicschoolsweek #lecheile #lecheiletrust1
Catholic Schools Week 2023 - Tuesday 24th January - Thought of the Day
Created : 22 Jan 2023, 11:55 AM
Archived : 24 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Today we are asked to think about walking together in love in our Catholic school. We learn many things in school. We learn things like reading, PE, science, music and art. Lord, help us to live like you taught us to. Together we pray the Le Cheile Prayer; In the power of the Spirit And in keeping with the traditions of our founding Congregations we pray that, For students and teachers alike; Our schools May be places of learning and discovery Places of hope and joy Places of courage and confidence Places of gratitude and generosity Places of faith rooted in love. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. #CSW #catholicschoolsweek #lecheile #lecheiletrust1
Hosting Ukrainian Families Roadshow Newbridge - 22nd March, KEADEEN Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Created : 22 Mar 2023, 8:45 AM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM

County Kildare Leader Partnership CLG., in collaboration with Helping Irish Hosts are inviting current hosts, and anyone interested in hosting to join us for an evening of celebration and information on what it's like to host a Ukrainian family and how to go about it. Please find details below & attached.


The event will take place in the Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge on Wednesday 22 March @ 7.00pm  


The evening will be hosted by radio presenter Keith Walsh, who will be joined by local host families and Ukrainian guests; Angie Gough from Helping Irish Hosts, and expert partners from The Irish Refugee Council, Nasc, Doras, The Open Community and the Irish Red Cross.


You can book a place here: http://bit.ly/3Zx7Rr2


This event is funded by County Kildare LEADER Partnership, through funding from the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP).


Blood donation clinic - Kilcullen 22nd March 2023
Created : 13 Mar 2023, 2:40 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM

Please see the attached Pdf for details of the Blood donation clinic in Kilcullen on 22nd March 2023

Catholic Schools Week - Monday (23rd January) Activities
Created : 23 Jan 2023, 12:50 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
-Five students, accompanied by Ms. A. Kelly, attended mass at 9.30 a.m. this morning. -Poster competitions started. 1st Years ~ Theme; ‘Walking Together to Celebrate’ in their R.E. classes. 2nd Years ~ Theme; ‘Walking Together in Love/Ag Siul go Gramhar le Cheile’in their Irish classes. 3rd Years ~ Theme; ‘Walking Together in Hope’ in their SPHE classes. TY (4th Years) ~ Theme; ‘Walking Together to Transform our World’ in their RE classes. *All entries will be on display outside the relevant classroom. *Adjudication will take place on Friday morning. *There will be three prizes per year. -Class Meeting; class teachers introduced students to the overall theme of Catholic Schools Week 2023 ‘Walking Together in Faith and Love’ and led students through the Le Cheile Prayer. -Jennifer Dowling (Chairperson of the Ember Team) read out the thought of the day over the intercom at 10.15 a.m. and led students through the ‘Our Father’. #CSW2023 #catholicschoolsweek #lecheile #lecheiletrust1
Catholic Schools Week 2023 - Monday 23rd January - Thought of the Day
Created : 22 Jan 2023, 11:52 AM
Archived : 23 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Today is the first day of Catholic Schools Week 2023. Today’s theme is ‘Walking Together in Faith’. Our Catholic School is a place where we learn to have faith in ourselves, in each other and in God. May we learn to have hearts of compassion, trust and love in everything we do, as we journey together in faith. Lord help us to live like you taught us to. #CSW2023 #catholicschoolsweek #lecheile #lecheiletrust1
Classes resume on Tuesday 21st March
Created : 15 Mar 2023, 5:46 PM
Archived : 22 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM

As per the school calendar, classes will resume on March 21st at the normal time. Wishing everybody a lovely long weekend and a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Catholic Schools Week 2023
Created : 22 Jan 2023, 11:06 AM
Archived : 22 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Today, Sunday, January 22nd marks the start of Catholic Schools Week 2023. The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is ‘Catholic Schools: Walking Together in Faith and Love’ Each of us are on a journey in life. For Catholics, this journey begins and ends with God. Each moment on that journey is a chance to come to know and love God, who has been revealed to us in Jesus Christ. We can feel God’s presence when we pray, when we spend time with loved ones, in nature, in moments of joy and when we come together as a community to celebrate God’s love at Mass. As we walk along our journey, God is with us every step of the way. Every Catholic school seeks to help students along their journey, nurturing their gifts and talents. Each student is a reflection of God with the potential to make society a kinder and more just place for all. The Church is currently in the process of synodality, which literally means ‘journeying together’. This means that Catholics are called to come together and discern what the Holy Spirit is calling the Church to do and to be. This Catholic Schools Week, we celebrate the unique contribution our schools make to the lives of our pupils, community and Church. As we journey together, may we always be inspired by the Holy Spirit to be all that God made us to be. May we walk together in faith and love. The daily themes are as follows; Monday ‘Walking Together in Faith’ Tuesday ‘Walking Together in Love’ Wednesday ‘Walking Together to Celebrate - Grandparents Day’ Thursday ‘Walking Together to Transform our Worl’ Friday ‘Walking Together in Hope’ “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Mic 6:8) Students and staff will be engaging in a variety of activities throughout the week to celebrate Catholic Schools Week here in CPC. We look forward to sharing it all with you. The Ethos Committee & Ember Team #CSW2023 #catholicschoolsweek #lecheile #lecheiletrust1
Clothes Collection TOMORROW
Created : 20 Jan 2023, 12:18 PM
Archived : 20 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
A reminder about our Parents Association clothes collection that takes place tomorrow SATURDAY 21st, 10am - 4pm. Please drop off your bags at the bike shelters at the at the top of the avenue into the school, just in front of the steps. We hope this well timed event helps with your spring cleaning!
Important memo from the HSE
Created : 18 Jan 2023, 4:09 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Please see attached an important letter from the HSE, which I am asked to bring to the attention of parents, guardians and staff.
