Displaying 1731-1740 of 2354 results.
TY aptitude test results
Created : 20 Mar 2020, 9:35 AM
Archived : 20 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, Ms McDonnell had planned on giving back the aptitude test results to the fourth years during this time and had also scheduled some one to one sessions in relation to subject choice for 5th year. Mr Dennehy has set up an email address through which parents can access their son/daughter's report. If parents could email levelgreport@cpckilcullen.com and put their child's name in the subject bar Mr Dennehy will be able to send the report to you. Ms McDonnell says that any students who made an appointment with her re subject choice will be prioritised on our return and if anyone would like to contact her via email ( elainemcdonnell@cpckilcullen.com ) regarding this while we are away from school that is no problem at all. My thanks to Ms McDonnell and Mr Dennehy for this. J Leonard.
Mindfulness exercises
Created : 20 Mar 2020, 9:17 AM
Archived : 20 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, My thanks to Ms Carty for putting together the attached document outlining some techniques to help us all to take care of ourselves during this time. It is so important to mind ourselves and I think each one of us and our families should give this a try. I hope it is useful. Ms Carty also recommends the app 'Calm", which has a free section and may be worth a look too. Best wishes J Leonard


Free school eBooks and other useful websites
Created : 14 Mar 2020, 6:12 PM
Archived : 20 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, you may find the following links useful to access electronic versions of books and other resources which many book companies are providing now all for free. In addition there are some free revision books included in these links. Well worth checking out, along with the other websites listed below which you may find useful. Gill Education providing online resources requested free. Go to gillexplore.ie/products & find your resource or for further support contact digitalsupport@gill.ie CJ Fallon books my.cjfallon.ie then click student resources or here mailchi.mp/feff273525a7/free-ebook-access-for-teachers-parents-and-students Also Leaving Cert Revision books free here us10.campaign-archive.com/?u=42ecf40d2d66de172a760b678&id=b74abbdc3a Edco books available here edcolearning.ie free accounts using the following codes Junior Cycle - Username jcedcobooks Password edco2020 Leaving Cert - Username lcedcobooks Password edco2020 Educate.ie - go to educateplus.ie to access ebooks and resources Folens folensonline.ie/registration/?r=t… Register as a teacher & use the special code below for Roll Number Secondary school resources: Sec20 iRevise.ie are giving free access to all premium services - use the code STUDYCENTRE at the checkout and you will have free access Below is a list of resources & websites (with thanks to Ms Lennon for compiling) that can be used to help with online study at home. www.scoilnet.ie/go-to-post-primary www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie www.projectmaths.ie www.studyclix.ie www.teachnet.ie www.examinations.ie www.khanAcademy.org www.webwise.ie www.schooldays.ie www.irevise.com.ie www.studynotes.ie www.focal.ie For those on Twitter the hashtag #edsharie and #edchatie can be useful for finding all sorts of resources that are being shared. Remember to manage your screen time and not get too distracted by the online content. Best wishes J Leonard
Statement from the State Exam Commission
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 12:44 PM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, please see the following statement from the SEC offering further clarification on this morning's announcement: www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-PR-99651218.pdf As outlined this morning by the Minister, at this point all remaining practical and written exams are scheduled to proceed as planned and so students should continue to prepare with this in mind. Most importantly, all students should continue to follow the expert medical advice regarding hand hygiene and social distancing. Balance your schoolwork with looking after yourselves...exercise, eat well and get plenty of sleep. With every best wish to the entire school community J Leonard, Principal.
Update from DES on exam arrangements
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 11:38 AM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Further to my previous post, please see this statement on the Department of Education website regarding cancellation of Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle Oral and Practical Performance Tests here: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-03-19.html Please note the detail regarding practical exams. At this point the only practical exams cancelled are the Leaving Certificate Music, Junior Certificate Music and Home Economics. Deadlines for project work and coursework for a number of subjects have been extended to May 15th 2020. Please read the statement for further details.
Oral and practical exams update
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 11:15 AM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, you may well be aware of the latest media reports regarding oral and practical exams scheduled to begin next week. Please see details here: www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0319/1124108-coronavirus-education/ This announcement has just been made by the Minister for Education Joe McHugh and further details will be available throughout the day. J Leonard, Principal.
6th Year Students
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 3:40 PM
Archived : 18 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi All I hope that you and all of your families are keeping well at this time. Please try to keep busy and complete the work set by your teachers. Also make the most of this time to study. Edco are offering free access for JC and LC students to their Revisewise resources. If I can be of any help in anyway please email me. I am also attaching some tips regarding study. Please keep safe and listen to all advice given. Best wishes, Ms Mills

John Boyne Short Story Competition
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 2:42 PM
Archived : 18 May 2020, 12:00 AM
John Boyne is running a short story competition for three age categories ranging from 6 to 18 years old. Maximum 300 words. Excellent prizes and the chance to be judged by some of Ireland 's very successful writers and even have your story read out on RTÉ Radio Liveline. Fantastic prizes. Go to johnboyne.com and /or see screenshots attached.
TY work
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 11:00 AM
Archived : 18 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please find TY work below. Engage in Community work at home by doing a minimum of two hours per day. Create schedule in conjunction with your parents /guardians Clean bathrooms Vacuuming Dusting Helping younger siblings with homework Make dinner Baking Do not break social distancing rules. Engage with your friends by Facetime etc Encourage grandparents and /or elderly neighbours to stay at home. When using Social Media be positive, only share information from reliable sources Write a card and post to the residents of Willowbrook Nursing Home and Curragh Lawn Nursing Home and any other nursing home you know. Exercise. (If outside make sure to respect social distancing) Create a 'Wellbeing' newsletter using your 'Ways to Wellbeing' book by John Doran and any appropriate information you find online. The newsletter may be hand written or typed. Learn how to type using www.typingclub.com A prize will be given to the student who shows the best progress. Read a book of your choice and write a review (if you are looking for inspiration consider reading a book from the LC course 2022, list is available online) Enter the World Vision Essay Competition judged by Ryan Tubridy, closing date 31st March. For details go to www.worldvision.ie Research three career possibilities using www.careersportal.ie. Create a presentation outlining the career description, course requirements, course content and subsequent job opportunities Write a short story entitled 'The Window Theatre' or 'After Rain' Be kind
Collection of books - today 4pm to 4.30pm only. Please read instructions carefully.
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 10:50 AM
Archived : 18 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I have had a small number of queries regarding collection of books from lockers. As you know, the Taoiseach has instructed that schools be closed and staff are only on site as necessary. However, I am keen that students have their books so that they can keep up with study while this period of closure continues. I have arranged for the following: 1. School will be open from 4pm until 4.30pm today, March 18th, for the sole purpose of collection of books. 2. Students are instructed to come individually to school. Any groups of students who attend will not be allowed access. 3. There should be no congregating, simply come in, go directly to get books and leave again. 4. The only door that will be open is the main door near reception at the Assembly Hall end of the school. There will be no other access point. Thank you J Leonard Principal