Displaying 1081-1090 of 2243 results.
U15 Girls Soccer Win in new jerseys
Created : 04 Feb 2022, 12:46 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Our U15 Girls Soccer Team played Naas CC today. The girls were kitted out in their brand new gear (very kindly sponsored by H&H Motors). The game finished in a 5-0 victory for CPC. CPC were brilliant throughout the match with the backline being super solid and we never really looked like conceding. Scorers on the day were Della Cowper-Gray (2), Miya O'Byrne (2) and Saoirse Purdue (1). Well done to all the girls.
Senior Cycle Pathways and Subject Choice
Created : 04 Feb 2022, 11:58 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Dear parent/guardian of TY students, over the coming weeks TY students will be asked to choose their subjects for Senior Cycle. To help them during this process a number of activities will take place: 1. During the week Monday 7th Feb - Friday 11th Feb, I will visit all TY classes and provide information on Senior Cycle programmes and individual Senior Cycle subjects 2. Cat4 (Aptitude) testing will take place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of March 3. During the week Monday 7th - Friday 11th March, TY students will have the opportunity to engage with 6th Year students at subject specific stands and teachers from each subject department will provide information on their individual subjects 4. The Senior Cycle Pathways and Subject Choice information evening for parents and guardians will take place on Tuesday 8th March. This will be a webinar event and registration details will follow closer to the time. Students will be asked to select their subjects by Wednesday 6th April. Feedback from the CAT4 testing will be provided to students in advance and they are also encouraged to make their own individual appointments with me if they wish. In the meantime if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at elainemcdonnell@cpckillcullen.com Kind regards, Elaine McDonnell 4th Year Guidance Counsellor
South Leinster Cross Country
Created : 05 Feb 2022, 9:43 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Congratulations to Emma, Miya, Aoibheann, Anna and Farida who represented CPC in the South Leinster Schools Cross Country. Out of 145 individual competitors the members of our team finished within the top 50. A special congratulations to Emma Cremin who finished in 12th position overall and qualified for the next round. Well done to everyone involved.
Let's talk about Parenting Programme from Kildare Library Service
Created : 01 Feb 2022, 11:09 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Dear parents/guardians, Please see the attached brochure outlining upcoming talks on the FREE Kildare Library Service ‘Let’s talk about Parenting’ Programme for 2022

Le Cheile Schools Saint Brigid’s Day Celebration - Online Showcase and share student action
Created : 01 Feb 2022, 10:43 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Five students will be representing the school today, St Brigid's Day, at an online Le Cheile celebration where they will showcase their student action in the school. The purpose of this celebration is to share with other schools what we do here in CPC to live out the Gospel values through awareness, friendship and helping those in need. It will give the students a chance to hear what other schools are doing too! The students involved are Mikey Arthur (2C), Eleanor Steed (2E), Abbey McNamara (4D), Orla Lally (4C) and Nadia Jachura (4C). They will be showcasing all the work they and their class/student council/community care group etc do for the school and wider community. Best of luck to them today!
Happy Lunar New Year 恭喜发财
Created : 03 Feb 2022, 9:17 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Happy Lunar New Year 恭喜发财 This week TY students completing the Chinese Studies module learned about the festivities and celebrations which take place to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 2022 is the year of theTiger, starting from 1st February and finishing on 21st January 2023. In Chinese culture the tiger is a symbol of courage and power, strong in the face of adversity and persistent in pursuit of its goals. To welcome in the Lunar New Year, students sampled some popular Chinese snacks while experimenting with paper crafts to produce Chinese New Year Dragon Fortune Puppets.
Advice to Parents attending Parent teacher Meeting for first Years
Created : 01 Feb 2022, 3:28 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Minister Foley confirms arrangements for State Examinations 2022
Created : 01 Feb 2022, 2:20 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Minister Foley confirms arrangements for State Examinations 2022 Following a Government decision today, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has announced extensive changes to the state examinations for 2022. To take into account the disruption to teaching and learning experienced by the Leaving Certificate class of 2022, extensive changes will be made to the written Leaving Certificate 2022 examinations. In addition, the Minister has announced that the overall set of results in 2022 will be no lower than in 2021, ensuring that the class of 2022 will not be disadvantaged. The Junior Cycle examinations will run in June as normal for the first time since 2019. The Minister attended a meeting of the advisory group on state examinations this morning and advised of these changes. The decision to make the extensive changes to the examination papers has been taken to provide the Leaving Certificate students of 2022 with certainty and clarity and will provide the fairest pathway to successfully completing their post-primary education and enabling them to progress to further and higher education and training, apprenticeships and the world of work. Full details of the extensive changes made to the examinations will be published next week on gov.ie/Leavingcertificate and on the SEC website www.examinations.ie, and notified to schools who will communicate this to students. The examination papers from 2021 will form a useful guide to students in preparing for the examinations and teachers assisting them in their preparations. Minister Foley said: “The Leaving Certificate class of 2022 has experienced significant disruption to their learning and their school experience. In light of this, following extensive engagement with the advisory group on planning for state examinations, I can confirm this plan for significant changes to the examinations, which takes account of the experiences of students during the pandemic and will provide the best possible pathway for this year’s Leaving Certificate students. “The students had a number of concerns. They wanted clarity and certainty. I have answered both of those valid concerns by making this announcement earlier than last year. “Students also raised concerns over the potential disadvantage the class of 2022 would face when compared to the class of 2021 in terms of grade inflation. To alleviate this concern, I have asked the SEC to put in place measures to ensure that the overall set of results in the aggregate for this year will be no lower than last year. “Today I can confirm extensive changes to the written paper in acknowledgement of the challenges our students have faced. They build on the changes already made to the papers and notified to students last August. These combined changes mean that students need not be concerned that they will be disadvantaged compared to their peers. The exams will be structured in a familiar way, but with more choice and a reduction in the number of questions to be answered this will not be the traditional Leaving Certificate exam. "Throughout this extensive engagement process there were many varied and valued opinions and concerns raised by the stakeholders. I want to thank sincerely all the members involved in the Advisory Group process, students, parents, teacher unions, school management bodies and the State Examinations Commission, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, the Higher Education Authority and representatives of higher education for their intensive engagement with my Department on this issue.” An alternative set of Leaving Certificate examinations will be run in 2022, shortly following the main set of examinations. These examinations will be limited to certain categories of students, such as those who experience a close family bereavement, COVID-19 illness and certain other categories of serious illness, during the first examination period. There will be strict eligibility criteria applying to this contingency sitting. Junior Cycle examinations will also take place this summer. Adjustments to the assessment arrangements for Junior Cycle have been made and advised in August 2021, including a reduction in the number of Classroom Based Assessments to be completed, the removal of the requirement to complete Assessment Tasks and adjustments to the requirements in coursework and practical performance tests. These adjustments provide for more teaching time in schools. The timetable for the written Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle examinations in June will be published by the State Examinations Commission in the coming days, following engagement with stakeholders. The arrangements for Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations in Irish and the Modern Foreign Languages and the practical performance tests in Leaving Certificate Music are as advised late last year. These examinations will take place outside of school time over the first week of the school Easter holidays, with the examinations running in schools during the six-day period Saturday 9 April to Thursday 14 April inclusive. Working with the State Examinations Commission (SEC), and the SEC examiners assigned to the school in each subject, schools will have some flexibility in scheduling the examinations during this period based on local needs. Running the oral examinations before Easter will leave students free over the second week of the Easter holidays. The SEC has also notified students and schools of additional flexibility in the completion of coursework. All aspects of staging the State examinations will be guided by public health advice and schools will be supported and given clear guidance on the staging of the examinations. The impact of COVID-19 continues to present many challenges and present many unknowns. The Department of Education will be working closely with the State Examinations Commission with a view to ensuring that the results of the examinations are available in time to meet the needs of students and stakeholders.
6th year Saturday Study
Created : 03 Feb 2022, 11:14 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:23 PM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I am delighted to say that Saturday study for 6th year students will begin this Saturday, 5th February 2022. Sincere thanks to our Parents' Association, who generously volunteer to supervise, Study will run from 10am until 1pm on Saturdays (apart from holidays and other notified days via the school app), providing students with a quiet place to study. If your son/daughter wishes to avail of this free service please send an email to saturdaystudy@cpckilcullen.com with their details. All established school Covid measures still apply during study. I hope that those who avail of the opportunity find it beneficial. J Leonard, Principal.
CPC School Calendar
Created : 31 Jan 2022, 4:00 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Did you get your 2022 calendar yet? If not, please consider purchasing the CPC calendar which showcases original art work from students across the school community. The calendar was a co-project of our Student Council and Parents Association and we are very proud of what they have achieved together. The calendar can now be purchased for just €10. Thank you for your support.